Why do people still believe in Jesus and Christianity?

Assumption of victory fallacy. 'Expert' worship. Circular argument fallacy (fundamentalism). It is not possible to prove any god or gods exist. It is not possible to prove a god or gods do not exist.

Appeal To Nonsense Fallacy.
Fortune Cookie Fallacy.
Itchy Leg Fallacy.
Subverted Inversion Fallacy.
Because just once I would love to see one l of you fucking cockroaches back up something you say with something other than your opinion.

When it comes to declaring whether a god exists or not, it is just opinion. Nothing more. It is a circular argument. It is not possible to prove either way.
The definition of a religion (defined by philosophy) is by their common trait. All religions are based on some initial circular argument (which itself is not a fallacy) and arguments extending from that.

For example, in Christianity, the initial circular argument is that Jesus Christ exists, and He is who He says He is (namely the Son of God). ALL other arguments in Christianity stem from this initial circular argument.
In the Church of No God, the initial circular argument is that no god or gods exist. All other arguments in this religion stem from that initial argument.

The other word for the circular argument is 'faith', or the Argument of Faith.

Trying to prove a circular argument results in the circular argument fallacy. This is what a fundamentalist does. Both of these previous religions have fundamentalists among them. The Church of No God tends to be fundamentalist in nature.

I am a Christian. I do not need to prove Jesus Christs exists. I have faith that he does. I do not need to prove that God exists. I have faith that he does. I find that there are great benefits to following His principles and gospel.
Anything which cannot be tested for truth is itself meaningless. Like I said, why not worship the possibility that God is an elephant. We can't prove it false, right?

Why must it be meaningless?

That is a bumper sticker, not a comment discussing anything serious.

Are there any sentient beings living on any of the planets circling the nearest 25 stars to Sol?

No goddam way to test it.

But is it meaningless?
According to Wikipedia,

But, hey. Since right-wingers like to ignore expert consensus when it fits their narrative (global warming, etc), I'll do the same with the issue of Jesus' historicity when it fits my atheistic narrative. Fair is fair.

Define 'global warming'. Science does not use consensus. The Church of Global Warming is a fundamentalist style religion. You are not atheist. You belong also to the Church of No God. You are a theist.
You will have to familiarize yourself with Plato, Saint Augustine, Immanuel Kant, Buddhist, Christian, Hindu traditions for that, because interpretations very widely. However, they all maintain that there is an ultimate truth, an ultimate reality, a metaphysical liberation which exist beyond or independent of the quarks and leptons we can detect in particle accelerators.

I'd say it is absolutely certain (by definition) that there is an ultimate truth...and ultimate reality.

Whatever is...actually is.

And whatever that is...is the ultimate reality...which, in turn, is the ultimate truth.
PMP. Is that from the 'Love your Neighbor' portion of the Bible?

It depends upon what bible he's actually using.

Religion is supposed to be myth.

Nope. A religion is based on some initial circular argument with arguments extending from that. A myth is a story involving supernatural beings or events. It is not the religion itself. Even the term 'supernatural' remains undefined here.