Why do people still believe in Jesus and Christianity?

You do not know what "inversion fallacy" is. And you don't get to make up your own meanings.

An inversion fallacy is when one projects their own problems upon another as an argument. It is an invalid argument, since they are describing themselves or something diametrically opposed to the argument. It did not create this fallacy or it's meaning. A fallacy is an error in logic, a closed functional system like mathematics.
An inversion fallacy is when one projects their own problems upon another as an argument.

It is not.

"Inversion fallacy": Denying the antecedent, sometimes also called inverse error or fallacy of the inverse.

a formal fallacy of inferring the inverse from the original statement. It is committed by reasoning in the form:[1]

If P, then Q.
Therefore, if not P, then not Q.

which may also be phrased as

P → Q {\displaystyle P\rightarrow Q} P\rightarrow Q (P implies Q)
∴ ¬ P → ¬ Q {\displaystyle \therefore \neg P\rightarrow \neg Q} \therefore \neg P \rightarrow \neg Q (therefore, not-P implies not-Q)[1]

My claim was not that religion is meaningless. My claim was that proofs of afterlife or no afterlife are meaningless.

You specifically mentioned religion as meaningless. However, since you have narrowed you claim to this:

No proof is possible (other than dying and then coming back to life). Therefore, there is nothing to be meaningless.
You specifically mentioned religion as meaningless. However, since you have narrowed you claim to this:

No proof is possible (other than dying and then coming back to life). Therefore, there is nothing to be meaningless.

Find where I said religion is meaningless. Never said that. I only referred to statements about afterlife. You are being contentious.
It is not.

"Inversion fallacy": Denying the antecedent, sometimes also called inverse error or fallacy of the inverse.

Nope. Wikipedia is wrong, like usual. You cannot use this as a reference with me.
Denying the antecedent is not an inversion fallacy. You cannot project your own problems against another as an argument. That argument is invalid.
Find where I said religion is meaningless. Never said that. I only referred to statements about afterlife. You are being contentious.

If you want to deny your own statements, go right ahead. I don't need to show you your own posts. If someone wants to look it up, they are free to do so.