Why do racists run like their ass is on fire from being called a racist?

LOL at Fowlnoxious...she simply can't find a way to move on...
If anyone has a theory about why she is unable to do so, please share;)
Exactly...He's at the top of the smallish list of dedicated and truly offensive racists here...he's goes out of his way to stir up racial hatred every chance he gets-he'd find a way to inject race into nearly any conversation, no matter how inappropriate...most people thankfully, don't share his radical views on race, here on JPP or in America in general and certainly aren't as notoriously anti-white. (I'm always happy to see him posting here, with his little thank you crew-means he's not out in the real world spewing(though I'm sure he'd never spout what he does here face to face with anyone)

Speaking of "his little thank you crew", how much longer till Mason shows back up?
Why do you post such bullshit?
It's people like you who keep the racial divide widened in this country.

He, like the typical race pimps of his ideology, want things divided. It gives them excuses to blame white people when his own people fail to succeed.
:rofl2: Oh sure, the policies and actions of a virtually all white party filled with racists have nothing to do with it.

Yet your side constantly and automatically focuses on race anytime something happens you don't like. When your focus is constantly on race, BOY, YOU'RE the racist. Look in the mirror and see the shit colored stain you were born.
:rofl2: Oh sure, the policies and actions of a virtually all white party filled with racists have nothing to do with it.

With all this oppression against white males we see everyday, how long until our substantially all white male government passes some civil rights legislation
to redress all the injustice?
With all this oppression against white males we see everyday, how long until our substantially all white male government passes some civil rights legislation
to redress all the injustice?

Where are the whites asking for such legislation?

When are all the blacks that benefit from affirmative action going to say stop, we want to be judged by the content of our character rather than the color of our skin?
The Republican party supports racists, ergo....

That alone justifies the broad brush and unrelenting condemnation of the entire party. You want us to stop calling Republicans the racist party, start
by shouting them down and making it clear they have no place whatsoever in your party and are unwelcome. We can then worry about policy, but you
people don't even shout them down anymore. "How hard is it to denounce the KKK?" For Trump that is heavy lifting, requiring equivocation, "on the other hands"
and alternative facts.
Havana poon is in the house! Live from England to fiddle in US right wing politics! Nice life.

... as if there isn't enough clownish behavior in his own country for him to worry about.

What was the name of the last limey to come poking it's 'royal' nose in American politics that we chased out of here?
... as if there isn't enough clownish behavior in his own country for him to worry about.

What was the name of the last limey to come poking it's 'royal' nose in American politics that we chased out of here?

I can't recall. I am a DCJ reject/castaway. It would be strange for me to go to an English politics message board.

I'm tempted to say philly rabbit. LOL His whole anglophile western civiliation purety stance...