Why do racists run like their ass is on fire from being called a racist?

Could it possibly be that the moron you're talking to is citing an article by Planned Parenthood ,. written by a white woman .. as proof of my racism against .. white women?

I don't read his ignorant posts, but could it even by possible that this is what he's talking about?

That's exactly what PIMP is arguing. According to him, you are a racist because you quoted a white person saying that other white people should do more to advance equality, like black women have been doing. Evidently merely using common terms for skin color now makes the speaker racist. lol
racism will go away when we stop talking about it

and not a moment before

So people like you and blackascrap are as toxic as they come to the issue, and you don't even realize it
Black History Month will be here soon..What's everyone got planned?

^ Hahahaha. I guess exploiting Dr. King's day wasn't enough for this racist; now she's got an ENTIRE MONTH to pretend that she's not a white-sheet-wearing hater. lol

LOL...why is Fowlnoxious still following me around? There has to be some kind of award that we can give her for this never-ending obsession of hers.
Oh, and I think she needs to post the screenshot a few more times. Just to sure everyone knows who she's not ignoring...:)
She is very very cowardly. If you only knew;) Perhaps she'll decide to share with all of you here and throw up a link or two;)
Those who already got your PM...well, you know. And thanks for sharing.
That's exactly what PIMP is arguing. According to him, you are a racist because you quoted a white person saying that other white people should do more to advance equality, like black women have been doing. Evidently merely using common terms for skin color now makes the speaker racist. lol

Yet another demonstration of how far racists will bend over to prove their own ignorance.

Look at how ignorant these assholes are.
Yet another demonstration of how far racists will bend over to prove their own ignorance.
Look at how ignorant these assholes are.

Yep. Last week our resident Grrl Racist, Toxic TOP, tried to shamelessly exploit MLK Day by pretending she went to some fictitious racism workshop and insisting that the rest of us did nothing. The last few days she's switched to asking everyone "What are you doing for Black History Month?" Yeah, that fooled us, right? lol
Yep. Last week our resident Grrl Racist, Toxic TOP, tried to shamelessly exploit MLK Day by pretending she went to some fictitious racism workshop and insisting that the rest of us did nothing. The last few days she's switched to asking everyone "What are you doing for Black History Month?" Yeah, that fooled us, right? lol

I saw that.

You have to appreciate the sheer desperation of racists to get a clear picture of this society.

I love the smell of their desperation. Smells like victory .. is closer.
Why do you say that? Because you don't have an answer, or did the question strike a nerve of guilt?

'don't have an answer' ;0) That's funny.

'did the question strike a nerve' .. that's even funnier.

The name of my song is, 'Lily-Livered Racists Hiding Behind Their Own Shadows.'

Racists recognize the term 'racist' is so vilified and rejected in today's society that they attempt to hide behind the word. They attempt to brand those who stand against racism as racists themselves. It's a monumentally failed attempt .. nobody buys it .. but they keep on trying anyway. Thus, the party of virtually all white people vainly attempts to brand the party of diversity as racist.

Their growing desperation has driven them to try to brand other white people who reject the racist evil as 'racist.' That's deep. ;0)

Right-wing republican .. synonymous with the term racist. But they no longer have the courage to stand up and proudly proclaim themselves what they know they are, what they know they represent .. and the skies over the future do not bode well for them. Their own ideology is killing them. They do not have the ability to attract non-white people to their cause.

An illustration .. the majority of white voters in 2016 voted for Donald Trump .. and Hillary Clinton still had 3 million more voters.

If that's too confusing to you .. I do understand.
'don't have an answer' ;0) That's funny.

'did the question strike a nerve' .. that's even funnier.

The name of my song is, 'Lily-Livered Racists Hiding Behind Their Own Shadows.'

Racists recognize the term 'racist' is so vilified and rejected in today's society that they attempt to hide behind the word. They attempt to brand those who stand against racism as racists themselves. It's a monumentally failed attempt .. nobody buys it .. but they keep on trying anyway. Thus, the party of virtually all white people vainly attempts to brand the party of diversity as racist.

Their growing desperation has driven them to try to brand other white people who reject the racist evil as 'racist.' That's deep. ;0)

Right-wing republican .. synonymous with the term racist. But they no longer have the courage to stand up and proudly proclaim themselves what they know they are, what they know they represent .. and the skies over the future do not bode well for them. Their own ideology is killing them. They do not have the ability to attract non-white people to their cause.

An illustration .. the majority of white voters in 2016 voted for Donald Trump .. and Hillary Clinton still had 3 million more voters.

If that's too confusing to you .. I do understand.

Why do you post such bullshit?
It's people like you who keep the racial divide widened in this country.
Why do you post such bullshit?
It's people like you who keep the racial divide widened in this country.
Exactly...He's at the top of the smallish list of dedicated and truly offensive racists here...he's goes out of his way to stir up racial hatred every chance he gets-he'd find a way to inject race into nearly any conversation, no matter how inappropriate...most people thankfully, don't share his radical views on race, here on JPP or in America in general and certainly aren't as notoriously anti-white. (I'm always happy to see him posting here, with his little thank you crew-means he's not out in the real world spewing(though I'm sure he'd never spout what he does here face to face with anyone)
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