Why do racists run like their ass is on fire from being called a racist?

LOL at Fowl...he knows that wasn't me...why so extra desperate lately? If you're going to make stuff up, at least make an attempt to be creative.
Same goes for nosam. He was spotted right away:)

It's funny you projected again, using the term "desperate." I'm too sure some random person just happened by, using almost the same name as five other joining attempts, and the location and age of another person from Amazon who is not you. Dumb twat. lol

Here's your latest profile. I redacted the age and city; he's already discussed here what state he's from so no point in whining about "personal info." I wouldn't deign to rain on your parade in that field. *snicker*


64 :)
Guess what they call you and everyone else white who stands against racism? ... drum roll .. a racist. :palm:

White-hating racist white people is what they call non-racist white people.

According to racists, if you don't agree with them and don't hate non-white people, you're a racist.

... go figure.

Their mental ineptitude knows no bounds.

HaHa! Yes, that is always a classic!

Oh, yeah I have been called a self-hating white racist, a terrorist-sympathizer, a Saddam Hussein-lover, Communist, Bolshevik, Marxist, smelly hippie....you would not actually believe the things I have been called, accused off, charged with....and always, without a single exception, it is always from a dim witted, belligerent, socially-inept, resentful, rightwing loser!

To actually see a well-reasoned, informed, and compelling retort from Trumptard is unconditionally the exception, rather than the rule.
Most of their responses involve poo-flinging, belligerent bellowing, insulting, libeling, key board pounding, foot stomping, and hollering. It all seems to be a result of either alcoholism.... or mental retardation!

I am telling you man, it's a zoo out there!
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I read the post that BAC pasted into the thread......the statements he posted were racist......I don't care if they were his first hand or second hand......because he didn't state that he was condemning what she said it becomes his racist statement.....I agreed that only an ignoramus would equate performance with race.......BAC qualifies......so do you.......so does Richards.......deal with it......

Are you saying it's racist because she called out white women? I thought the definition of racist was pretty well fixed but the more I read from the cons here, the more I realize they have their own definition.
Are you saying it's racist because she called out white women? I thought the definition of racist was pretty well fixed but the more I read from the cons here, the more I realize they have their own definition.
They often have their own definitions. It’s incredible.
I respond to your response. That’s how this works. I know you think you’ve destroyed me- your ego aside, you have not destroyed anything. Your name calling and bully like behavior is poof only of my perspective on the matter, not yours.

You are more than welcome to IA me, that does not hurt, nor bother me. I understand you have no patience for someone who points out your hate filled racism. IA away.

I am actually adding you to my thread ban, in part because you are a vile racist, but really mainly because you are mind-numbingly boring, appear barely educated, and are evidently incapable of writing anything remotely interesting, compelling, or even mildly funny or entertaining.
It's funny you projected again, using the term "desperate." I'm too sure some random person just happened by, using almost the same name as five other joining attempts, and the location and age of another person from Amazon who is not you. Dumb twat. lol

Here's your latest profile. I redacted the age and city; he's already discussed here what state he's from so no point in whining about "personal info." I wouldn't deign to rain on your parade in that field. *snicker*


64 :)

HaHa! Yes, that is always a classic!

Oh, yeah I have been called a self-hating white racist, a terrorist-sympathizer, a Saddam Hussein-lover, Communist, Bolshevik, Marxist, smelly hippie....you would not actually believe the things I have been called, accused off, charged with....and always, without a single exception, it is always from a dim witted, belligerent, socially-inept, resentful, rightwing loser!

To actually see a well-reasoned, informed, and compelling retort from Trumptard is uncontionally the exception, rather than the rule.
Most of their responses involve poo-flinging, belligerent bellowing, insulting, libeling, key board pounding, foot stomping, and hollering. It all seems to be a result of either alcoholism.... or mental retardation!

I am telling you man, it's a zoo out there!

It's a zoo no doubt .. but you can see why I laugh at the ignorance discard it like used tissue.
HaHa! Yes, that is always a classic!

Oh, yeah I have been called a self-hating white racist, a terrorist-sympathizer, a Saddam Hussein-lover, Communist, Bolshevik, Marxist, smelly hippie....you would not actually believe the things I have been called, accused off, charged with....and always, without a single exception, it is always from a dim witted, belligerent, socially-inept, resentful, rightwing loser!

Ditto. That's how we know we are on the right side of history.

My thankfully-deceased father-in-law made Archie Bunker look like a saint. We lived in a "mixed" suburb of STL and the whole family's favorite word to use when encountering non-whites started with the letter N. Like Archie he was a loud-mouthed bullying personality who brooked no dissent. One day when we were over there he was going on and on about N-word this and n-word that, referring to some ppl who had moved in behind them. I snapped and told him that I "never want to hear that word again in front of my kids, do you hear me? We live here, they're going to go to school here, our neighbors and friends are black, the kids don't need to know that word." Dead silence from the entire family. No one ever dared speak up to the old fucker. He glared at me and called me a commie n-word lover. I flipped him off, picked up my kids (5 yo and 2 yo) and marched out and never set foot in his house again, nor would I allow the kids there. Made for super ugly times at home, since dick-less husband was in thrall to his equally dick-less dad.
You are a forum moderator? How disappointing. Not sure it matters to state the obvious, but your intellectualism isn't very compelling. You and your racist pal do much disservice to real acts of racism.

See what I mean? Your posts are predictable, boring, flaccid.....I mean, at parties people generally try to get away from you within 5 minutes of meeting, eh?

Phantasmal is impervious to your insults. She already has widespread respect here......she doesn't need racist losers to like her, man!
Ditto. That's how we know we are on the right side of history.

My thankfully-deceased father-in-law made Archie Bunker look like a saint. We lived in a "mixed" suburb of STL and the whole family's favorite word to use when encountering non-whites started with the letter N. Like Archie he was a loud-mouthed bullying personality who brooked no dissent. One day when we were over there he was going on and on about N-word this and n-word that, referring to some ppl who had moved in behind them. I snapped and told him that I "never want to hear that word again in front of my kids, do you hear me? We live here, they're going to go to school here, our neighbors and friends are black, the kids don't need to know that word." Dead silence from the entire family. No one ever dared speak up to the old fucker. He glared at me and called me a commie n-word lover. I flipped him off, picked up my kids (5 yo and 2 yo) and marched out and never set foot in his house again, nor would I allow the kids there. Made for super ugly times at home, since dick-less husband was in thrall to his equally dick-less dad.

Great story....You are awesome!

My Mama would not tolerate racist subhumans either, and for that I am eternally grateful to her.

Keep up the good work!
Great story....You are awesome!
My Mama would not tolerate racist subhumans either, and for that I am eternally grateful to her.
Keep up the good work!

Thanks. Guess I did all right; my oldest son (who was the 5-yo on that day) is married to a intelligent, accomplished (BS in engineering, + MBA + teaching cert.), energetic woman of color he met 19 years ago. My g-kids are amazing too. G-son graduates this year and has a scholarship at LSU; plans to go into physical therapy. G-daughter will be 11 in April and like me she loves art, animals, reading, texting like forever, being outdoors doing stuff, and has the most amazing sense of humor ever. Her future career varies by what day you ask. :)
Thanks. Guess I did all right; my oldest son (who was the 5-yo on that day) is married to a intelligent, accomplished (BS in engineering, + MBA + teaching cert.), energetic woman of color he met 19 years ago. My g-kids are amazing too. G-son graduates this year and has a scholarship at LSU; plans to go into physical therapy. G-daughter will be 11 in April and like me she loves art, animals, reading, texting like forever, being outdoors doing stuff, and has the most amazing sense of humor ever. Her future career varies by what day you ask. :)


That is a living testament to your ability as a mother. Well done, lass!
Are you saying it's racist because she called out white women? I thought the definition of racist was pretty well fixed but the more I read from the cons here, the more I realize they have their own definition.

I think a person with at least average intelligence can figure this out......it will be more difficult for you......."These victories were led and made possible by women of color", but white women don't......they need to do more because the victories were not led by white women......they were not made possible by white women......you know, the kind of thing only an ignoramus would say.......and only an ignoramus would post here......and only an ignoramus would defend......and only an ignoramus would "thank".......
I am actually adding you to my thread ban, in part because you are a vile racist, but really mainly because you are mind-numbingly boring, appear barely educated, and are evidently incapable of writing anything remotely interesting, compelling, or even mildly funny or entertaining.

Im not here to humor you, who, btw, isn’t funny either- You obviously need to insert yourself here in order to feel important, so do whatever you need to do. Anything to help you maintain that false sense of importance you have.

Anything else you need to pronounce to the world?
See what I mean? Your posts are predictable, boring, flaccid.....I mean, at parties people generally try to get away from you within 5 minutes of meeting, eh?

Phantasmal is impervious to your insults. She already has widespread respect here......she doesn't need racist losers to like her, man!

Im not the one using tired material- It’s ok, it has been obvious from the get go that you desperately need affirmation from your pals-

She doesn’t have wide spread respect- I didn’t recognize her moniker at first. I was told who she was after the fact. She’s as predictable as you say I am, imagine that.
LOL at Fowl, Mason, nosam, Larry...did I forget anyone? (Shallon, Master, 2teach, etc.-surprised you didn't let them out of the clown car to chime in;) I thought if you were banned, you weren't allowed to use socks?
That now famous screen shot isn't mine, any more than the fake Top account was.
Keep trying, though!
"Busted", you say nosam (I thought you were all about hiding your name, Mason?) Yep...Twice now, as a matter of fact. Which one of you goes next?
Maybe Stone will start a poll and we can guess:)
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