Why do racists run like their ass is on fire from being called a racist?

That's spew more drivel- I point to the majority of what you post. I have no need to get involved with dissecting your monologues of racist venom to form my opinion, one shared by others I might add. While you are free to pretend you don't spew racial hatred, I am free to form the opinion that you do.


Let me guess Jethro .. you didn't even look for any anti-racism rants of yours against real and glaringly obvious racists because you know you've never once in your entire life stood against racism.

Sure, you're free to form any stupid ass opinion that crosses your incredibly ignorant mind .. and I'm free to make you look as dumb-as-a-turd ignorant as I just did.

Free to expose you as I just did. ;0)

Let me guess Jethro .. you didn't even look for any anti-racism rants of yours against real and glaringly obvious racists because you know you've never once in your entire life stood against racism.

Sure, you're free to form any stupid ass opinion that crosses your incredibly ignorant mind .. and I'm free to make you look as dumb-as-a-turd ignorant as I just did.

Free to expose you as I just did. ;0)

I'm standing against your racism. You don't like it, I get it. You are the a-typical bully. Name calling doesn't hurt my feelings. You are not a man with his finger on any kind of profound truths. You are merely a man whose mind is profoundly warped with racial hatreds pounding away on his key-board.
I'm standing against your racism. You don't like it, I get it. You are the a-typical bully. Name calling doesn't hurt my feelings. You are not a man with his finger on any kind of profound truths. You are merely a man whose mind is profoundly warped with racial hatreds pounding away on his key-board.

Don't like it .. you're the funniest asshole I've spoken to in some time. I quite enjoyed stomping on your ignorance.

But my question is why are you still posting to me? I've heard your senseless bullshit about me being a racist .. I've destroyed it. All you have to left offer is your feelings. Awww.

But I find conversations with you distasteful. I have no interest in continued discussions about your feelings.

If you have nothing else to offer, why post to me about this non-isue?

Why not just put me on Ignore just as I'm going to do to you if you post to me again about bullshit you can't back up?
Don't like it .. you're the funniest asshole I've spoken to in some time. I quite enjoyed stomping on your ignorance.

But my question is why are you still posting to me? I've heard your senseless bullshit about me being a racist .. I've destroyed it. All you have to left offer is your feelings. Awww.

But I find conversations with you distasteful. I have no interest in continued discussions about your feelings.

If you have nothing else to offer, why post to me about this non-isue?

Why not just put me on Ignore just as I'm going to do to you if you post to me again about bullshit you can't back up?

I respond to your response. That’s how this works. I know you think you’ve destroyed me- your ego aside, you have not destroyed anything. Your name calling and bully like behavior is poof only of my perspective on the matter, not yours.

You are more than welcome to IA me, that does not hurt, nor bother me. I understand you have no patience for someone who points out your hate filled racism. IA away.
:0) Nobody gives a fuck about what you think about me but your fellow racists.

Question dummy .. there are lots of real racists on this board. Ignorant racist motherfuckers like CFM, TDAK, chinky, and a host of others. Nobody needs to search for their racist comments, they spew them everyday.

Can you point me to your condemnation of their racist thoughts and comments?

I'll wait.

He won't condemn those lowlifes any more than he'll criticize Josh Duggar for being a pedophile.
Even for you this is lame. Where in the article is she criticizing white women for their skin color?

seriously?......first of all, I'm pretty sure BAC is still a he.........second, according to his post black women were effective in their actions, white women were not.....if that isn't a distinction based solely on skin color nothing is......
seriously?......first of all, I'm pretty sure BAC is still a he.........second, according to his post black women were effective in their actions, white women were not.....if that isn't a distinction based solely on skin color nothing is......

Seriously did you actually read the article? "She" refers to Cecile Richard, not BAC. She asked white women to step up more. She didn't criticize their race and she didn't say white women were ineffective, just that they had to do better. Only an ignoramus could equate performance with race.
seriously?......first of all, I'm pretty sure BAC is still a he.........second, according to his post black women were effective in their actions, white women were not.....if that isn't a distinction based solely on skin color nothing is......

Pointing out a statistical accuracy is not the same as making a bigoted statement, PIMP.

Example of racist statement sometimes seen on JPP: White people have higher IQs than black people
Example of accurate statement: More white people have masters degrees in the U.S. than do black people

BTW, the President of PP is a white woman. She's the one who made the statement that she believed that white women need to step up political involvement that BAC quoted.
Seriously did you actually read the article? "She" refers to Cecile Richard, not BAC. She asked white women to step up more. She didn't criticize their race and she didn't say white women were ineffective, just that they had to do better. Only an ignoramus could equate performance with race.

I guess he skipped/ignored my posts praising white women for their efforts and leadership.
Seriously did you actually read the article? "She" refers to Cecile Richard, not BAC. She asked white women to step up more. She didn't criticize their race and she didn't say white women were ineffective, just that they had to do better. Only an ignoramus could equate performance with race.

I read the post that BAC pasted into the thread......the statements he posted were racist......I don't care if they were his first hand or second hand......because he didn't state that he was condemning what she said it becomes his racist statement.....I agreed that only an ignoramus would equate performance with race.......BAC qualifies......so do you.......so does Richards.......deal with it......
LOL at Fowl...he knows that wasn't me...why so extra desperate lately? If you're going to make stuff up, at least make an attempt to be creative.
Same goes for nosam. He was spotted right away:)

But it was you , even your friend knows it was you.