Why does socialism usually fail?

And the level of the "mix" is where we fundamentally disagree, where all parties disagree, it is what separates us.

I think your subjective list of the "standard of living" is flawed and does not account for the culture and different drive levels especially prevalent in the US culture. When they get those things that create that "standard" Americans are driven to reach even higher because of incentives that come from sources other than government. Often in "happiness" polls America scores lower because of this drive that is a value in our culture not accounted for in those polls and surveys. Driven to reach ever higher is a very good thing.

Its not my list of standard of living, and sure it could be flawed. I dont know the factors they used. I know when I visited Sweeden, and I saw a lot of the country... I saw very few slums, poor areas, or unfortunant people living in the streets. I saw a huge middle class. I stayed with a family who lived on the water in a nice home, not a mansion like all the water homes are here.
Its not my list of standard of living, and sure it could be flawed. I dont know the factors they used. I know when I visited Sweeden, and I saw a lot of the country... I saw very few slums, poor areas, or unfortunant people living in the streets. I saw a huge middle class. I stayed with a family who lived on the water in a nice home, not a mansion like all the water homes are here.
It is certainly the list you used to make your point, hence the reason I called it your list.

I believe that the subjective measures they use lean towards the type of government you seem to prefer. I could care less if the home you stayed in was a mansion or not, but not much less.
It is certainly the list you used to make your point, hence the reason I called it your list.

I believe that the subjective measures they use lean towards the type of government you seem to prefer. I could care less if the home you stayed in was a mansion or not, but not much less.

My point is that from personal observation I would say that Sweeds enjoy a higher standard of living that we do.
My point is that from personal observation I would say that Sweeds enjoy a higher standard of living that we do.
I do not believe that they do. And I do not believe that your personal experience and whether or not the houses in that area were mansions makes your point in the fashion you seem to believe it does.
a lot of turbo-libs are hung up on the wider middle class,
We have way more rich and way easier access to get rich.
Also our middle class are obviously better off financially.
This would be a more apt analogy if in each case the computer was successfully turned on, it burned the house down.

No, that would be the anaolgy if you don't even know what a computer is and couldn't even recognize that there are other computers already on and the house is still standing.
No, that would be the anaolgy if you don't even know what a computer is and couldn't even recognize that there are other computers already on and the house is still standing.
No, again a bad analogy. This only works if you mistakenly think every calculator is a computer and ignore the houses where actual computers were turned on burned down, and where they didn't burn down were made nearly unlivable.

If you so desperately want to believe that it is a good form of government that you are willing to ignore that the governments are not socialistic and only use tiny portions to socialize risk then you are just being dishonest with yourself or are one of those people who don't know that there is a difference between a computer and a calculator.
1. Norway
2. Sweeden
3. Cannada
4. Belgium
5. Australia
6. United States
7. Iceland
8. Netherlands
9. Japan
10. Finland

Top 10 standards of living... http://www.mapsofworld.com/world-top-ten/world-top-ten-quality-of-life-map.html

Note that the top 4 are clearly MUCH more socalist than we are. 7 of the 10 are clearly more socalist than us. Australia and Japan being up for debate.

You're someone who obviously knows what a computer is.

Just as I don't get hung up about what some Americans don't know about technology, I don't concern myself with what Americans don't know about socialism.

After all, there was no movie made to expain it to them .. so how would they know.
No, again a bad analogy. This only works if you mistakenly think every calculator is a computer and ignore the houses where actual computers were turned on burned down, and where they didn't burn down were made nearly unlivable.

If you so desperately want to believe that it is a good form of government that you are willing to ignore that the governments are not socialistic and only use tiny portions to socialize risk then you are just being dishonest with yourself or are one of those people who don't know that there is a difference between a computer and a calculator.

Get a real argument my brother.

I'm the one who says I believe in the mix of capitalism and socialism.

Jarod said it before I did, but I agree that there is no pure socialist or capitalist systems .. just as there is no pure "free market" system.

I'm not "desperate" for anything and as previously stated, don't give a rats ass about what Americans don't know about socialism or the rest of the world. Socialism is often driven by necessity, and America is on that path whether Americans like it, understand it, or don't have a clue what they're talking about.

Finally, your analogy and the premise of this thread has been proven to be false by Jarod as he lists the nations that have a successful mix of socialism and capitalism .. and have better standards of living than we do.
Get a real argument my brother.

I'm the one who says I believe in the mix of capitalism and socialism.

Jarod said it before I did, but I agree that there is no pure socialist or capitalist systems .. just as there is no pure "free market" system.

I'm not "desperate" for anything and as previously stated, don't give a rats ass about what Americans don't know about socialism or the rest of the world. Socialism is often driven by necessity, and America is on that path whether Americans like it, understand it, or don't have a clue what they're talking about.

Finally, your analogy and the premise of this thread has been proven to be false by Jarod as he lists the nations that have a successful mix of socialism and capitalism .. and have better standards of living than we do.
Almost everybody believes in a mixture of the two. It is that which defines the parties differences. As I said above. You have stated that you are a Socialist, which is an entirely different animal.

And as I said, the "standard of living" is very subjective in measure. I do not agree with their version of it and for the reasons I stated in this thread. You have by no means shown that you know something about socialism that I do not, and your bad analogies and assumption of my positions show you didn't read the thread.
Almost everybody believes in a mixture of the two. It is that which defines the parties differences. As I said above. You have stated that you are a Socialist, which is an entirely different animal.

And as I said, the "standard of living" is very subjective in measure. I do not agree with their version of it and for the reasons I stated in this thread. You have by no means shown that you know something about socialism that I do not, and your bad analogies and assumption of my positions show you didn't read the thread.

I'll file this under sarcasm, humor, play.

I've stated hunderds of times, long before this thread. that I believe in a mix of philosophies .. and you know it. I am a democratic socialist .. and you know it.

Educate yourself on what that means.

Democratic Socialists believe that both the economy and society should be run democratically—to meet public needs, not to make profits for a few. To achieve a more just society, many structures of our government and economy must be radically transformed through greater economic and social democracy so that ordinary Americans can participate in the many decisions that affect our lives.
hence the term for bac being dumbass!!!
the reason the good ole USA is 30% more productive than the socialist morons is exactly!!!!
economy and society should be run democratically—to meet public needs, not to make profits for a few.
that' s actually comically funny BAC democratic socialist. That must be left of turbo-libs. Also must be one who shuns those that have ever entered a business class.
that' s actually comically funny BAC democratic socialist. That must be left of turbo-libs. Also must be one who shuns those that have ever entered a business class.

I find it difficult to put my cyber-boot up your ass anymore Top.

We agree on most things, but you are a lunatic when it comes to money .. not a sign of someone who actually has money.

My business is doing quite well thank you .. and will be doing even better when I eliminate the errors to the calls to the Asterisk software module.

Hope you're doing well also my brother.
Blackas how much money have you made in the stock market????

Sorry brother .. I work for a living.

The stock I own is wrapped in my 401k.

Not into "playing" the stock market, the lottery, don't gamble in Vegas, and don't give money to strippers. :)
you don't invest your 401k in stocks?

It's invested in stocks for me and I have confidence in how it's being handled.

I have neither the time nor inclination to emerse myself in stockdom.

If you want to help me become as successful as you .. what do you know about Asterisk AGI STDERR Group 1 errors?
I'm just trying to point to the stupidity of saying companies should function for society. It's lost on you. Good luck on the program, trust me your financial guru is not looking for companies that benefit society as a whole.