Why does socialism usually fail?

I'm just trying to point to the stupidity of saying companies should function for society. It's lost on you. Good luck on the program, trust me your financial guru is not looking for companies that benefit society as a whole.

You're wrong again my good brother.

My portfolio is specifically designed to invest in green companies. minority companies, and companies that benefit society as a whole.

Could I make more money by reaching for the gold .. possibly .. but making money is not my only goal. Being able to look myself in the mirror is more important to me.

By the way, I think I solved my Asterisk problem using a software package called Festival. It gives more clarity to the errors.
Fuck you and your mirror, the clean energy companies or any company has an obligation to their SHAREHOLDERS (OWNERS) to make profits. Nothing else
Fuck you and your mirror, the clean energy companies or any company has an obligation to their SHAREHOLDERS (OWNERS) to make profits. Nothing else

Maybe under the insane economic system we run under now which does not give any rights at all to the enviroment or poorer members of humanity. I hope you feel great fucking over humanity. Maybe you'll be a millionaire one day, but whenever you die you'll be forgotten and turned into dirt like everyone else.

I'll file this under sarcasm, humor, play.

I've stated hunderds of times, long before this thread. that I believe in a mix of philosophies .. and you know it. I am a democratic socialist .. and you know it.

Educate yourself on what that means.

Democratic Socialists believe that both the economy and society should be run democratically—to meet public needs, not to make profits for a few. To achieve a more just society, many structures of our government and economy must be radically transformed through greater economic and social democracy so that ordinary Americans can participate in the many decisions that affect our lives.

BAC=CPUSA member! It is written it is done!
ALL these poor mutha fuckers hatin on the corporations.
Spoiled dumbass brats, we are great because of them.

Diabetic, standard of living is measured in per capita. Those way behind use things like better flowers to make them feel good about sucking so bad.
Watergerber get a job you momma's boy.
ALL these poor mutha fuckers hatin on the corporations.
Spoiled dumbass brats, we are great because of them.

Diabetic, standard of living is measured in per capita. Those way behind use things like better flowers to make them feel good about sucking so bad.
Watergerber get a job you momma's boy.

I prefer to measure from the bottom up Top. As a good ex-Trotskyist friend of mine once told me, "I don't give a shit how much the top ten percent have, just as long as the bottom ten per cent have a BMW in the driveway" and he wasn't talking about drug dealers.

Look, I dn't want to confuse you Top so I won't bring in any qualitative analysis to the discussion. You're happy in your country, I'm happy in my country, what's to kvetch about? :cof1:
right on bro, I'm happy in the top ten percent of the top country.
Stay away from a standard of living pissing contest and I won't have to embarrass you again.
I could give a shit about gay bmw's and bling, financial security is my bling.
right on bro, I'm happy in the top ten percent of the top country.
Stay away from a standard of living pissing contest and I won't have to embarrass you again.
I could give a shit about gay bmw's and bling, financial security is my bling.

Thank you for sparing my feelings! :cof1:
Maybe under the insane economic system we run under now which does not give any rights at all to the enviroment or poorer members of humanity. I hope you feel great fucking over humanity. Maybe you'll be a millionaire one day, but whenever you die you'll be forgotten and turned into dirt like everyone else.

OMFG... Rights for the Environment? Is THIS the next big liberal cause? I can see it now, some poor putz is sitting in a jail cell for pissing down the river bank... he violated the Constitutional rights of the environment, you see! It's amazing to me, pinheads can dream up something so far fetched and absurd, yet they can't fathom the thought of protecting the rights of the unborn.

It's also amazing how the assumption is made, people who become wealthy, obviously did so at the expense of the environment and on the backs of the poor. There is no other way to get rich in a capitalist society, and it is why socialism is better for us all, that is what they will have us believe. And if we don't believe it, we are all just a bunch of racists and greedy capitalist pigs. :rolleyes: