Why does the American left hate this country so much?


According to the Federal Reserve, 100% of the inflation rate from 2020-2021 was corporate profits only, and about 50% of the inflation rate from 2021-2022.

That's according to The Fed.

Corporate profits grew 50% in one year (2020).

What do you even mean?

Why did he wait 3 hours? Is there anyone who thinks that was a "satisfying" amount of time for the leader of our country to wait?

It would have been cool to at least see him display some urgency. Why would it take more than 15-20 minutes once things went south that day?

All the right does is make excuses for his complete lack of leadership.

Trump didn't wait three hours. A better question is that with all the advance intelligence about the size of the protest and potential for some to become violent, why weren't the National Guard called in and why was it denied by the Democrat Mayor?

1:13 p.m.: Trump finishes speaking.

1:26 p.m.: Capitol Police order the evacuation of the Library of Congress, Madison Building and Cannon House Office Building.

1:30 p.m.: The House and Senate adjourn to separate chambers to hear an objection to Arizona's election results.

1:45 p.m.: Rioters push past police and an officer announces that it is "now effectively a riot," although officers are trying to get compliance.

1:49 p.m.: Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund calls Major General William Walker, commanding general of the D.C. National Guard, to request assistance.

2:24 p.m.: Trump tweets that Pence "didn't have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our country and our Constitution."

2:38 p.m.: Trump urges people to "support our Capitol police and law enforcement," and tweets that "they are truly on the side of our country. Stay peaceful!"

So, from the start of the riot to Trumps urging people to stay peaceful, a total time of 93 minutes transpired. That would be about an hour and a half, not THREE hours that you falsely claim.

3:13 p.m.: Trump posts on Twitter that he's asking people at the Capitol to "remain peaceful" and not engage in violence: "Remember, we are the party of law and order–respect the law and our great men and women in Blue. Thank you!"

4:17 p.m.: Trump posts a video on social media telling rioters that he knows their pain and hurt. "We had an election that was stolen from us. It was a landslide election and everyone knows it, especially the other side. But you have to go home now ... We have to have peace. We have to have law and order. ... So go home. We love you, you're very special. ... I know how you feel. But go home and go home in peace," he says.
The security guard didn't know that...all he saw was a rabid, screaming woman smashing the windows of the door.

She wouldn't have even been there in the first place if you fucking Nazis hadn't lied to her about a stolen election.

More asinine lies from the repugnant caricature of ignorance, stupidity and human excrement. You should kill yourself. No one would care. No one would notice. The world's collective IQ would increase.

The dem party represents all the Nazis and commies.

As evidenced by their loony responses on this thread. It triggers them when they get called out on their autocratic Fascism. Always remember, Democrats are everything they claim their political opponents are.
The security guard didn't know that...all he saw was a rabid, screaming woman smashing the windows of the door.

She wouldn't have even been there in the first place if you fucking Nazis hadn't lied to her about a stolen election.

First of all he was not a security guard he was Capitol police. And an officer who left his loaded gun in a bathroom. The asshole murderer should have been fired for that. And no one lied about an obviously stolen election. It was murder for intimidation purposes just like the outrageous sentences the protestors got.

Second Babbitt did not smash anything. Watch the video you traitorous moron.