Why does the American left hate this country so much?

Because I am on another forum.


So the reason you didn't go to DC on 1/6 despite lying about a stolen election for two months was because...you were on another forum?

What does that have to do with why you hid out like a little fucking bitch during 1/6??

You said the election was stolen, but you didn't do anything about it. Why?

If you truly believed the election was stolen, how come you did nothing about it?

Because you're a fucking phony with a big, fat, stupid mouth that you can't control.

So the reason you didn't go to DC on 1/6 despite lying about a stolen election for two months was because...you were on another forum?

What does that have to do with why you hid out like a little fucking bitch during 1/6??

You said the election was stolen, but you didn't do anything about it. Why?

If you truly believed the election was stolen, how come you did nothing about it?

Because you're a fucking phony with a big, fat, stupid mouth that you can't control.

Going to demonstrations is dumb.

they're mostly entrapment operations, as we have seen.
insistence that race is central

What are you talking about?

How come whenever we ask a Conservative to clarify or expand on what they said, they always end up regressing to something stupid?

Oh right, because Conservatism is stupid, so it will only attract stupid people.

nd that killing fetuses is good are both nazi beliefs, and dem beliefs.

So they are fetuses, not children or people.

No, I don't.

But you do, and this is your projection.

You support every Conservative belief there is, and Conservatism IS Nazism because William F. Buckley proudly proclaimed that Conservatism stands athwart history yelling stop when it came to desegregation.

Oh and also, Conservatives marched for Nazis during WWII and even held a rally for them at Madison Square Garden.
Going to demonstrations is dumb.

The purpose of 1/6 was to STOP the certification of the election that Biden won.

So it wasn't a demonstration, it was an insurrection.

What I want to know is why you didn't attend it since you seem to adamantly, though insincerely believe the election was stolen?
How have we seen that?

You're saying Conservatives can't help but be baited into...traps?

What traps? What are you talking about?

And BTW - you weren't saying this at the time.

I've always said don't go to rallies.

get a link, bitch, or stop lying.

thanks for your compliance in this matter.
How have we seen that?

You're saying Conservatives can't help but be baited into...traps?

What traps? What are you talking about?

And BTW - you weren't saying this at the time.

open your eyes.

Your willful ignorance and denial is amusing.

No, I don't.

But you do, and this is your projection.

You support every Conservative belief there is, and Conservatism IS Nazism because William F. Buckley proudly proclaimed that Conservatism stands athwart history yelling stop when it came to desegregation.

Oh and also, Conservatives marched for Nazis during WWII and even held a rally for them at Madison Square Garden.

those were liberals.......
I was telling the truth, but what's that got to do with going to rallies?

No you weren't.

You were lying.

You were lying that the 2020 election was stolen when you knew it wasn't.

So you're a liar.

And it has EVERYTHING to do with your absence at the insurrection...you have a big, fat, fucking mouth that you can't control, that you insincerely flap about things that affect this country in a very massive way...but you don't do anything about it.

You just sit there and talk shit, but you NEVER act on it.

The reason why is obvious...you're a liar and you don't believe a single fucking thing you post on JPP, isn't that right?
No you weren't.

You were lying.

You were lying that the 2020 election was stolen when you knew it wasn't.

So you're a liar.

And it has EVERYTHING to do with your absence at the insurrection...you have a big, fat, fucking mouth that you can't control, that you insincerely flap about things that affect this country in a very massive way...but you don't do anything about it.

You just sit there and talk shit, but you NEVER act on it.

The reason why is obvious...you're a liar and you don't believe a single fucking thing you post on JPP, isn't that right?

the best thing to do is just peacefully non comply with bullshit.

rallies are a bad idea.

I stand by my previous advice.

why don't you ungunch your panties, Sheila?
the best thing to do is just peacefully non comply with bullshit.

You are the bullshitter because you aren't man enough to act on the lies you're spreading.

So why are you spreading them? Because you want to do everything EXCEPT hold yourself responsible for the fact that you blew it for Trump by opening that big, fat, stupid fucking mouth of yours.

The only reason Trump lost the election was because you are terrible.

rallies are a bad idea.

So you're the kind of asshole who will rile people up, but then sit back and watch them destroy themselves over a lie you told.

What a fucking asshole.

I stand by my previous advice.

No, this is just an excuse for you to not stand behind the shit you post on JPP.

You run your big, fat, stupid fucking mouth, but you lack sincerity. That's how I can tell you're lying.
You are the bullshitter because you aren't man enough to act on the lies you're spreading.

So why are you spreading them? Because you want to do everything EXCEPT hold yourself responsible for the fact that you blew it for Trump by opening that big, fat, stupid fucking mouth of yours.

The only reason Trump lost the election was because you are terrible.

So you're the kind of asshole who will rile people up, but then sit back and watch them destroy themselves over a lie you told.

What a fucking asshole.

No, this is just an excuse for you to not stand behind the shit you post on JPP.

You run your big, fat, stupid fucking mouth, but you lack sincerity. That's how I can tell you're lying.


I advise people not to go to rallies that are infiltrated and are entrapment schemes.

can you not read, dum dum?