Why does the American left hate this country so much?

The Hell I do not believe it. The theft of the election was obvious. The cover up is still going on and it is more than obvious too. You know nothing. And what is different about my keyboard than yours. You really are a stupid stupid person. And a fucking drama queen.

If you truly believed it, then how come on 1/6 you were right here on JPP shitposting?

Why weren't you in DC on 1/6? Didn't you believe the election was stolen? Of course not, that's why you weren't there!

Isn't that right?
Americans make this country great, and always have. The political party means very little when you love your country. You obviously do not. When is garbage day? Make sure you are on the curb to be picked up.

As I said, Conservatives have done nothing to make this country an objectively better place and you can't even think of something.
I'm concerned for you.

I think you have a learning disability.

Here's why:

So you said Bernie supported Trump's immigration plan when he's quoted right here saying that he supports comprehensive immigration reform.

Then you go on to say how he OPPOSED the right wing immigration proposal.

Serious question...are you brain damaged? I'm not being facetious or joking, I genuinely think you have a learning disability or some kind of brain damage.

read it again.
They are the misfits, the social Lepers, the unloved, ect ect. Not popular in school as kids,....it scarred them. In a way I pity them.

Well, maybe on Trump's first day in his second term, the day he promised he'd be a dictator on, he'll be merciful to the horrible Left.

The Left HAS to know how much Trump wants to protect the blood and soil of America. It's probably that that gets them upset. Plus I think the Left really values cheap lawncare so they encourage all those illegals to come in and then, before you know it, those illegals are taking white collar office jobs and becoming CEO's and taking all the C-Suite jobs.

It's a shame. Trump must work hard to keep us pure.
you democrats are the nazi eugenicists.

Yeah, but Trump already said there's good people on both sides, so....

Margaret Sanger, founder of planned Parenthood, was literally a nazi

No she wasn't. But it's ok to lie about her for God. God will reward those who lie about her.

, who wanted abortion to kill off the mud races.

Again, another lie, but also a good one. God gives extra points for that one.
Yeah, but Trump already said there's good people on both sides, so....

No she wasn't. But it's ok to lie about her for God. God will reward those who lie about her.

Again, another lie, but also a good one. God gives extra points for that one.

Sanger’s eugenics creed is clearly stated in her speech “My Way to Peace” (1932). The centerpiece of the program is vigorous state use of compulsory sterilization and segregation. The first class of persons targeted for sterilization is made up of people with mental or physical disability. “The first step would be to control the intake and output on morons, mental defectives, epileptics.” A much larger class of undesirables would be forced to choose either sterilization or placement in state work camps. “The second step would be to take an inventory of the second group, such as illiterates, paupers, unemployables, criminals, prostitutes, dope-fiends; classify them in special departments under government medical protection and segregate them on farms and open spaces.” Those segregated in these camps could return to mainstream society if they underwent sterilization and demonstrated good behavior. Sanger estimates that 15 million to 20 million Americans would be targeted in this regime of forced sterilization and concentration camps. In Sanger, the humanitarian dream of a world without poverty and illness has deteriorated into a coercive world where the poor, the disabled and the addicted simply disappear.

Well, maybe on Trump's first day in his second term, the day he promised he'd be a dictator on, he'll be merciful to the horrible Left.

The Left HAS to know how much Trump wants to protect the blood and soil of America. It's probably that that gets them upset. Plus I think the Left really values cheap lawncare so they encourage all those illegals to come in and then, before you know it, those illegals are taking white collar office jobs and becoming CEO's and taking all the C-Suite jobs.

It's a shame. Trump must work hard to keep us pure.
Seek help, the has rotted your brain.
If you truly believed it, then how come on 1/6 you were right here on JPP shitposting?

Why weren't you in DC on 1/6? Didn't you believe the election was stolen? Of course not, that's why you weren't there!

Isn't that right?

Because I am on another forum. And it does not change the facts. 74 electoral votes were stolen from Trump and J6 was a set up to insure the theft was certified.
Sanger’s eugenics creed is clearly stated in her speech “My Way to Peace” (1932). The centerpiece of the program is vigorous state use of compulsory sterilization and segregation. The first class of persons targeted for sterilization is made up of people with mental or physical disability. “The first step would be to control the intake and output on morons, mental defectives, epileptics.” A much larger class of undesirables would be forced to choose either sterilization or placement in state work camps. “The second step would be to take an inventory of the second group, such as illiterates, paupers, unemployables, criminals, prostitutes, dope-fiends; classify them in special departments under government medical protection and segregate them on farms and open spaces.” Those segregated in these camps could return to mainstream society if they underwent sterilization and demonstrated good behavior. Sanger estimates that 15 million to 20 million Americans would be targeted in this regime of forced sterilization and concentration camps. In Sanger, the humanitarian dream of a world without poverty and illness has deteriorated into a coercive world where the poor, the disabled and the addicted simply disappear.



Are you a proud democratic? Were your parents both democratics? Do you only have friends who are democratics? Obviously you ONLY vote for democratics.

Boy, democratics sure are smart.....

"Republican" is both a noun and an adjective.
"Democrat" is a noun.
"Democratic" is an adjective.

Boy, Republicans sure are dumb.
[But then, they'd have to be, wouldn't they?]

Mexico has a far better overall climate than America does - why are they not outperforming us?

Venezuela has the form of government you demand - why are they not outperforming us?

North Korea and China have the social structure you insist on - why are they not outperforming us?

I'll give you Mexican weather.
I don't know anything about Venezuela's government and whether or not they're outperforming us.
North Korea isn't like most of America--it's mostly like Florida, only colder.

Based on what I see on Asian television, of which I watch a lot,
China's way of life doesn't seem much different than ours.
the clintons were basically the beginning of liberals abandoning their healthy skepticism of corporatism.

basically corporatists who are fine with gay stuff, like libertarians.

None of that means anything. I also read your post about 1/6 being a false flag operation. You are thoroughly, utterly, hopelessly delusional.