Why does the American left hate this country so much?

The effect of tax cuts on economic growth and revenue

Not supported by any data, not even in the link.

What you gave me here was THEORY, not fact.

It's the same shit you people have been saying for 40 years yet you have NOTHING TO SHOW FOR IT.

Not increased revenue. Not more jobs. Not more investment. Nothing other than massive debt.

If tax cuts did what you claim they did, then the personal savings rate wouldn't have declined while the household debt rate increased.

Tax rate cuts may encourage individuals to work, save, and invest

OK, let's tear this apart.

So this link is another theory link. It's not supported by any data. It's just restating the theory expressed in the first link, and like that link, forces theory in place for fact.

Because the actual results of tax cuts do not encourage saving and investing...quite the opposite! They encourage debt.

Don't make me tap the chart:

So tax reductions can have a positive impact on investment in the short-term but likely will be neutral or slightly negative long-term.


But they don't.

Not even the data you shared shows they do.

To make a tax cut effective, a commensurate cut in government spending must accompany it.


That doesn't make the tax cut effective; it has nothing to do with the tax cut.

Deficit spending by government has the same sort of immediate impact on investment but will lead to a long-term loss just as tax cuts do.

How will deficit spending by the government lead to long-term loss if that spending is done on tangible things like roads, ports, schools, etc that people use all the time?

Government spending on tax cuts is a long-term loss because there's literally NOTHING to show for them. So we lose every single time we do them.

What is effective is cutting government spending without increasing deficit spending.

if you cut government spending from the economy and don't replace it with increased spending from other sources, you contract the economy.

And no, tax cuts do not lead to increased consumption. They lead to increased debt.
That is, shrinking government and reducing government debt has the most impact on the economy of policy choices government can make. Of course, it is also the least likely route a government--particularly one that leans Left--will take.

So it's not about good economics with you, it's just about your irrational hatred of a government that you can't identify with because you're a fucking idiot and every Conservative will always be the biggest, dumbest fucking idiot until the next one.
I didn't call you response "ad hominem" you retard. I called it an insult. Maybe you should wipe the spittle off your screen so you can get somebody to read and explain it to you, you illiterate, mouth breathing, zipper-lipped, syphilitic, tit-head.

What's obvious is that you lack self-control, starting with that big, fat fucking mouth of yours.

If you had kept that trap shut, Trump probably would have won in 2020...but you couldn't control yourself.

If you had kept that trap shut, COVID probably wouldn't have turned into a pandemic...but you couldn't control yourself.

If you had kept that trap shit, Babbitt would probably still be alive, fetching coffee for more qualified people....but you couldn't control yourself.

Sensing a pattern here? You're bringing this all on yourself because you can't control your mouth.
So it's not about good economics with you, it's just about your irrational hatred of a government that you can't identify with because you're a fucking idiot and every Conservative will always be the biggest, dumbest fucking idiot until the next one.

It is the irrational hate of the government directed at the American citizen. You are dope and you are projecting.
OMG...dude...did you open the link??????


According to the chart IN YOUR LINK, Business investment dropped after 1 year of tax cuts.

And according to your link, the increase in business investment for 2018 wasn't even greater than the past spikes, and then went negative the very next year, 2019.

I find that the initial effect of the tax reform on the investment level was positive but small, about 0.2 percent in 2018, mainly because the different provisions worked in different directions. For instance, while the individual tax cuts and the increase in the bonus depreciation stimulated investment by 1.5 percent and 2 percent, respectively, the corporate tax rate cut and the limit on interest deductibility depressed investment by 1.2 percent and 1.8 percent, respectively.

Just what I said. You cherry picked while I read the whole article, you retard.
My God you are stupid. The Nazis were the FBI and DHS agents. They instigated the violence.

You don't believe this any more than you believe the 2020 election was stolen.

You're just a fucking coward who lacks self-control.

Big guy behind the keyboard, but when the time came to man up, you hide like a little fucking bitch.

That's how I know you don't believe any of this shit you're saying.
What's obvious is that you lack self-control, starting with that big, fat fucking mouth of yours.

If you had kept that trap shut, Trump probably would have won in 2020...but you couldn't control yourself.

If you had kept that trap shut, COVID probably wouldn't have turned into a pandemic...but you couldn't control yourself.

If you had kept that trap shit, Babbitt would probably still be alive, fetching coffee for more qualified people....but you couldn't control yourself.

Sensing a pattern here? You're bringing this all on yourself because you can't control your mouth.

They aren't.

No he didn't.

You have no idea what you're saying.

THey are.

and yes he did.

Bernie Sanders Reminds Voters That He Is Absolutely Against Open Borders
"If your point is, open the borders, my god, there's a lot of poverty in this world and you're going to have people from all over."
ROBBY SOAVE | 4.7.2019 9:10 PM

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Screenshot via The Hill
During a campaign event in Iowa over the weekend, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I–Vt.), a frontrunner for the Democratic Party's 2020 presidential nomination, rebuked an audience member who suggested the self-described democratic socialist supported open borders.

The audience member had begun to ask how Sanders would fund his vast social safety net if the U.S. were to adopt an open-borders immigration policy. Sanders interrupted him, countering, "Who do you think is suggesting opening the borders?"

The man responded by suggesting that Sanders had supported such a proposal, which is erroneous.

"I'm afraid you may be getting your information wrong," said Sanders. "That is not my view. I think what we need is comprehensive immigration reform. If your point is, open the borders, my god, there's a lot of poverty in this world and you're going to have people from all over the world, and I don't think that is something we can do at this point. Can't do it. So that is not my position."

This is nothing new for Sanders: In fact, during the 2016 campaign, he famously told Vox's Ezra Klein that open borders were a right wing "Koch brothers proposal" that would make "everybody in America poorer."

Generally speaking, this is not true—the U.S. economy would benefit massively from simply letting many more people enter the country legally. But Sanders probably realizes that the kind of comprehensive welfare state he would like to build—one that provides universal healthcare, minimum wage guarantees, and even free college tuition—will be more expensive and less politically popular if waves of immigrants qualified for it. Given a binary choice between liberating millions of people around the world from crippling poverty (while also lowering the costs of various goods and dramatically improving the U.S. economy) and making Medicare for All a reality, it's perfectly clear where Sanders stands.

I find that the initial effect of the tax reform on the investment level was positive but small, about 0.2 percent in 2018


Well, I find that the tax cut that was supposed to lead to all this increased business investment but petered out after about 12 months and then went negative.

In fact, it look like it actually petered out right away.

The Russia Tax Cut went into effect 1/2/18 and according to your chart, business investment began to decline in 2018.

So I'm not sure where you are getting this 0.2% when the data in the chart shows that business investment only declined following the tax cut.

I mean, look at the chart dude! 2018 is when the investment dropped and was also the first year of the tax cut:

THey are.

I'm concerned for you.

I think you have a learning disability.

Here's why:

That is not my view. I think what we need is comprehensive immigration reform.

So you said Bernie supported Trump's immigration plan when he's quoted right here saying that he supports comprehensive immigration reform.

Then you go on to say how he OPPOSED the right wing immigration proposal.

Serious question...are you brain damaged? I'm not being facetious or joking, I genuinely think you have a learning disability or some kind of brain damage.
You don't believe this any more than you believe the 2020 election was stolen.

You're just a fucking coward who lacks self-control.

Big guy behind the keyboard, but when the time came to man up, you hide like a little fucking bitch.

That's how I know you don't believe any of this shit you're saying.

The Hell I do not believe it. The theft of the election was obvious. The cover up is still going on and it is more than obvious too. You know nothing. And what is different about my keyboard than yours. You really are a stupid stupid person. And a fucking drama queen.
Conservatives have never done anything to make this country an objectively better place.

Americans make this country great, and always have. The political party means very little when you love your country. You obviously do not. When is garbage day? Make sure you are on the curb to be picked up.