Why hunt? To kill is a thrill if you're mentally ill

I do as well. We have found a source for meat that does not involve steroids or antibiotics. But it is more expensive. We can't always get what we want, so we also buy the factory farm meats on occasion.


Now hunting is motivated by concerns over food purity?

You refuse to acknowledge that you experience a thrill when you kill?
I do not support hunting endangered species or animals that are not good to eat or healthy for consumption, but in many areas deer and other wildlife are existing in healthy numbers and need a predator to maintain a healthy herd. The girl in your video is despicable, but not even close to a representative of Hunters.

No true Scotsman.
You are wrong. Many of the people I give meat to can afford beef if they want. But they prefer the flavor of venison. At $3 a pound, the expense is more than I am willing to do. And it goes hand in hand with the other reasons, such as the conservation.

So the warm and fuzzy feelings of caring and sharing that you claim you treasure aren't worth $3 a pound? What a generous soul you are. Of course, killing animals personally incurs much less cost, doesn't it?

What's the cost per pound breakdown?

The WWF is not going to remove roughly 1/3 of the deer population. So my conservation work does something they cannot.

Really? Are you sure the WWF doesn't control animal populations when necessary? Or is your objection based on your fear that you won't be happy unless you kill something?

Which farmer? By hunting I remove the pressures of an over population of wildlife. Chores do not do that.

Your pursuit of thrills sounds almost noble when you put it that way. Does the agricultural community know how much they owe you? Do you dream of being awarded a medal for service to American farmers by President Trump?

You couldn't care less about helping farmers, could you?

There is no possible way to introduce enough predators to curb the population of whitetail deer. In Alabama alone the deer population is an estimated 1.5 million animals. In order to maintain the current population, roughly 1/3 of that population must be removed (culled, slaughtered, murdered, you pick the word). A large predator might take 2 deer a week. A pack of healthy wolves might take 3 a week. To accomplish what hunters accomplish would require introducing almost 5,000 large predators or over 3,000 healthy packs of wolves in Alabama alone. That is not even close to feasible. Not to mention the potential for deaths of people (especially children) from predation by animals who find them easier to hunt than a whitetail deer.

So your self-sacrifice (absorbing the punishing recoil of high-caliber firearms that "spare animal suffering") is a way of saving the children of Alabama? The Pope should be notified at once.

Your question has been answered.

Because you say it has?

I say it hasn't.

Why must you personally kill helpless animals when you don't have to...unless you do it because you get a thrill when you kill?

Do you maintain that people should grow their own trees, log them, and manufacture their own toilet paper to be mindful of it, experience the reality and truly understand it?

Then there are all the other substances consumers use daily whose production must be experienced and understood?

Better get busy.

I don't think it would be a bad idea if it were pratical, but food is the most fundamental of products we buy, so start with food.
I don't think it would be a bad idea if it were pratical, but food is the most fundamental of products we buy, so start with food.

But not all food, just the kind that the "harvester" can enjoy snuffing the life out of, right, Counselor?

How often you do personally kill the animals and fish that you feed to your family?
But not all food, just the kind that the "harvester" can enjoy snuffing the life out of, right, Counselor?

How often you do personally kill the animals and fish that you feed to your family?

No, all food.

Few times a month.

And we eat out of my garden a few times a month, more this time of year.
No, all food. Few times a month. And we eat out of my garden a few times a month, more this time of year.

So you say.

Aren't you guilty of poisoning your family unless you eschew all store-bought foods entirely?

Tell me, Counselor: do you get the same thrill from plucking a tomato that you get when you snuff out the life of a defenseless animal with a weapon?

If so, where are the YouTube videos of high-fiving gloating gardeners rhapsodizing about the thrill of the harvest and smearing chlorophyll on their cheeks?
So you say.

Aren't you guilty of poisoning your family unless you eschew all store-bought foods entirely?

Tell me, Counselor: do you get the same thrill from plucking a tomato that you get when you snuff out the life of a defenseless animal with a weapon?

If so, where are the YouTube videos of high-fiving gloating gardeners rhapsodizing about the thrill of the harvest and smearing chlorophyll on their cheeks?

I do not enjoy the killing part. I would prefer to pick a tomato, but I like to eat the fish.
I do not enjoy the killing part. I would prefer to pick a tomato, but I like to eat the fish.

Odd. We have two killers here who say they don't enjoy it, yet there are posts by hunters online that belie those claims.

If you don't enjoy killing animals, are you doing it for altruistic reasons, like Saint WinterBorn?
I have only your word on that, and you've lied on this forum before, sadly.

No one else in this world can tell you how I feel but me. Anyone who insists otherwise is lying.

And speaking of lying, yes I did lie when I created a new persona. But you have lied on this forum as well.
So the warm and fuzzy feelings of caring and sharing that you claim you treasure aren't worth $3 a pound? What a generous soul you are. Of course, killing animals personally incurs much less cost, doesn't it?

What's the cost per pound breakdown?

The people I give the meat to seem to think it is generous. As for the price breakdown, I'll get back to you on that.

Really? Are you sure the WWF doesn't control animal populations when necessary? Or is your objection based on your fear that you won't be happy unless you kill something?

I am sure that the WWF is not set up to kill 500,000 whitetail deer per year in one single state (nationally it would be much higher).

Your pursuit of thrills sounds almost noble when you put it that way. Does the agricultural community know how much they owe you? Do you dream of being awarded a medal for service to American farmers by President Trump?

You couldn't care less about helping farmers, could you?

Ridicule and sarcasm are not an argument. My answer stands.

So your self-sacrifice (absorbing the punishing recoil of high-caliber firearms that "spare animal suffering") is a way of saving the children of Alabama? The Pope should be notified at once.

Ridicule and sarcasm, again, are not an argument. This answer stands as well.

Because you say it has?

I say it hasn't.

Why must you personally kill helpless animals when you don't have to...unless you do it because you get a thrill when you kill?

I say it has because I gave the answer. The fact that you post sarcastic responses does not change the validity of my answers.
No one else in this world can tell you how I feel but me. Anyone who insists otherwise is lying. And speaking of lying, yes I did lie when I created a new persona. But you have lied on this forum as well.

So how am I supposed to take you at your word?
What do you feel when you kill?

I know that I personally feel adrenaline when i'm aiming, anxiety the second after I shoot, relief when I see the animal fall immediately, a little bit of sadness when I approach the dead animal, happiness when I know I succeeded, and thankfulness that there will be meat for months. The only thing that I don't typically do is pose with the dead animal. I've taken pictures of some of the animals i've killed but I find the posing and smiling thing to be kind of awkward personally.