Why I am a liberal…

I want to change this…

“Citizenship in western liberal democracies is the modern equivalent of feudal privilege and an inherited status that greatly enhances one’s life chances.

Like feudal birthright privileges, restrictive citizenship is hard to justify.”

Joseph H Carens

Liberally liberated from the un American atrocities of the repuke insurgency that is at war against humanity. God for you and your soul.
Well, the people that are calling themselves "liberals" these days are not out to help Americans with upward mobility.
To be fair, most of the Republicans of yesteryear were not either. Some are still around, like Romney. (He's a globalist shitbag)

This is a new era where Democrats mostly are totalitarian communists and Republicans are mostly for upward mobility and preserving the Constitution.

There are exceptions as people are very diverse. Gabbard good on the Democrats, Romney bad on the Republicans.

We have had 40 years of globalist presidents that no matter the party they belonged to were there to strip rights from Americans, chip away at the Constitution, and demoralize the American people.

It's time the people let them know we've had enough of that.

Joe Biden is the epitome of a regime that has been fucking Americans over for 40 years. To impeach him is ludicrous because Harris is an even more inept Marxist fanatic.

Just look at how the government is trying to dictate what people do with this Covid stuff. They got the news amping it up all the time, trying to throw people into a state of panic, the president running hard along the same line. :palm:

Look at what you can't do now that you could 40 years ago with no problems.

Do you understand what a totalitarian communist is? Would you call George Washington a totalitarian communist?
A more egalitarian state where people are advantaged due to hard work or skill and ability, instead of lineage.

America has traditionally been both.

Then there's the plantain chip guy's offspring that ran the company into the ground despite being the most popular item. It was #1 when he was running it.

They're still being made, but I think the kids sold the company off before it went totally under.
Odd how you neither elaborate on the OP or refuse to say what you’d change. Are you ashamed of your position? I’ll take a non answer as a yes.

I did no think it needed elaboration, but I guess I overestimated some of the readers here. I am happy to elaborate if you need help.
America has traditionally been both.

Then there's the plantain chip guy's offspring that ran the company into the ground despite being the most popular item. It was #1 when he was running it.

They're still being made, but I think the kids sold the company off before it went totally under.

Traditionally America was neither, traditionally the hard work was done by the slaves, then the sharecroppers, and the factory workers. Skill got you a job at the mechanic's shop and intelligence maybe at a university. The wealthy generally stole it or inherited it from as far back as English royalty (Kennedy), or from parents who stole it (Vanderbilt's)(Bushes).

George W Bush and Donald Trump are a perfect examples of unintelligent, unskilled people who got to the presidency with Daddy's money and little else other than a big fake personality.