Why I am a liberal…

Fair enough. What about lazy people? Leave them behind?

I am okay with lazy people being provided a basic living, I think if that is done you will see more artists and inventors spring from their ranks. It would greatly reduce crime. In the end it will help us all.

Despite popular opinion, there is no lack of resources in the United States, most of it is simply stuck in the hands of lazy people who inherited it.
Traditionally America was neither, traditionally the hard work was done by the slaves, then the sharecroppers, and the factory workers. Skill got you a job at the mechanic's shop and intelligence maybe at a university. The wealthy generally stole it or inherited it from as far back as English royalty (Kennedy), or from parents who stole it (Vanderbilt's)(Bushes).

George W Bush and Donald Trump are a perfect examples of unintelligent, unskilled people who got to the presidency with Daddy's money and little else other than a big fake personality.

Who, in our lifetime, would you say was skilled to be president?
Nope: Doc. He quotes others, typical Lawyer full of worthless information.

What the fuck would you know about life pervert

Gonna try and scare me some more with violent sex crap asshole

Putin thinks your a good little American idiot

You stupid tool
Who, in our lifetime, would you say was skilled to be president?

Ill answer the question, but I dont see how its related to the topic.

While I disagree with his politics, Ronald Regan was skilled enough to surround himself with good people and use his communication talents to be a skilled and capable president.
Despite his personal affairs, I think Bill Clinton was very good at being president.
I think Barak Obama had the skills to run a drama free administration while still accomplishing big legislation like Obamacare. (Regardless of if you agree with it, its passage took great skill, especially after Kennedy died.)
George Bush, Sr, ran a fairly successful four years, defeating Iraq and pulling out at the correct time. The recession that ended his presidency was not his fault.
Ill answer the question, but I dont see how its related to the topic.

While I disagree with his politics, Ronald Regan was skilled enough to surround himself with good people and use his communication talents to be a skilled and capable president.
Despite his personal affairs, I think Bill Clinton was very good at being president.
I think Barak Obama had the skills to run a drama free administration while still accomplishing big legislation like Obamacare. (Regardless of if you agree with it, its passage took great skill, especially after Kennedy died.)
George Bush, Sr, ran a fairly successful four years, defeating Iraq and pulling out at the correct time. The recession that ended his presidency was not his fault.

3 of those are some of the worst presidents in history. Look out, though! Here comes Biden!

Seriously, Americans have had bad presidents for more of my life than not.

Reagan was a good American, that's why Bush had him shot so Herbert Walker could be the one running things.

And that's when a lot of rights started getting eroded for Americans.

The only thing I fault Clinton with is giving our missile tech to the Chinese, and that's really a bad thing. Oh! And the "Assault Weapon ban". I quit the NRA because they let that happen.

The stupid impeachment trials for Clinton were a massive waste of taxpayer money and government resources.

The ones for Trump were even stupider and more of a waste.

Barack Obama was just a monkey throwing wrenches into the gears of America in a effort to fuck everything up.

An illegitimate president that was ineligible, raised by a crazy Marxist woman and family and his dad was an African Muslim. His mentor of perhaps real father was Frank Marshall Davis.

I cannot think of 1 good thing Obama, Bush or Bush did for American citizens.

W. oversaw the Federal government crapping right on the 4th amendment and crashed the economy. What a fucking dick!

We are now in Obama's 3rd term (that's not supposed to happen) and Susan Rice is calling the shots just like when Obama was president.
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I do? When? I try to be moral, but I don't claim it. I do my best.

Do you think Trump is "moral"?

"Doing your best" doesn't mean sucking cock and killing the unborn.

Regarding Trump, all I care about is that he performed his duties while respecting his oath to defend and protect the Constitution. What the man does in his private life or how deeply he offends snowflakes has no bearing on me whatsoever.
3 of those are some of the worst presidents in history. Look out, though! Here comes Biden!

Seriously, Americans have had bad presidents for more of my life than not.

Reagan was a good American, that's why Bush had him shot so Herbert Walker could be the one running things.

And that's when a lot of rights started getting eroded for Americans.

The only thing I fault Clinton with is giving our missile tech to the Chinese, and that's really a bad thing. Oh! And the "Assault Weapon ban". I quit the NRA because they let that happen.

The stupid impeachment trials for Clinton were a massive waste of taxpayer money and government resources.

The ones for Trump were even stupider and more of a waste.

Barack Obama was just a monkey throwing wrenches into the gears of America in a effort to fuck everything up.

An illegitimate president that was ineligible, raised by a crazy Marxist woman and family and his dad was an African Muslim. His mentor of perhaps real father was Frank Marshall Davis.

I cannot think of 1 good thing Obama, Bush or Bush did for American citizens.

W. oversaw the Federal government crapping right on the 4th amendment and crashed the economy. What a fucking dick!

We are now in Obama's 3rd term (that's not supposed to happen) and Susan Rice is calling the shots just like when Obama was president.

Lots of wild allegations without anything to back them up. I can see you truly believe what you write, but you have no basis other than desire or feelings.
"Doing your best" doesn't mean sucking cock and killing the unborn.

Regarding Trump, all I care about is that he performed his duties while respecting his oath to defend and protect the Constitution. What the man does in his private life or how deeply he offends snowflakes has no bearing on me whatsoever.

Lying about those he sees as enemies is a moral failure that is relevant to his job as president. Lying about North Korea's nuclear capabilities for political gain is a moral failure as president. There are thousands of examples about Rump.
Ill answer the question, but I dont see how its related to the topic.

While I disagree with his politics, Ronald Regan was skilled enough to surround himself with good people and use his communication talents to be a skilled and capable president.
Despite his personal affairs, I think Bill Clinton was very good at being president.
I think Barak Obama had the skills to run a drama free administration while still accomplishing big legislation like Obamacare. (Regardless of if you agree with it, its passage took great skill, especially after Kennedy died.)
George Bush, Sr, ran a fairly successful four years, defeating Iraq and pulling out at the correct time. The recession that ended his presidency was not his fault.

It relates to your comment about "George W Bush and Donald Trump are a perfect examples of unintelligent, unskilled people who got to the presidency..."
3 of those are some of the worst presidents in history. Look out, though! Here comes Biden!

Seriously, Americans have had bad presidents for more of my life than not.

Reagan was a good American, that's why Bush had him shot so Herbert Walker could be the one running things.

And that's when a lot of rights started getting eroded for Americans.

The only thing I fault Clinton with is giving our missile tech to the Chinese, and that's really a bad thing. Oh! And the "Assault Weapon ban". I quit the NRA because they let that happen.

The stupid impeachment trials for Clinton were a massive waste of taxpayer money and government resources.

The ones for Trump were even stupider and more of a waste.

Barack Obama was just a monkey throwing wrenches into the gears of America in a effort to fuck everything up.

An illegitimate president that was ineligible, raised by a crazy Marxist woman and family and his dad was an African Muslim. His mentor of perhaps real father was Frank Marshall Davis.

I cannot think of 1 good thing Obama, Bush or Bush did for American citizens.

W. oversaw the Federal government crapping right on the 4th amendment and crashed the economy. What a fucking dick!

We are now in Obama's 3rd term (that's not supposed to happen) and Susan Rice is calling the shots just like when Obama was president.


Had Reagan shot?

Full blown insane idiot
"Doing your best" doesn't mean sucking cock and killing the unborn.

Regarding Trump, all I care about is that he performed his duties while respecting his oath to defend and protect the Constitution. What the man does in his private life or how deeply he offends snowflakes has no bearing on me whatsoever.

Because you are an immoral person

Why did your team impeach Clinton then hypocrite

Had Reagan shot?

Full blown insane idiot

Wrong-o, chickey.

Most likely they conditioned that boy to do that.

And the anti-gun bill thereafter was like it was already written and ready to go. (I think it was)

"The Brady Bill" in case you didn't know.
Wrong-o, chickey.

Most likely they conditioned that boy to do that.

And the anti-gun bill thereafter was like it was already written and ready to go. (Because I think it was)

"The Brady Bill" in case you didn't know.

You are an idiot

There is no proof anywhere to back that slobberingly stupid claim

You are pathetic