Why I hate organized religion

In that case, Jesus said and did nothing, because we rely on secondary sources. Along with Aristotle, etc. However, the scripture preceeded the major organization of the Church except that the Christians clearly understood that one man had been left in charge to some extent. That scripture revealed teachings that included sacraments and leadership.

You mean that the whole thing could just be some sophisticated means of exerting control over a large number of people?

Preposterous. Who would want to do such a thing?
Pol Pot, Stalin, Hitler? These communist and nationalist butchers were atheist's. It is not religion that murders, it is man. Man will and can use whatever philisophical tool at his disposal.

Spaniards, with the explicit consent and approval of the Catholic church killed more native americans in Mexico during the conquest then all the victims of the Holocaust, Stalin's purges and Po Pots killing fields COMBINED.

.....and that was just Mexico! So don't give me some circular argument that religions don't kill men do.
No...that's not coffee....that's Pizza.....Pizza is like sex....when it's good....it's very good and when it's bad....it's still pretty damned good. :)

Pizza...Coffee...none of them are like sex AND i have the medical reports from the burns unit to prove it.
Pizza...Coffee...none of them are like sex AND i have the medical reports from the burns unit to prove it.

Charver.....you idiot.....those are metaphors, not literalisms......who do you think I am? Dixie?:p

about the burns though......did you have to pay extra?
No...that's not coffee....that's Pizza.....Pizza is like sex....when it's good....it's very good and when it's bad....it's still pretty damned good. :)

I've had pizza that I wouldn't eat. But I've never had coffee I wouldn't drink.

So the worst pizza I've ever had was lousy. The worst coffee I've ever had was still pretty good.
Spaniards, with the explicit consent and approval of the Catholic church killed more native americans in Mexico during the conquest then all the victims of the Holocaust, Stalin's purges and Po Pots killing fields COMBINED.

.....and that was just Mexico! So don't give me some circular argument that religions don't kill men do.
You are truly a fucking moron. Same as the dumb ass who categorized the Holocaust as religiously motivated.

Just because the Church gave its approval does not make what Spain did to the natives of the New World religiously motivated. They were on a imperialistic mission of conquest. There is a difference, which anti-religion fucks deliberately choose to ignore. While it is despicable that the Archbishop of Spain gave his approval of the mission (and all it entailed) there it little doubt it would have gone on without that approval. Governments, as you well know (but don't care to admit) have a nasty habit of only paying attention to religious edicts when they are in their favor, and totally ignoring them when they are not.
You mean that the whole thing could just be some sophisticated means of exerting control over a large number of people?

Preposterous. Who would want to do such a thing?

What, you mean control a small group of Jews representing no greater than 15% of the entire Jewish nation at that time?
Spaniards, with the explicit consent and approval of the Catholic church killed more native americans in Mexico during the conquest then all the victims of the Holocaust, Stalin's purges and Po Pots killing fields COMBINED.

.....and that was just Mexico! So don't give me some circular argument that religions don't kill men do.

I never said that religion was not a motivator in some wars. I did say that men kill and not religions. It's a true statement. I offered just a sampling of secularly motivated mass butchers who slaughtered many many more than the catholics and protestants ever did. Here's an interesting "table" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_toll Please note how many "non-religious" wars have been fought and how many deaths occured as a result.
What, you mean control a small group of Jews representing no greater than 15% of the entire Jewish nation at that time?

Yes. Everyone knows that the roots of all worldwide human control mechanisms begin with a couple of Jewish blokes discussing stuff over a cup of coffee (or in those ancient days...er...delicious hot water).

Start small and work up.
Yes. Everyone knows that the roots of all worldwide human control mechanisms begin with a couple of Jewish blokes discussing stuff over a cup of coffee (or in those ancient days...er...delicious hot water).

Start small and work up.

In that case, I recommend knocking glasses together with Asshate sometime, because he is convinced that Jews live to control other people.

But the human control mechanism that controls me was indeed started exclusively by Jews. Although many weirdos out there who claim to be Christian seem to think its consistent to go to church and hate Jews at the same time have me utterly baffled...