Why is evince banned from so many threads

You treat racist Desh "differently than others".

Because you (and others) cling to identity politics in everything you say on this forum. What you say in private is another matter...

Who knows? I suspect that she assumed the man was a criminal because of the color of his skin, how he was dressed, etc.

Like a racist does, you know?

She certainly attacked the white man differently.

There's the rub.

I treat Desh the same as I treat many other people here. And I hope you're not hinting that I've said otherwise.
This says it all:

First you said I never call out people I like, then you said I insulted Pmp. That is moving the goalposts. Capisce?

Do you like PMP?
He's called me the "C" word and I don't like anybody who calls me the "C" word... as I mentioned many posts ago.

Have you ever called out anyone you like or who is a lefty? So far, after repeatedly asking for proof, you have provided none.
Frankly I have no idea what you mean by "calling out" anymore. I've already posted a list of names of people I've disagreed with. What do you want anyway, that if I disagree with a lefty it has to be a huge vulgar explosion?

When you asked me, I provided the one post you asked for. But of course, you don't have to do that.

Not a single post cite from you, yet I provide you with a post when asked.

Says a lot about you.

And I was polite to Jade and have went out of my way to do so since he played the game. For you to lie about that is pathetic.

Jade's big issue was that I thought he was female. I now refer to him as male as he wants.
Yet the post exists where he asked you to stop being a hypocrite about jumping into his convo with another. And he did it because you were NOT POLITE. Maybe you need lessons. I'll try to reference some books for you.

You are as bad as Zappacrite.
Bingo! There it is, once again you're dragging another poster into this argument, a poster who has nothing to do with it. You can't go a single damn day without insulting someone.
First, I find it amusing that you people are discussing this as if Desh were a rational poster........second, I just realized I don't actually need a second.....
Why did you jump all over Poet just because he said he was black and gay, you phony s.o.b.? You didn't like his reference to his race?

UN, GEE - Let me think about that for a few seconds!!

I don't care if he was Green and a Jolly Giant.

Maybe, just maybe, it was because of his insufferable asinine attitude and had NOTHING to do with him being Black, Gay, or anything else; but you in your infinite knowledge, it can only be because he was Black, Gay, and you happened to agree with insufferable asininity.

Here is not the whole internet.

???....what does that have to do with your ignorance about the decade long feud between Legion and me?.....

Btw, I have thousands of adoring followers on FB and twitter who await my latest message with bated breath.

that is incredibly sad......please post this on your FB......perhaps some of them will reassess their incredible waste of their time........
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Ding ding ding ding ding! And we have a winner.

She tells it like it is, and she doesn't take any shit off anyone. Even if you're a fellow leftie, if you say something she takes issue with, she'll sure as hell let you know.

Add that to the fact that Reichwing males in general fear and dislike strong assertive females, and there you go.

Owl saying thread bans are for cowards and those who can't handle the truth.

Cypress even thanked the post and then claims it is a false allegation. Lol