Why is evince banned from so many threads

So you say. Desh is a self-avowed racist who committed a criminal act against an African-American, and you see nothing wrong with that.

I say it because it's true. I disagree with many of Tom's posts but I don't lower to vulgarity when answering him.

Ironic that you're so willing to believe that the men Desh tangled with were unfairly targeted. Next you'll be saying they weren't buying and selling drugs.
I say it because it's true. I disagree with many of Tom's posts but I don't lower to vulgarity when answering him.

Ironic that you're so willing to believe that the men Desh tangled with were unfairly targeted. Next you'll be saying they weren't buying and selling drugs.

Go suck on a dead mules dick or you can choose Putin's cock instead. :D
I say it because it's true. I disagree with many of Tom's posts but I don't lower to vulgarity when answering him.

You forgot to mention that you like Tom.

Ironic that you're so willing to believe that the men Desh tangled with were unfairly targeted. Next you'll be saying they weren't buying and selling drugs.

In the absence of evidence that the men were in fact engaged in criminal activity, I refuse to believe racist Desh based on her "evolving" account of the circumstances.

That's how reasonable people make judgements; not based on their like or dislike of the people involved.

If you wren't ideologically, intellectually and emotionally inflexible, you'd admit that.
Here are her posts. https://www.justplainpolitics.com/search.php?searchid=2479252

Now get cracking and add up the ones that aren't about others.

Of course you're a harasser. There's rarely a thread where you don't attack someone for what they said, especially if they're liberal.

It is a political message board you dirty liar. If I'm a harrasser, is evince? What about Domer? Katzgar?

Those posters insult far more than I do, but of course you NEVER complain about them.

Owl does the same thing and you dishonest excuse is Top does it more so Owl gets a pass. What a joke. Well it's okay for Owl to do it because the other person does it more.

Your rank hypocrisy is noted.
LOL, you admit your own hypocrisy. Why do you call Top out for the same stuff Owl does but Owl gets a pass.

Using you logic, why should I call out Top? Which lefty have you ever called out?

I provided a post, just because you think it is wishy washy is not my concern. You lied. I also created a thread or two asking them all to stop, but in your world that doesn't count because you're dishonest and a major hypocrite.

Oh yurtsie you're hopeless. It's why I voted for you as the most annoying poster on JPP. You have to insert yourself in everybody's business. The Amazon stuff doesn't pertain to you. I defend Owl, you defend Toxic. How are we different, yurtsie? And as I already told Legion, I am able to disagree with lefties politely without throwing down the gauntlet. Unlike you, you two-faced titmouse.
Oh yurtsie you're hopeless. It's why I voted for you as the most annoying poster on JPP. You have to insert yourself in everybody's business. The Amazon stuff doesn't pertain to you. I defend Owl, you defend Toxic. How are we different, yurtsie? And as I already told Legion, I am able to disagree with lefties politely without throwing down the gauntlet. Unlike you, you two-faced titmouse.

Hilarious. So because you won't call out your fellow lefties (those you like) you think you aren't a notorious hypocrite?

You forgot to mention that you like Tom.

Wasn't that implied after you wrote "Poor Christiecrite is incapable of admitting that anyone she likes is wrong, apparently."

In the absence of evidence that the men were in fact engaged in criminal activity, I refuse to believe racist Desh based on her "evolving" account of the circumstances.

That's how reasonable people make judgements; not based on their like or dislike of the people involved.

If you wren't ideologically, intellectually and emotionally inflexible, you'd admit that.

Please. You don't like Desh, you made a judgment that she's a racist, and you're not honest enough to admit it. If it was about racism only you would be starting threads about Kek, CFM and the many other real racists here.
Oh yurtsie you're hopeless. It's why I voted for you as the most annoying poster on JPP. You have to insert yourself in everybody's business. The Amazon stuff doesn't pertain to you. I defend Owl, you defend Toxic. How are we different, yurtsie? And as I already told Legion, I am able to disagree with lefties politely without throwing down the gauntlet. Unlike you, you two-faced titmouse.


Prove I'm never polite while disagreeing. You flat out lying. I've been polite with you many times you disgusting liar. You make me sick with you rank hypocrisy and bald face lies. I've seen you insult so many people, like PMP, but yeah, you're polite. You're sick.

And as you admit, I did call out Top. Since you haven't and won't call out Owl for doing the same you are the hypocrite and have zero ground to stand on.

If you had any morals you would be ashamed of yourself.
Wasn't that implied after you wrote "Poor Christiecrite is incapable of admitting that anyone she likes is wrong, apparently."
Please. You don't like Desh, you made a judgment that she's a racist, and you're not honest enough to admit it. If it was about racism only you would be starting threads about Kek, CFM and the many other real racists here.

I made a judgment that the actions that she boasted about were racist. I was shocked.

Liking or disliking people doesn't enter into it.

Apparently you're unable to separate the person from the action.

And if you'll recall, in my various guises on this forum I have certainly started threads/posted negatively about several racists here.

BTW, racist Desh is a real racist.
It is a political message board you dirty liar. If I'm a harrasser, is evince? What about Domer? Katzgar?

Those posters insult far more than I do, but of course you NEVER complain about them.

Owl does the same thing and you dishonest excuse is Top does it more so Owl gets a pass. What a joke. Well it's okay for Owl to do it because the other person does it more.

Your rank hypocrisy is noted.

Those people you mention insult others about the comments they made on the topic at hand. Unlike you, who drags in names of people who haven't even participated in the thread.

You're the one who actually makes threads insulting others, not me, two-faces. I guess you have to go on the attack since you certainly can't admit that Toxic only comes here to smear other posters.
Those people you mention insult others about the comments they made on the topic at hand. Unlike you, who drags in names of people who haven't even participated in the thread.

You're the one who actually makes threads insulting others, not me, two-faces. I guess you have to go on the attack since you certainly can't admit that Toxic only comes here to smear other posters.

Double standards again, Christiecrite. I dislike Yurt, yet he has your hypocrisy nailed.

I like you, but you're a hypocrite.

Prove I'm never polite while disagreeing. You flat out lying. I've been polite with you many times you disgusting liar. You make me sick with you rank hypocrisy and bald face lies. I've seen you insult so many people, like PMP, but yeah, you're polite. You're sick.

And as you admit, I did call out Top. Since you haven't and won't call out Owl for doing the same you are the hypocrite and have zero ground to stand on.

If you had any morals you would be ashamed of yourself.

^ Again: first place for the most annoying poster on JPP.

Do you really think I would be polite to Pmp after he's called me a c*nt? Or to any of the people who attack me because I loathe trump?

I've been polite to you also but you manage to blow it every single time. You can't go two days without reverting back to your norm of name-calling. Example, you claimed that you made peace with Jade, then just today you turned on him over a post to another person. You are so predictable and phony.

Here's you, yurtsie. Talking about people who have nothing to do with the thread you're in. Nobody does this as much as you do. You're obsessed with calling people liars and hypocrites. Face up to your own double standards before attacking everyone else.

"Still bringing drama from another board and Rana says nothing. "
"Owl is obsessed with the old board and wants to bring every single drama trauma there to here. How many tones does this obsessive woman post posts from Amazon."
"Better knock off the insults, Jade will thread ban you.
"Jarod is a liar."
"Funny how liberalscavenger doesn't mention the lefties who thread ban, in some cases, half the board from their threads."
I made a judgment that the actions that she boasted about were racist. I was shocked.

Liking or disliking people doesn't enter into it.

Apparently you're unable to separate the person from the action.

And if you'll recall, in my various guises on this forum I have certainly started threads/posted negatively about several racists here.

BTW, racist Desh is a real racist.

Why the sudden admission of your various socks? And why do you seem to post more center right than your usual far left or far right?
I made a judgment that the actions that she boasted about were racist. I was shocked.

Liking or disliking people doesn't enter into it.

Apparently you're unable to separate the person from the action.

And if you'll recall, in my various guises on this forum I have certainly started threads/posted negatively about several racists here.

BTW, racist Desh is a real racist.

Yet you have never started threads about those several racists and carried them forward year after year after year.
^ Again: first place for the most annoying poster on JPP.

Do you really think I would be polite to Pmp after he's called me a c*nt? Or to any of the people who attack me because I loathe trump?

I've been polite to you also but you manage to blow it every single time. You can't go two days without reverting back to your norm of name-calling. Example, you claimed that you made peace with Jade, then just today you turned on him over a post to another person. You are so predictable and phony.

Here's you, yurtsie. Talking about people who have nothing to do with the thread you're in. Nobody does this as much as you do. You're obsessed with calling people liars and hypocrites. Face up to your own double standards before attacking everyone else.

"Still bringing drama from another board and Rana says nothing. "
"Owl is obsessed with the old board and wants to bring every single drama trauma there to here. How many tones does this obsessive woman post posts from Amazon."
"Better knock off the insults, Jade will thread ban you.
"Jarod is a liar."
"Funny how liberalscavenger doesn't mention the lefties who thread ban, in some cases, half the board from their threads."

You claim I am unable to be polite, now the goal post has been moved to I can't be polite for "two days". How do you not see the blatant dishonesty of your statement that I am unable to be polite?

As to Jade, I did not turn on him. I disagreed with him Ina polite manner. But somehow in you twisted sick world I was impolite because I simply disagreed with him.

When I call out your lies and others, I'm obsessed. Why don't you cite where I've ever been wrong and not admitted it. Prove your claim. Cite one post. You asked me to cite one post and I did. Will you do the same?