Why is evince banned from so many threads

You claim I am unable to be polite, now the goal post has been moved to I can't be polite for "two days". How do you not see the blatant dishonesty of your statement that I am unable to be polite?

As to Jade, I did not turn on him. I disagreed with him Ina polite manner. But somehow in you twisted sick world I was impolite because I simply disagreed with him.

When I call out your lies and others, I'm obsessed. Why don't you cite where I've ever been wrong and not admitted it. Prove your claim. Cite one post. You asked me to cite one post and I did. Will you do the same?

Why haven't you addressed my response to this comment, yurtsie: "I've seen you insult so many people, like PMP, but yeah, you're polite. You're sick. "

Right there you moved the goalposts from me calling out people I like to me insulting people who don't like me.

If you can only be polite for two days you've got a lot of work to do on your self-discipline. Try working up to three days.

Why would you even disagree with Jade over a person you don't know in a convo with another poster? What's it to you? And don't pretend this comment wasn't intended to provoke: "Because he insults the people you don't like?"

You are wrong in getting so invested in Amazon business that you have to make threads about it.
I know Desh isn't a racist and you can't make her be a racist because you want to.

How you can pretend to 'know' that when she clearly committed a racist act is hard to believe.

As I said, I was shocked when i read her original post. it is what it is.

Inflexibility isn't an admirable trait, Christiecrite. Neither is loyalty in the face of the facts.

You don't have to stop liking someone because they did something wrong, you know.
No, as you doubtless know, that isn't my point at all.

No I don't know, explain it. I already stated I've disagreed with Tom about a number of things. I've also disagreed with leaningright, cawacko, guno, Darth, and Annata to name a few. All people I like but argue with occasionally.
How you can pretend to 'know' that when she clearly committed a racist act is hard to believe.

As I said, I was shocked when i read her original post. it is what it is.

Inflexibility isn't an admirable trait, Christiecrite. Neither is loyalty in the face of the facts.

You don't have to stop liking someone because they did something wrong, you know.

I don't approve of spitting on people. But I'm not going to call her a racist because she did.
Why haven't you addressed my response to this comment, yurtsie: "I've seen you insult so many people, like PMP, but yeah, you're polite. You're sick. "

Right there you moved the goalposts from me calling out people I like to me insulting people who don't like me.

If you can only be polite for two days you've got a lot of work to do on your self-discipline. Try working up to three days.

Why would you even disagree with Jade over a person you don't know in a convo with another poster? What's it to you? And don't pretend this comment wasn't intended to provoke: "Because he insults the people you don't like?"

You are wrong in getting so invested in Amazon business that you have to make threads about it.

I am polite beyond two days. Stop your pathological lying. You said I could only go two days. Unlike you, I back up my claims. Rana is someone I disagree with on almost everything, yet I am polite to her.

You are the one who keeps injecting herself in the Amazon business, already proved in a thread a couple of months ago but of course you dishonestly pretend I didn't.

Goal post moving, please expound, I don't see it and for once be specific.

As to Jade, explain how I was not polite. That is your claim. Back it up or shut up.

And note for the record, Christiecrite has not provided a single example where she called out a lefty.

I don't approve of spitting on people. But I'm not going to call her a racist because she did.

I see you're staying away from the question of why did she have to include the RACE of the guy she supposedly spit on.

Why wasn't she able to just say she spit on a guy selling drugs, who now it turns out was supposedly buying drugs?
No I don't know, explain it. I already stated I've disagreed with Tom about a number of things. I've also disagreed with leaningright, cawacko, guno, Darth, and Annata to name a few. All people I like but argue with occasionally.

Let's contrast what happens with you disagree with the people you like vs what happens when you disagree with those you don't.

Self-examination time, Christiecrite.

Even a broken clock is right twice a day, you know.

Can you not separate the person from the deed?
I see you're staying away from the question of why did she have to include the RACE of the guy she supposedly spit on.

Good point. Maybe her evident racism is unconscious, just like Christiecrite's inability to find fault with people she likes is.

Why wasn't she able to just say she spit on a guy selling drugs, who now it turns out was supposedly buying drugs?

With zero evidence that anyone was doing either, and an evolving narrative that's got more twists in it than a pig's tail.
I am polite beyond two days. Stop your pathological lying. You said I could only go two days. Unlike you, I back up my claims. Rana is someone I disagree with on almost everything, yet I am polite to her.

You are the one who keeps injecting herself in the Amazon business, already proved in a thread a couple of months ago but of course you dishonestly pretend I didn't.

Goal post moving, please expound, I don't see it and for once be specific.

As to Jade, explain how I was not polite. That is your claim. Back it up or shut up.

And note for the record, Christiecrite has not provided a single example where she called out a lefty.


You are truly disgusting. All you have is insult and name-calling. "Pathological lying, Christiecrite, blatant dishonesty, disgusting liar, rank hypocrisy, bald faced lies, pathetic liar, dishonesty, no morals, dirty liar yada yada yada."

^ This is you, yurt. This is what you've become on this forum. You started this shit way back on #348 when you jumped in the middle of an argument between me and Legion just to call me a name. I called you yurtsie, nippy and phony, I didn't descend to your level of nastiness.

First you said I never call out people I like, then you said I insulted Pmp. That is moving the goalposts. Capisce?

I already showed how you weren't polite to Jade. Can you read? A polite comment wouldn't have elicited this response. https://www.justplainpolitics.com/showthread.php?95445-fyi-about-me&p=2369121#post2369121

I guess you think calling out someone means dropping the bomb on them. Of course you think that because you and politeness are polar opposites.
I see you're staying away from the question of why did she have to include the RACE of the guy she supposedly spit on.

Why wasn't she able to just say she spit on a guy selling drugs, who now it turns out was supposedly buying drugs?

Why did you jump all over Poet just because he said he was black and gay, you phony s.o.b.? You didn't like his reference to his race?
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Let's contrast what happens with you disagree with the people you like vs what happens when you disagree with those you don't.

Self-examination time, Christiecrite.

Even a broken clock is right twice a day, you know.

Can you not separate the person from the deed?

So now you're moving the goal posts from "christie never calls out the people she likes" to "christies disagrees differently with the people she doesn't like than those she does like."

It's time for your circular arguments to stop. I call out racists, bigots and people who attack me differently than I do those where we just have issue differences. Happy now?

Explain why I should be polite to those who call me "christiec*nt", or those who tell me to "go suck a n****r dick."
At last, dawn breaks on Marblehead.

BTW, racist Desh is a bigot by virtue of what she says she did. Own up to it.

Are you drunk? I already said hours ago I treat bigots and racists differently than others.

You can post until the twelfth of never that Desh is a racist but you will not persuade me and others that it's true. Next I expect you and freedumb to say that the guys weren't dealing drugs and she simply attacked them for no reason.
Are you drunk? I already said hours ago I treat bigots and racists differently than others.

You treat racist Desh "differently than others".

You can post until the twelfth of never that Desh is a racist but you will not persuade me and others that it's true

Because you (and others) cling to identity politics in everything you say on this forum. What you say in private is another matter...

Next I expect you and freedumb to say that the guys weren't dealing drugs and she simply attacked them for no reason.

Who knows? I suspect that she assumed the man was a criminal because of the color of his skin, how he was dressed, etc.

Like a racist does, you know?

She certainly attacked the white man differently.

There's the rub.
You are truly disgusting. All you have is insult and name-calling. "Pathological lying, Christiecrite, blatant dishonesty, disgusting liar, rank hypocrisy, bald faced lies, pathetic liar, dishonesty, no morals, dirty liar yada yada yada."

^ This is you, yurt. This is what you've become on this forum. You started this shit way back on #348 when you jumped in the middle of an argument between me and Legion just to call me a name. I called you yurtsie, nippy and phony, I didn't descend to your level of nastiness.

First you said I never call out people I like, then you said I insulted Pmp. That is moving the goalposts. Capisce?

I already showed how you weren't polite to Jade. Can you read? A polite comment wouldn't have elicited this response. https://www.justplainpolitics.com/showthread.php?95445-fyi-about-me&p=2369121#post2369121

I guess you think calling out someone means dropping the bomb on them. Of course you think that because you and politeness are polar opposites.

This says it all:

First you said I never call out people I like, then you said I insulted Pmp. That is moving the goalposts. Capisce?

Do you like PMP? Have you ever called out anyone you like or who is a lefty? So far, after repeatedly asking for proof, you have provided none.

When you asked me, I provided the one post you asked for. But of course, you don't have to do that.

Not a single post cite from you, yet I provide you with a post when asked.

Says a lot about you.

And I was polite to Jade and have went out of my way to do so since he played the game. For you to lie about that is pathetic.

Jade's big issue was that I thought he was female. I now refer to him as male as he wants.

You are as bad as Zappacrite.