Why is evince banned from so many threads

No, I think the 2011 Toxic racist post is the oldest, and that one was sent to me by one of her other enemies. Now *that* person has quite an extensive collection of Toxic waste. Lucky for Toxic, she's not on JPP. lol

So you say.

Join me in condemning the overt racism evinced by Desh and her pathetic attempts to lie about her past.
why would an American patriot like her join a russian butt hole in making false statements about race?

You are an unrepentant racist who profiled a black man as a drug dealer without a shred of evidence, assaulted him in a disgusting display of white privilege, and embellished your account of the incident several times in an attempt to justify your bias.
You are an unrepentant racist who profiled a black man as a drug dealer without a shred of evidence, assaulted him in a disgusting display of white privilege, and embellished your account of the incident several times in an attempt to justify your bias.

bot hole says what?
Nope. There's nothing to turn a blind eye to, when it comes to Evince. You just don't like her because you hate being worn on the bottom of her shoe, day after day.

Desh bragged about committing an act that a reasonable person would consider racist.

Then she changed her story in an attempt to blame her victim for her decision to assault him.

Those are the facts.

She has branded others racist with far less justification.
You are an unrepentant racist who profiled a black man as a drug dealer without a shred of evidence, assaulted him in a disgusting display of white privilege, and embellished your account of the incident several times in an attempt to justify your bias.

Hahahaha. Well, you probably wouldn't care for my story then, when a gang of kids led by the son of the local weed cartel guy, came over to beat up my son for telling ppl about all the blocks of weed they had in their house. There was no spitting though so it's probably not nearly as interesting. lol
Desh bragged about committing an act that a reasonable person would consider racist.

Then she changed her story in an attempt to blame her victim for her decision to assault him.

Those are the facts.

She has branded others racist with far less justification.


Why weren't the police called, if that was the case?

Are you advocating vigilantism?

Leaving her self-justifying attempt to blame her victim out of her boast is changing her story.

What cannot be disputed is that she bragged about inflicting a humiliating personal assault on a black man who may have been innocent, while meting out a much less offensive version of her own personal "justice" to a white man she also accused of the same alleged "crime".

I doubt you'd accept her tale from others, so ask yourself why you don't seem to be applying the same standard to Desh.
Why weren't the police called, if that was the case?

Are you advocating vigilantism?

Leaving her self-justifying attempt to blame her victim out of her boast is changing her story.

What cannot be disputed is that she bragged about inflicting a humiliating personal assault on a black man who may have been innocent, while meting out a much less offensive version of her own personal "justice" to a white man she also accused of the same alleged "crime".

I doubt you'd accept her tale from others, so ask yourself why you don't seem to be applying the same standard to Desh.

I'm far more interested in why it is so important to you to have me believe your version over hers.

So why is it so important?
I'm far more interested in why it is so important to you to have me believe your version over hers.

So why is it so important?

There is no "my version".

What she did was wrong, and very likely illegal.

I don't recall ever seeing anyone else on this forum boasting that they spat in a black mans' face.

But Desh did.

You're OK with that?
Nope. There's nothing to turn a blind eye to, when it comes to Evince. You just don't like her because you hate being worn on the bottom of her shoe, day after day.

Here's the facts. Evince didn't create that particular post, CFM did. She was calling him out on his racism and asking the RWs if it was a racist post. The devil's in the details.

Originally Posted by CFM
Obama was nothing more than another black failure in a government job and another black family in government housing.

Stupid nigger.
Here's the facts. Evince didn't create that particular post, CFM did. She was calling him out on his racism and asking the RWs if it was a racist post. The devil's in the details.

She didn't quote CFM, she echoed what he said.

Then she re-posted the same racist tripe Granule spewed.

A word of unspecified West African origin that refers to "white" people. It's commonly used in the American South but has fallen out of favor as "White Devil" has assumed prominence.
This ofay at my job is jealous of my ability to get the job done faster and better than him. But he can't help his ofay ways.