Why is evince banned from so many threads

go read all the other times and you will know it all

told longer versions in more details

and quick versions

that is not a descrepancy
What happened to the skinny white drug dealer who ran?
Give me a link to the "version" that is correct.....

I have known Evince the poster for over a decade, and will take her at her word without a single doubt.

You are a new poster who is suddenly interested in something that happened on this board years ago, before you were even here. In civilized society that is what we call freakishly creepy!
People who BUY drugs aren't normally referred to as "drug dealers", racist.

Your lies are getting more convoluted.

Give her some time to "sort things out"...she's going to provide the link to what really happened here...very soon. I'm sure...
I have known Evince the poster for over a decade, and will take her at her word without a single doubt.

You are a new poster who is suddenly interested in something that happened on this board years ago, before you were even here. In civilized society that is what we call freakishly creepy!

haterbators gonna hatebate
I have known Evince the poster for over a decade, and will take her at her word without a single doubt.

You are a new poster who is suddenly interested in something that happened on this board years ago, before you were even here. In civilized society that is what we call freakishly creepy!

I'm not a new poster. Desh's stories have changed, and her lies stink on ice.

She assaulted a black man without a shred of evidence that he was a criminal. That's called profiling. That's racist.

She's changed her story in a desperate attempt to conceal the fact that she had no evidence.

Now she suddenly claims the black man was buying drugs, after claiming he was a "dealer" for years.
Give her some time to "sort things out"...she's going to provide the link to what really happened here...very soon. I'm sure...

She's had YEARS to "sort things out". She hasn't.

She also claimed there was a study done that proved Republicans were more racist than black people. While that may be true, she has yet to provide a link to that alleged study, despite lying and obfuscating for years.

It's a pattern of behavior.
She's had YEARS to "sort things out". She hasn't.

She also claimed there was a study done that proved Republicans were more racist than black people. While that may be true, she has yet to provide a link to that alleged study, despite lying and obfuscating for years.

It's a pattern of behavior.
This is her moment....to clear things up. If she doesn't, well....that is her choice. But the short, the long, the whatever versions...they're definitely "different"...
Really different.
I'll check back first thing in the morning....she and EJr. need to rest...;)
Certainly you can't claim to have never told racist jokes. Why, here's some of your "wit" now, TOPICWAQ! I especially enjoyed the scolding you get following the welfare office "joke". Say, wasn't "Ignatov" another one of those ppl you got banned on Amazon?

In reply to an earlier post on Nov 16, 2011 7:59:07 AM PST
Last edited by the author 35 minutes ago

Got an ethnic job joke for you TR...

A black guy walks into his neighborhood welfare office, goes up to the counter and says, "Hi, I'm tired of foodstamps, monthly checks, and other government handouts. I'm ready to get a real job."
The man behind the counter says, "Great--I actually just got a request from a very rich man who wants a chauffeur and bodyguard for his nymphomaniac daughter. You job duties would include driving around in a huge white Mercedes, and the uniforms are provided. The hours are kind of long but you will be given meals and housing. You will be allowed escort the young lady on her cruises and international holidays. The salary package is $250,000 a year, to start."
The guy says, "Ah c'mon, bro, you've got to be bul..s...ting me!"
The man behind the counter said, "Well, you started it!"
Have a great day, TR!

In reply to an earlier post on Nov 16, 2011 9:43:22 AM PST
Ignatov says:
"black guy walks into his welfare office and says, 'Hi, I'm tired of government handouts. I'm ready to get a job.'"

Please don't tell racist jokes in this forum.
In reply to your post on Aug 24, 2015 1:39:12 PM PDT
TOPIC says:
here's the second one:)
"yo IF Dere'$$ Ne11 Hoo knows Frmm FAke blaqq VOICeS, It'$ RRRR DArliN MI$$ toXiCC Wif Hur eRSaTz BlaQ nI$$a, a''' Hurr PENCHant FO' uSiN` A OnliNE eBoNix TranSmaLatorr TA $ho DAt $he'$$ Nawt Uh RaCiST bRacee Yo'$elF Foo'!!
You are very welcome...
That one is English to Ghetto;)

Still bringing drama from another board and Rana says nothing.

My thoughts on this thread:

I don't believe Evince's story for a second. Anyone who does has probably purchased swampland at least once.

Second, I am not surprised that Owl Woman has files going back at least 11 years, from a forum that no longer exists.
My thoughts on this thread:

I don't believe Evince's story for a second. Anyone who does has probably purchased swampland at least once.

Second, I am not surprised that Owl Woman has files going back at least 11 years, from a forum that no longer exists.

go ask groot to explain it all to you
This is her moment....to clear things up. If she doesn't, well....that is her choice. But the short, the long, the whatever versions...they're definitely "different"...
Really different.
I'll check back first thing in the morning....she and EJr. need to rest...;)

and those differences are what ?

You really should clean up those snail trails
I'm not a new poster. Desh's stories have changed, and her lies stink on ice.

She assaulted a black man without a shred of evidence that he was a criminal. That's called profiling. That's racist.

She's changed her story in a desperate attempt to conceal the fact that she had no evidence.

Now she suddenly claims the black man was buying drugs, after claiming he was a "dealer" for years.

he was dealing drugs

he was the buyer
I confronted them in the middle of their deal out of the back of a car

the scrawny guy got in his car and took off

the other guy in the deal tried to give me shit

so I stood toe to toe with him

you would have shit your pants and offered to suck him off
My thoughts on this thread:

I don't believe Evince's story for a second. Anyone who does has probably purchased swampland at least once.

Second, I am not surprised that Owl Woman has files going back at least 11 years, from a forum that no longer exists.

11 years, CO? 2018 - 2011 = 7 years. But okay then. lol

I wasn't on Amazon 11 years ago (2007). I got there around 2010-11. You?