Why is evince banned from so many threads

Poor Fowl.....can't you find something else to post?
I'm still not sure why that particular little blip offends you so...
profiled ?

I saw the drug deal idiot

he was the buyer

the skinny little dweeb selling took the fuck off right away

he thought he could scare me so he started giving me shit

I gave him shit back

I treated him the same as I would have treated a 16 year old white girl buying drugs in my hood

you would have shit your pants and offered to suck him off


First you said he was a "DRUG DEALER" and now you're saying he was the "BUYER"!!

You can't have it both ways, so which one was / is the lie?
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I know, right? It *is* a thankless job, exposing your nasty racism, bitter hate, and ugliness. Oh wait. I get plenty of thanks. Sorry you don't. lol
LOL...Poor Fowl :laugh:
Let your obsession continue for as long as it keeps you "happy"....just try to stop using other people to help do your dirty work...they're the ones who take the fall, as we've all seen....
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So fucking what? It was intended to be used against organized crime but it was turned into a racist tool later by the gop to jail unwhite people for life for minor crimes.

So what? That's how it was implemented in my state, by the people. In my reading of the three strikes history I saw nothing that said it was a GOP idea
LOL...Poor Fowl :laugh:
Let your obsession continue for as long as it keeps you "happy"....just try to stop using other people to help do your dirty work...they're the ones who take the fall, as we've all seen....

Oh look! Look, everybody! Toxic finally got out from under the bed and wiped off the dust bunnies, and put on her big girl panties! She's actually gotten brave enough to respond to me directly!

We are SOOOO proud of you, Toxic! See, that wasn't so hard now, was it? WTG!!! I bet tomorrow you can do it again if you try! And maybe tomorrow, you can even respond with something that makes sense!

Hope you sleep well tonight, having finally found your strap-on and tried it out! MUAH! :good4u:
Poor Fowl:laugh: It's just so easy....that was classic...I'll pass this along to all our nice Amazon friends who stopped by but never posted;)
"Oh look! Look, everybody! Toxic finally got out from under the bed and wiped off the dust bunnies, and put on her big girl panties! She's actually gotten brave enough to respond to me directly!

We are SOOOO proud of you, Toxic! See, that wasn't so hard now, was it? WTG!!! I bet tomorrow you can do it again if you try! And maybe tomorrow, you can even respond with something that makes sense!"
Poor Fowl:laugh: It's just so easy....that was classic...I'll pass this along to all our nice Amazon friends who stopped by but never posted;)
"Oh look! Look, everybody! Toxic finally got out from under the bed and wiped off the dust bunnies, and put on her big girl panties! She's actually gotten brave enough to respond to me directly!

We are SOOOO proud of you, Toxic! See, that wasn't so hard now, was it? WTG!!! I bet tomorrow you can do it again if you try! And maybe tomorrow, you can even respond with something that makes sense!"

you are fucking insanely obsessed
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Poor Fowl:laugh: It's just so easy....that was classic...I'll pass this along to all our nice Amazon friends who stopped by but never posted;)
"Oh look! Look, everybody! Toxic finally got out from under the bed and wiped off the dust bunnies, and put on her big girl panties! She's actually gotten brave enough to respond to me directly!

We are SOOOO proud of you, Toxic! See, that wasn't so hard now, was it? WTG!!! I bet tomorrow you can do it again if you try! And maybe tomorrow, you can even respond with something that makes sense!"

I know it hurts when you're constantly pwned but you should be used to that by now. Here. In that "nice poster" thread started by the guy who you constantly mock for having mental illness issues, a couple ppl thought I belong on the list. I don't, but in honor of their votes I grant you this for your constantly-spanked bum. Sorry I can't provide a human to rub it on for you, so sorry. Maybe you can spread it on your potty seat and squirm around? lol
