Why is evince banned from so many threads

What part of Appalachia do you come from? I haven't heard the word "oriental" in ages, and I have not heard anyone I know publically tell a disparaging polish or jewish joke in about three decades.

Really. I was in grade school the last time I heard a "pollack" joke..... which was well over 50 years ago. It sounds like Angry Bird enjoys the occasional racist/ethnic joke himself, since he seems to see nothing wrong with it.
Really. I was in grade school the last time I heard a "pollack" joke..... which was well over 50 years ago. It sounds like Angry Bird enjoys the occasional racist/ethnic joke himself, since he seems to see nothing wrong with it.

Too right you are.

It seems like I may have been about 19 years old the last time I heard a peer or aquantance tell a "Pollack" joke. Those jokes aren't even funny, in the comedic sense, when you think about it.

Seemingly, conservatives are "amazed" and astounded when they hear there are cliques of people who do not tell disparaging and dehumanizing "Oriental", Polish, or Jewish jokes. Apparently, it is outside their range of life experience!

I am not surprised in the least that you or Phantasmal do not tell "Oriental" or jewish jokes.
Too right you are.
It seems like I may have been about 19 years old the last time I heard a peer or good aquantance tell a "Pollack" joke. Those jokes aren't even funny, in the comedic sense, when you think about it.
I actually think conservatives are "amazed" and astounded when they hear there are cliques of people who do not tell disparaging and dehumanizing "Oriental", Polish, or Jewish jokes. Apparently, it is outside their range of life experience!
I am not surprised in the least that you or Phantasmal do not tell "Oriental" or jewish jokes.

My sister and I used to constantly chastise our one older brother who thought that jokes about "coons," "spics", "kikes," etc. were the height of hilarity.... even into adulthood. I recall yelling at him at one family reunion to STFU and don't tell that shit around my kids -- all of whom worshiped him. Even our other brother would jump his case. What a surprise when he died at age 53, to see all the ppl who came to his funeral. It was held in that little church near San Antonio that had the horrible massacre last year. We were almost the only white ppl there. The other 300+ ppl were black and/or Hispanic. Damn funeral took almost four hours because the minister invited people to come up to the lectern and share Larry stories.
Certainly you can't claim to have never told racist jokes. Why, here's some of your "wit" now, TOPICWAQ! I especially enjoyed the scolding you get following the welfare office "joke". Say, wasn't "Ignatov" another one of those ppl you got banned on Amazon?

In reply to an earlier post on Nov 16, 2011 7:59:07 AM PST
Last edited by the author 35 minutes ago

Got an ethnic job joke for you TR...

A black guy walks into his neighborhood welfare office, goes up to the counter and says, "Hi, I'm tired of foodstamps, monthly checks, and other government handouts. I'm ready to get a real job."
The man behind the counter says, "Great--I actually just got a request from a very rich man who wants a chauffeur and bodyguard for his nymphomaniac daughter. You job duties would include driving around in a huge white Mercedes, and the uniforms are provided. The hours are kind of long but you will be given meals and housing. You will be allowed escort the young lady on her cruises and international holidays. The salary package is $250,000 a year, to start."
The guy says, "Ah c'mon, bro, you've got to be bul..s...ting me!"
The man behind the counter said, "Well, you started it!"
Have a great day, TR!

In reply to an earlier post on Nov 16, 2011 9:43:22 AM PST
Ignatov says:
"black guy walks into his welfare office and says, 'Hi, I'm tired of government handouts. I'm ready to get a job.'"

Please don't tell racist jokes in this forum.
In reply to your post on Aug 24, 2015 1:39:12 PM PDT
TOPIC says:
here's the second one:)
"yo IF Dere'$$ Ne11 Hoo knows Frmm FAke blaqq VOICeS, It'$ RRRR DArliN MI$$ toXiCC Wif Hur eRSaTz BlaQ nI$$a, a''' Hurr PENCHant FO' uSiN` A OnliNE eBoNix TranSmaLatorr TA $ho DAt $he'$$ Nawt Uh RaCiST bRacee Yo'$elF Foo'!!
You are very welcome...
That one is English to Ghetto;)

That is just ugly. :|
My sister and I used to constantly chastise our one older brother who thought that jokes about "coons," "spics", "kikes," etc. were the height of hilarity.... even into adulthood. I recall yelling at him at one family reunion to STFU and don't tell that shit around my kids -- all of whom worshiped him. Even our other brother would jump his case. What a surprise when he died at age 53, to see all the ppl who came to his funeral. It was held in that little church near San Antonio that had the horrible massacre last year. We were almost the only white ppl there. The other 300+ ppl were black and/or Hispanic. Damn funeral took almost four hours because the minister invited people to come up to the lectern and share Larry stories.

One of those ironies of life, eh?

I never even got what was supposed to be funny about Chinese or Jewish jokes. Just from a comedic level, they seemed off-the-charts Lame.

There were quite a few "Pollack" jokes directed at me as a teenager...mostly because clueless dumbasses could not tell the difference between east Slavs and west Slavs. So even though I am not Polish, I generally took the incoming fire. And there may have been a few "slack jawed hill billy" insults launched in return fire!
That is just ugly. :|

Well, ugly is as ugly does.... and Toxic is ugly inside and out. But that was 2011 and like so yesterday so we should forgive her and realize that she's matured. Well, except for that part where she thanks JPP's worst racists here, and chats with them like it's all okay:
