Why is evince banned from so many threads

I have told the story many times in this site

Ive been here over a decade

go look them up

look for discrepancies

It will verify the story

Correct; you've been telling this "story", for over a decade.

And you just keep adding to it, the more your bigotry and racism is exposed; because now you've added a third person and that would be this supposedly skinny little dweeb. :palm:

What you going to add in next; that the Cartel started to do a drive by, on your home, in retaliation, but stopped when they saw you looking at them?? LOL
I have known Evince the poster for over a decade, and will take her at her word without a single doubt.

You are a new poster who is suddenly interested in something that happened on this board years ago, before you were even here. In civilized society that is what we call freakishly creepy!

So which "word" are you going to take her at:
1 - Version #1?
2 - Version #2?
3 - Version #3?
I confronted them in the middle of their deal out of the back of a car

the scrawny guy got in his car and took off

the other guy in the deal tried to give me shit

so I stood toe to toe with him

you would have shit your pants and offered to suck him off

OH, SO NOW THERE'S A "CAR". :eek2:

This is becoming like the "Song that never ends"; but it keeps growing!!
Oh look! Look, everybody! Toxic finally got out from under the bed and wiped off the dust bunnies, and put on her big girl panties! She's actually gotten brave enough to respond to me directly!

We are SOOOO proud of you, Toxic! See, that wasn't so hard now, was it? WTG!!! I bet tomorrow you can do it again if you try! And maybe tomorrow, you can even respond with something that makes sense!

Hope you sleep well tonight, having finally found your strap-on and tried it out! MUAH! :good4u:

When have you responded to EE or me directly?

You were already the prime gangster when I got there. But really. . . you have posts going back for years? Volumes?

No, I think the 2011 Toxic racist post is the oldest, and that one was sent to me by one of her other enemies. Now *that* person has quite an extensive collection of Toxic waste. Lucky for Toxic, she's not on JPP. lol