Why is evince banned from so many threads

10-23-2013, 08:25 AM
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Ive stood toe to toe with TWO drug dealers in my life.

They both got the fuck out and I still own both houses.

both were huge 6'3"ish 300 pounders.

one white and one was black.

Big guys think they can just get away anything sometimes.

I spit in the face of the black guy and sprayed the white guy with my hose.

Blew the fucking neighbors away with my actions.

how many times have I told you folks here that the guy whos face I spit in tried to spit in my face and I dodged it and turned and hocked up a good and spit it in his face

I sprayed the other guy with a hose because it was in my hand at the time and he didn't spit at me

I treated them both like I would have a teenaged girl doing the same shit
He seems like an outstanding poster.

What a lot of Trumpanzees will claim is that Evince is "as bad as" Praisekek, CFM, or TDAK.

Which is preposterous and dishonest, because there is no moral equivalency - none, nada, zilch - between degenerate subhuman rightwing racists, and Evince.

The truth is, they probably don't like a chick getting in the face, getting belligerent, and crushing their rightwing lies.

When you really think about the history of this forum, Evince has been more prescient, more factual, and more correct about virtually all the major issues of our generation - from the Iraq War, to the Great Republican Recession of 2007-08, to the use of torture on prisoners, to the systematic effort of the Republican party to subvert democracy through gerrymandering and voter suppression. Compared to rightwing tools, she is practically a seer.
What a lot of Trumpanzees will claim is that Evince is "as bad as" Praisekek, CFM, or TDAK.

Which is preposterous and dishonest, because there is no moral equivalency - none, nada, zilch - between degenerate subhuman rightwing racists, and Evince.

The truth is, they probably don't like a chick getting in the face, getting belligerent, and crushing their rightwing lies.

When you really think about the history of this forum, Evince has been more prescient, more factual, and more correct about virtually all the major issues of our generation - from the Iraq War, to the Great Republican Recession of 2007-08, to the use of torture on prisoners, to the systematic effort of the Republican party to subvert democracy through gerrymandering and voter suppression. Compared to rightwing tools, she is practically a seer.


I wish I could take credit

but in reality is its just the facts I embrace

the FACTS will always lead you in the right direction
09-01-2013, 09:31 AM
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Mmmkay and in honor to the OP for wanting to honor my humor I will create something special just for the OP.

You are a limpdicked, ball sack dragging, ass sniffing, nose picking caveman in a childs body.

That's special, huh?
I was towards the tail end of it, before it flamed out.

I still like your "Deshrubinator" handle the best!

it was a good one

but I love the name evince

Damocles taught me the word

I has never remembered hearing it before

looked it up and went

that's my new name
I wish

its merely a transfer of factual information

facts are my religion

follow them and you cant be fooled
He seems like an outstanding poster.

Lunatic idiots love to flock together. I am hardly shocked a moron like you would like a moron like her. STFU; you don't need to prove you're and idiot every damned day.
