why is it only the nutcase Rs post anymore?

*spits beer out of mouth* pffffffffffffffftHAAAAAAAA! really.REALLY?

The Right is ok with outsourcing because the people who end up without a job aren't making enough to affect the system anyway, is what you all say. Yet today, those factory job employee's are working at fast food. Notice anything strange happen with fast food lately like the average age went up? This isn't rocket science if you don't want to admit failure.

Never talk about outsourcing or unnecessary war in front of me. I'll educate you until you are blue.

Ok, I'll admit I'm a glutton for punishment and in need of being schooled. What does outsourcing have to do with jobs being lost due to implementation of the health care act, or Obamacare?

The start-up I'm working at outsources payroll and legal work. Should we be forced to bring that in house?
Ok, I'll admit I'm a glutton for punishment and in need of being schooled. What does outsourcing have to do with jobs being lost due to implementation of the health care act, or Obamacare?

The start-up I'm working at outsources payroll and legal work. Should we be forced to bring that in house?

OMG HOLY CRAP ON A COWS BACK a Right Winger brought a debate instead of trolling? What happened on this forum? Someone even got banned tonight!

Thanks for the mature and respectful question, this should happen more in politics.

The first thing All Americans don't yet know and will learn in the next Debate is that Corporate America is pulling the strings in America. Every bad idea Congress has is because of a Corporation but the party people point the finger at the other party and say "you are stupid!" instead of understanding they are both flawed. Corporations are not people, they are groups with monetary interest and shouldn't be able to use funding from the people that lean other party to buy a candidate.

Corporations say that jobs are lost because of the healthcare act.........it's just bs. If you need a worker, you need a worker. The people that need a worker are cutting hours and hiring more workers so they don't have to pay the healthcare. The job loss has been about Outsourcing all along but it will take Americans a long time to understand this. NAFTA started this.

Should you be forced to insource ............NO! wHAT? no!...........The Anti-Outsourcing Bill of 2010 did not force anything! It gave tax breaks to Corporations that insourced instead of outsourcing and the Right voted it down. Basic stuff.
OMG HOLY CRAP ON A COWS BACK a Right Winger brought a debate instead of trolling? What happened on this forum? Someone even got banned tonight!

Thanks for the mature and respectful question, this should happen more in politics.

So, what exactly is this crap, if not trolling? Do you consider your general douchebaggery to be taken seriously?
Sick of all the threats and abuse from vile vicious liberals.
All those threats to rape and murder their families appear to be working for libs!!
Vile baby killers and paedos.

When are we getting rid of this guy? All he does is call liberals pedophiles, also claiming that liberal women blackmail (or something)their bf's into raping children, and somehow it's okay? I must be missing something.
No, he's not comedy. He's sickening. I know the moderators will never ban him for his horrible, nasty, abusive comments, but I think he cheapens this forum by being allowed to post here.

I'm not asking for the nasty ILA's and USF's to be banned. But 007 is nastier than them, and his comments are NEVER about advancing the debate.

Leaving him on this forum says as much about the moderators as it does about 007.

While I have him on ignore, I have to see his nastiness when someone else quotes him. It sickens me.

I took him off ignore so I can report all of his "so and so is a pedophile " posts, because he has to go. But you make a good point about quoting him and I'll make sure that going forward I don't.
I guess you want Desh ro be banned also, for her nasty abusive comments.

this is what always goes down

the same fucking pattern.

they can call me a stinking twat or whatever but Im not supposed to make up funny insults for them.

then they cant handle the non stop fact attack on their idiot historically failed ideas.

then they start begging to have me banned.

then the half way smart cons all disappear.

then they figure out a way to ban me by altering the rules.

then I comply better with the rules than everyone else.

then they JUST INVENT a way to ban me dishonestly.

Im holding out hope that damo is way more decent than most cons.

He has been all since Ive known him.

That means you will have to bring FACTS to chase me down.


lets use the real facts and see who wins.
you people don't have anyone reasonable anymore.

you call being reasonable BAD for America
No, your definition of "reasonable Conservative" means that the opposition agrees with you 100% of the time. that's not being reasonable, that's a lapdog. and before I go further, there is no such thing as a Conservative or "moderate" Democrat. The entire party platform is Communist in nature and 100% adherence to the platform is mandatory.
*spits beer out of mouth* pffffffffffffffftHAAAAAAAA! really.REALLY?

The Right is ok with outsourcing because the people who end up without a job aren't making enough to affect the system anyway, is what you all say. Yet today, those factory job employee's are working at fast food. Notice anything strange happen with fast food lately like the average age went up? This isn't rocket science if you don't want to admit failure.

Never talk about outsourcing or unnecessary war in front of me. I'll educate you until you are blue.

Nobody said anything at all about outsourcing but you, that is a classic strawman argument.
the right in this country has gone completely insane.

they will back KNOWN lies even when it gains them no fucking thing