why is it only the nutcase Rs post anymore?

lack of jobs killed that city you idiot.

If there had been jobs they would be fine huh?

who took the jobs out of the city?


Yeah, they just made every law in the state and city since 1960... It couldn't be over 50 years worth of liberal policy. It's got to be that company, who at their best hired 40K people in the city!
blaming municipal politicians for problems created by the globalization of the marketplace is kind of silly, imo.
All he does is call liberals pedophiles, also claiming that liberal women blackmail (or something)their bf's into raping children, and somehow it's okay? I must be missing something.

you have missed something....you have him confused with Howie and MM.....
*spits beer out of mouth* pffffffffffffffftHAAAAAAAA! really.REALLY?

The Right is ok with outsourcing because the people who end up without a job aren't making enough to affect the system anyway, is what you all say. Yet today, those factory job employee's are working at fast food. Notice anything strange happen with fast food lately like the average age went up? This isn't rocket science if you don't want to admit failure.

Never talk about outsourcing or unnecessary war in front of me. I'll educate you until you are blue.

fyi... I think you mean to say off shoring, not out sourcing.
I'm curious MM.....why is this story playing out almost verbatim from an argument you had with someone at another board?.......

PiMP... I actually do not have a fucking clue what you are talking about. 007 and I had a meeting set up on August 5th at 1:00PM at a restaurant named Jacob Wirth's in downtown Boston. I told him that was the only day that I was available as I would be driving from Portland, Maine to NYC with my son two days after my oldest son's wedding in Augusta. We drove there. I parked in the Boston Commons Parking garage. We went to the restaurant. I asked around if anyone named Paul Scott (who claimed to be a frequent patron and good friend of the management) had already arrived. The maitre d told me she had never heard of anyone by that name and no one by that name had identified themselves. I walked through the restaurant calling out his name just to be sure. I walked outside through the sidewalk seating and did the same thing. No response. We then took a table near the bar and I had my son take a picture of me holding the menu for the correct restaurant and another picture of the parking garage ticket which clearly notes that I arrived at the garage 14 minutes before our scheduled rendezvous. We had lunch. I even went outside and called Paul's name a few times during lunch and no one answered up. We finished lunch, walked back to the Commons, got in our rental car, and drove on to NYC. End of story. I have never had any similar arrangement with anyone else on any other board, unless you consider the time that Jeff, from DP, let me know the night before that he would be in Portsmouth, NH (100 miles away from Augusta, ME) the next morning - when I already had several pastoral appointments scheduled - and that I was a pussy if I didn't drop what I was doing and drive to the next state to see him. Is THAT the "almost verbatim" incident to which you refer? Maybe you are confused... it certainly wouldn't be the first time.

No, he's not comedy. He's sickening. I know the moderators will never ban him for his horrible, nasty, abusive comments, but I think he cheapens this forum by being allowed to post here.

I'm not asking for the nasty ILA's and USF's to be banned. But 007 is nastier than them, and his comments are NEVER about advancing the debate.

Leaving him on this forum says as much about the moderators as it does about 007.

While I have him on ignore, I have to see his nastiness when someone else quotes him. It sickens me.

Yes, their silence speaks volumes about the moderators who continue to let him contaminate the board with his filth.
When are we getting rid of this guy? All he does is call liberals pedophiles, also claiming that liberal women blackmail (or something)their bf's into raping children, and somehow it's okay? I must be missing something.

Just as soon as a couple of the Mods finally grow a pair.
Especially when you consider that Liberalism alone has destroyed Detroit, bankrupted all Blue states, and offers zero in terms of individual liberty and freedom.

Bullshit, bullshit and bullshit.

You can't prove ANY of that nonsense with ANYTHING that looks like factual evidence.