Why own a gun?

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Why do you want a gun?

  • I'm scared of being robbed

    Votes: 1 25.0%
  • I'm scared of being killed

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm scared of being raped

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm scared of being beat up

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm scared of the government

    Votes: 3 75.0%
  • I'm scared I won't be adequate without one

    Votes: 1 25.0%

  • Total voters
After all, your hero Lanza used a semi-auto, didn't he?

It's absolutely disgusting that you are given the freedom of speech to utter such things as this. In my book, you are akin to Lanza. Society should lock you away from the public and never let you see the light of day. No one on this board, dare I say, no sane person in this country, views Lanza as a hero. For you to make such an asinine comment in light of this tragedy is reprehensible.

I own guns, I will always own guns. Comments like yours make me want to buy more guns. I've never shot another human being, and I hope that I never have to. That said, whenever you get the balls to come on to my property with the intent of taking something from me that you don't have a right to, I'll send your degenerate punk ass to meet your maker, so you best have your affairs in order before you come.
This is the same mind set that runs large flocks of sheep on federal land and poisons wolves and coyotes rather than spend the money to actually husband their animals. If you have a coyote problem you need to assume responsibility for securing your animals...it's really simple. Lazy fuckers!!

It is not laziness to not wish to see the demise of the red fox and of ground nesting birds, both of which are in danger due to the exploding coyote population.
It does have something to do with it, and for most of the 20th century the bolt action was the king of accuracy. But better manufacturing techniques and closer tolerances have cut the gap down considerably.

Not to mention lasers and scopes, etc. I guess I can see your point, with the older guns, this would stand to reason. Still.... I like a good semi-automatic. When the liberal zombies start invading my property in search of my guns, I can kill more of them with a semi. :D
How does the action have anything to do with accuracy?

It has everything to do with accuracy. The bolt action is more accurate because the bullet has to travel less distance before engaging the rifle lands. Furthermore the same powder charge gives higher muzzle velocity since the auto (semi) draws off some of the propellent gas to work the action.(which only aids long range accuracy but does impart more stopping power)
What a very stupid thread.

The whole internet has become stupid since Friday. The combination of winter break and this has made it near impossible for me to tolerate being online. I honestly hope the world does end on the 21st.
The whole internet has become stupid since Friday. The combination of winter break and this has made it near impossible for me to tolerate being online. I honestly hope the world does end on the 21st.

Wouldn't it be ironic, if something world wide did occur and liberals found themselves in the need of "assault rifles" with clips that held more then 10 rounds? :chesh: