Why Should Anyone Believe in Global Warming?

As I said very early on, an understanding of the impact of CO2 (and water vapor) on the Earth's temperature has been understood, or believed to be understood to a meaningful degree, since the late 1800's.
This is very poor wording. The mistaken belief that CO2 somehow has the magical superpower to defy thermodynamics has existed since the 1800s, yes. This erroneous notion was quickly dispelled, which is why nothing from Svante Arrhenius or John Tyndall exists in the body of science, and why such beliefs are propagated only in the religious dogma of Marxist religious denominations.

There have been a number of things that were believed to be true that have been proven wrong , by science, over time.
This is the nature of science, nay, of humanity. "We" keep searching for answers; it's a human compulsion.

This, so far, is not one of them.
Unfortunately for you, it is definitely one of those things that the scientific method has long since falsified. The notion that any miraculous substance can itself emulate thermal energy has been dispelled for about two centuries. Your comment, however, seems to be your attempt to delude yourself into believing that you are somehow not scientifically illiterate, but that you are far more of a thienth geniuth than the people who are trying to teach you the inconvenient and rude science that you very much don't want to learn, lest your religious faith be destroyed.

I will remind you that you are scientifically illiterate and mathematically incompetent. Your church has lied to you. Your faith did not somehow transform you into a thienth geniuth that gets to speak for the thmart perthonth of the world. Look, outside of science and math theorems, I won't tell you what you should believe, but I will tell you what you should not believe ... because it is false. Your religion is one big physics violation; you have to be a gullible, uneducated moron to get sucked into it. Be that as it may, you can still ditch your enslavement at any time and just walk away from the scam.

I do not believe that you and Into the Night have unraveled a multitude to issues that have escaped every voice in the science and research communities around the world
Correct. Into the Night, gfm7175 and I are trying to teach you what science says on the matter, not what any phony con-man would say to you in order to manipulate you. Have any of us asked you send us money or to vote a certain way? Are we promising to transform you into a thmarter thuperhero to adminithter Climate juthtith?

You will apparently only believe if you are being manipulated.
This is very poor wording. The mistaken belief that CO2 somehow has the magical superpower to defy thermodynamics has existed since the 1800s, yes. This erroneous notion was quickly dispelled, which is why nothing from Svante Arrhenius or John Tyndall exists in the body of science, and why such beliefs are propagated only in the religious dogma of Marxist religious denominations.

This is the nature of science, nay, of humanity. "We" keep searching for answers; it's a human compulsion.

Unfortunately for you, it is definitely one of those things that the scientific method has long since falsified. The notion that any miraculous substance can itself emulate thermal energy has been dispelled for about two centuries. Your comment, however, seems to be your attempt to delude yourself into believing that you are somehow not scientifically illiterate, but that you are far more of a thienth geniuth than the people who are trying to teach you the inconvenient and rude science that you very much don't want to learn, lest your religious faith be destroyed.

I will remind you that you are scientifically illiterate and mathematically incompetent. Your church has lied to you. Your faith did not somehow transform you into a thienth geniuth that gets to speak for the thmart perthonth of the world. Look, outside of science and math theorems, I won't tell you what you should believe, but I will tell you what you should not believe ... because it is false. Your religion is one big physics violation; you have to be a gullible, uneducated moron to get sucked into it. Be that as it may, you can still ditch your enslavement at any time and just walk away from the scam.

Correct. Into the Night, gfm7175 and I are trying to teach you what science says on the matter, not what any phony con-man would say to you in order to manipulate you. Have any of us asked you send us money or to vote a certain way? Are we promising to transform you into a thmarter thuperhero to adminithter Climate juthtith?

You will apparently only believe if you are being manipulated.

So, your entire response revolves around the belief that you and others on this forum have an understanding of things that has not been uncovered by the scientists and researchers in any country across the globe. Is that what you believe?
So, your entire response revolves around the belief that you and others on this forum have an understanding of things that has not been uncovered by the scientists and researchers
You keep bringing imaginary people into this. The topic is the science that you are being taught, and your denial of it. Your pivot to what imaginary people have not considered is a fallacy. The science in question is concrete and falsifiable ... and you EVADE it at all costs.

So, we're done, right? I see that you simply won't address the science in question, that you have no intention of learning any of it and that you nonetheless continue to presume that you are a thienth geniuth. Please let me know if there is anything that I have overlooked.
You keep bringing imaginary people into this. The topic is the science that you are being taught, and your denial of it. Your pivot to what imaginary people have not considered is a fallacy. The science in question is concrete and falsifiable ... and you EVADE it at all costs.

So, we're done, right? I see that you simply won't address the science in question, that you have no intention of learning any of it and that you nonetheless continue to presume that you are a thienth geniuth. Please let me know if there is anything that I have overlooked.

The topic, based on the title of the thread, is why anyone should believe in global warming, aka climate change.. On one side, there are scientists, going back to the late 1800's (svante arrhenius - not an imaginary person) that have studied the impact of increased CO2 and water vapor levels in the atmosphere on climate, specifically temperatures and frequency of extreme weather events like heat waves, floods etc. Those scientists (like Chris Field- not an imaginary person) aren't 100% certain, but have a high level of confidence that increased CO2/water vapor levels are causing "climate change".

On the other hand, I have 3 posters on this forum claiming that the aforementioned scientists, please countless others around the globe, going all the way back to the 1800's, have failed to account for, among other things, basic laws of Thermodynamics.

In your opinion, I should base my beliefs on the opinion of you three right?
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On one side, there are scientists, going back to the late 1800's that have studied the impact of increased CO2 and water vapor levels in the atmosphere on climate
Incorrect. Nobody in human history has ever formally defined the global climate in any way that doesn't violate physics. Ergo, nobody has ever studied the "impact" on an undefined thing. This is not the first time I have explained this to you. Also, all hypotheses pertaining to substances increasing temperatures without additional energy have been falsified via the scientific method. It does not matter how far back in time how many people studied whatever; if the conclusions were falsified, they were discarded. You don't get to use them to support your arguments as though they were somehow never falsified.

... specifically temperatures and frequency of extreme weather events like heat waves, floods etc.
Nope. None of these have ever been formally defined either, nor do any of these pertain to "climate" (they are all weather events). As such, there has been no research into them.

[They] aren't 100% certain, but have a high level of confidence that increased CO2/water vapor levels are causing "climate change".
All religious people have a high level of confidence in their religious dogma or they wouldn't hold the religious beliefs that they hold.

On the other hand, I have 3 posters on this forum claiming that the aforementioned scientists, please countless others around the globe, going all the way back to the 1800's, have failed to account for, among other things, basic laws of Thermodynamics.
You are the only one who has made that claim. I therefore cannot address it. You are pretending to speak for dead people. You have yet to shift to speaking only for yourself.

In your opinion, I should base my beliefs on the opinion of you three right?
You are the only one who has offered any opinions, and they have all been erroneous. gfm7175, Into the Night and I have only presented science to you. Yes, you should go with what science says over your erroneous beliefs.
Incorrect. Nobody in human history has ever formally defined the global climate in any way that doesn't violate physics. Ergo, nobody has ever studied the "impact" on an undefined thing. This is not the first time I have explained this to you. Also, all hypotheses pertaining to substances increasing temperatures without additional energy have been falsified via the scientific method. It does not matter how far back in time how many people studied whatever; if the conclusions were falsified, they were discarded. You don't get to use them to support your arguments as though they were somehow never falsified.

Nope. None of these have ever been formally defined either, nor do any of these pertain to "climate" (they are all weather events). As such, there has been no research into them.

All religious people have a high level of confidence in their religious dogma or they wouldn't hold the religious beliefs that they hold.

You are the only one who has made that claim. I therefore cannot address it. You are pretending to speak for dead people. You have yet to shift to speaking only for yourself.

You are the only one who has offered any opinions, and they have all been erroneous. gfm7175, Into the Night and I have only presented science to you. Yes, you should go with what science says over your erroneous beliefs.

You are either a wannabe Into the Night or you are Into the Night. Either way, your game is essentially the same, minus the use of RQAA, which apparently means "Run and Hide".

You also have nothing but unsupported claims and lots of copy/paste.
You also have nothing but unsupported claims and lots of copy/paste.
I made no affirmative claims and you never saw my original work anywhere else on the internet. Your king is tipped.


When you are mocked for being a total moron, at least you won't be able to say that nobody ever explained it all to you.
This thread is 144 pages long and there is still no Global Warming science, or any Climate Change science, despite this thread's purpose of being a repository for all the existing climate thienth for purposes of discussion. Apparently no science whatsoever supports any of those preposterous religious beliefs. All that warmizombies have are mistaken impressions that physics violations, i.e. the miracles of their religion, are somehow thettled thienth.

Remember the rule: Show me someone who is a believer in Global Warming, Climate Change or greenhouse effect, and I will show you a scientifically illiterate, mathematically incompetent and logically inept moron who doesn't even know what science is.

Warmizombies are gullible idiots who'll believe everything their thought-masters order them to believe. It sucks to be them.
This thread is 144 pages long and there is still no Global Warming science, or any Climate Change science, despite this thread's purpose of being a repository for all the existing climate thienth for purposes of discussion. Apparently no science whatsoever supports any of those preposterous religious beliefs. All that warmizombies have are mistaken impressions that physics violations, i.e. the miracles of their religion, are somehow thettled thienth.

Remember the rule: Show me someone who is a believer in Global Warming, Climate Change or greenhouse effect, and I will show you a scientifically illiterate, mathematically incompetent and logically inept moron who doesn't even know what science is.

Warmizombies are gullible idiots who'll believe everything their thought-masters order them to believe. It sucks to be them.

Lol.... There's plenty of science. There are also wanna be scientists/conspiracy theorists, like yourself, who are unable/unwilling to "see" the real science...

Or are simply trolling.
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There are many religions in our world and they are all different. Each one has a unique dogma that affords comfort to the believer and helps him cope with a chaotic and confusing world ... each one except for Global Warming that is. This religion seems only to instill fear and panic. Most religions are portrayed as a form of "good news" to be celebrated whereas everything about Global Warming is hyped as "bad news" that might already be "too late" and "past the tipping point."

Further, most religions are honest matters of faith whereas the Church of Global Warming specifically targets for recruitment the gullible and the scientifically illiterate because its dogma mandates the belief that egregious violations of physics are "Settled Science."

Question: why would any rational adult adopt the Global Warming faith?

Because obvious ignorant shitheads like you deny it.
There's plenty of science.
... and all of it instantly kills your Climate religion and drives a few hundred 60d nails into its coffin.

There are also wanna be scientists/conspiracy theorists,
You are high on that list, but there are some profoundly devout worshipers on Climate-Debate who have demonstrated a natural talent for deluding themselves far more than you seem capable. Keep practicing, and brush up on your dogma.

like yourself, who are unable/unwilling to "see" the real science...
I do not embrace your religion; it is not science, despite your beliefs and despite the effectiveness of your indoctrination.
Because obvious ignorant shitheads like you deny it.
Obviously ignorant shitheads can't unambiguously define and explain what it is that I supposedly deny, which is why this thread remains completely devoid of any science supporting the Climate Change religion or the Global Warming faith, and why, after more than four decades, the "global climate" remains undefined in any unambiguous way that doesn't violate physics, math or logic.

The only actual science in this thread kills Global Warming, and does not support it.
... and all of it instantly kills your Climate religion and drives a few hundred 60d nails into its coffin.

You are high on that list, but there are some profoundly devout worshipers on Climate-Debate who have demonstrated a natural talent for deluding themselves far more than you seem capable. Keep practicing, and brush up on your dogma.

I do not embrace your religion; it is not science, despite your beliefs and despite the effectiveness of your indoctrination.

The trolling is real! :laugh:
Obviously ignorant shitheads can't unambiguously define and explain what it is that I supposedly deny, which is why this thread remains completely devoid of any science supporting the Climate Change religion or the Global Warming faith, and why, after more than four decades, the "global climate" remains undefined in any unambiguous way that doesn't violate physics, math or logic.

The only actual science in this thread kills Global Warming, and does not support it.

climate change is what you deny. Don't know what that is, google it.
The trolling is real!
At least you admit to it. You aren't trying to contribute positively to the board; you are just here to troll the board. I often wonder what your posts would be like if you were to forego the trolling and instead learn something relevant, e.g. science ... but then I remember that leftists hate learning even more than they HATE themselves and more than they FEAR death.
climate change is what you deny.
No human has ever unambiguously defined the "global climate" in any way that does not defy either physics, math or logic but that somehow supports either Climate Change or Global Warming dogma. That is why there is no such definition on the internet for you to copy-paste into your posts.
At least you admit to it. You aren't trying to contribute positively to the board; you are just here to troll the board. I often wonder what your posts would be like if you were to forego the trolling and instead learn something relevant, e.g. science ... but then I remember that leftists hate learning even more than they HATE themselves and more than they FEAR death.


[awkward silence/ loss for words]
Once again, your king is tipped. As long as you are a slave to a screwed-up religion that does your thinking for you, a swift defeat is your only possible outcome whenever you face a rational adult who is not similarly a mental slave.


You still believe that there is science supporting your faith. This thread has taught you nothing, probably because you are too stupid to learn. You have been manipulated by people who care nothing for you and who only want to ream you for the rest of your days.
Once again, your king is tipped. As long as you are a slave to a screwed-up religion that does your thinking for you, a swift defeat is your only possible outcome whenever you face a rational adult who is not similarly a mental slave.


You still believe that there is science supporting your faith. This thread has taught you nothing, probably because you are too stupid to learn. You have been manipulated by people who care nothing for you and who only want to ream you for the rest of your days.

I absolutely agree that I have no chance of getting you to see there there are reasons to believe global warming could be real. You are fueled by trolling and/or some combination of wilfull ignorance, confirmation bias and/or conspiracy theories. If I had to bet, I'd say you are probably a believer in the stolen election....or pretend to be (more trolling).

Either way...

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No human has ever unambiguously defined the "global climate" in any way that does not defy either physics, math or logic but that somehow supports either Climate Change or Global Warming dogma. That is why there is no such definition on the internet for you to copy-paste into your posts.

Sure there is.

Climate change refers to long-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns. These shifts may be natural, but since the 1800s, human activities have been the main driver of climate change, primarily due to the burning of fossil fuels (like coal, oil, and gas) which produces heat-trapping gases.

Straight from the United Nations and if you think some dumbshit on JPP is able to refute it you are wrong. Notice they mentioned those hydrocarbon fossil fuels coal oil and natural gas. :laugh: