Why Should Anyone Believe in Global Warming?

Not science. Science is not data.

Then there is no data. If you have to extract 'data' out of 'noise', there is no data.
Science is not data. Science is not observations or data collection. Science is a set of falsifiable theories. That's it. That's all.

LIF. Grow up. You cannot blame YOUR problems on anybody else, Sock.

Climate cannot change.

You don't know what 'reality' is or how it's defined. Buzzword fallacy.

You are describing yourself again, Sock.

You are describing yourself again, Sock. You cannot blame the 'far right' for YOUR problems.

Thanks for the list.

Correct. It can't change. Climate has no values associated with that can 'change'. It has no temperature, no wind speed, no rain gauge, NOTHING.

It can't. While it absorbs infrared light (like most any substance), it also EMITS infrared light. It cannot trap light.

It can't.

It can't.

It can't.





Incorrect. Temperature stations are not read at the same time by the same authority.

They are not experiments. They are parlor tricks.

You cannot create energy out of nothing, Sock. You are still ignoring the 1st law of thermodynamics.
You cannot heat a warmer surface using a colder gas, Sock. You are still ignoring the 2nd law of thermodynamics.
You cannot trap light, Sock. You are still ignoring the Stefan-Boltzmann law.
You cannot measure the temperature of the Earth, Sock. There are nowhere near enough thermometers, they are not equally spaced (required to eliminate bias), and they are not read at the same time by the same authority (required to eliminate bias). You are denying statistical mathematics again.

YOU can't make science not science by declaring it not to be.
Correct. I leave it to you to not provide any science, and then it's a simple matter to point out your lack of science.

The same is true with alllllll of the other declarations
You are the one making affirmative claims, e.g. Climate Change, Global Warming, energy magically being created out of nothing by CO2, etc...

Neither of you can alter reality by typing words on this forum
Correct. Nobody can.

Your religion is stupid, and it makes you say stupid things. Let's run through it all again, starting from the beginning. Remind me of how you are affirmatively claiming that CO2 is presently causing an increase in earth's average global equilibrium temperature.

Watch, I will continue to not make any affirmative claims; I will simply let science pick you apart while I sit back and watch the show.

The far right is the party of science denial.
You demonstrate that the left is all about science denial, scientific illiteracy and science-phobia, along with the DNC specifically being the party of slavery, tyranny, greed, HATRED, regression, RACISM, dishonesty, violence, econo-phobia and stolen elections.

Here are some of the observations for which you have no response (I say "some" because there are many more):

- climate can't change; you have had many months to provide examples of climate parameters that can change.
- CO2 can't trap light; your scientific illiteracy has you denying Planck's law and others that run counter to your religion.
- Temperature can't be measured accurately from a great distance; you deny all provided explanations for this with a mere "nuh-uh!"
- the Earth's temperature can't be measured; you'd understand the intuitive nature of this statement if you weren't mathematically incompetent.
- the CO2 level of the atmosphere can't be measured because nobody knows the global atmospheric quantity of CO2. Again, if you weren't completely mathematically incompetent, you'd understand this like the spelling of your name.
- the temperature of Venus is unknown; your mathematical incompetence leaves you gullible and vulnerable to any and all WACKY claims that you are required to believe.
- all parlor tricks that rely on convincing people that a very narrow sliver of the electromagnetic spectrum within a gas somehow accurately represents the full electromagnetic spectrum of the sun in a vacuum, depend on the audience being absolutely brain-dead stupid fuqqers.
Correct. I leave it to you to not provide any science, and then it's a simple matter to point out your lack of science.

You are the one making affirmative claims, e.g. Climate Change, Global Warming, energy magically being created out of nothing by CO2, etc...

Correct. Nobody can.

Your religion is stupid, and it makes you say stupid things. Let's run through it all again, starting from the beginning. Remind me of how you are affirmatively claiming that CO2 is presently causing an increase in earth's average global equilibrium temperature.

Watch, I will continue to not make any affirmative claims; I will simply let science pick you apart while I sit back and watch the show.

You demonstrate that the left is all about science denial, scientific illiteracy and science-phobia, along with the DNC specifically being the party of slavery, tyranny, greed, HATRED, regression, RACISM, dishonesty, violence, econo-phobia and stolen elections.

Here are some of the observations for which you have no response (I say "some" because there are many more):

- climate can't change; you have had many months to provide examples of climate parameters that can change.
- CO2 can't trap light; your scientific illiteracy has you denying Planck's law and others that run counter to your religion.
- Temperature can't be measured accurately from a great distance; you deny all provided explanations for this with a mere "nuh-uh!"
- the Earth's temperature can't be measured; you'd understand the intuitive nature of this statement if you weren't mathematically incompetent.
- the CO2 level of the atmosphere can't be measured because nobody knows the global atmospheric quantity of CO2. Again, if you weren't completely mathematically incompetent, you'd understand this like the spelling of your name.
- the temperature of Venus is unknown; your mathematical incompetence leaves you gullible and vulnerable to any and all WACKY claims that you are required to believe.
- all parlor tricks that rely on convincing people that a very narrow sliver of the electromagnetic spectrum within a gas somehow accurately represents the full electromagnetic spectrum of the sun in a vacuum, depend on the audience being absolutely brain-dead stupid fuqqers.

Yeah, sorry, you have already proven to be one of the far-right, science denying nutter butters here. It's one thing to say yes we can see in a laboratory how light energy interacts with carbon dioxide or other gases, but the Earth is a very complicated ecosystem, so we can't know for sure that we understand everything about how greenhouse gases actually impacts the earth. It's something else to go full crazy, like you and into the night, and just spew ridiculous, baseless nonsense all over the place. Climate can't change. We can't know the temperature. Energy is being magically created.

You two are loony toons....or highly energetic trolls.
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Yeah, sorry, you have already proven [insult hurled at me] .
Too funny! The scientifically illiterate and mathematically incompetent moron sees fit to critique the science and math proficiency of others.

It's one thing to say yes we can see in a laboratory how light energy interacts with carbon dioxide or other gases, but the Earth is a very complicated ecosystem,
I appreciate your open denial of the earth having to adhere to the same physics as the rest of the universe.

so we can't know for sure that we understand everything about how greenhouse gases actually impacts the earth.
You haven't shown that there exists anywhere outside your religious dogma any "greenhouse gas" that can magically create energy out of nothing. Remind me again, you claim that this amazing "greenhouse gas" causes an increase in temperature, yes? If so, don't bother trying to deny that you are claiming that this wondrously miraculous gas is creating energy out of nothing.

It's something else to go full crazy, [insult hurled at me].
I get it. You consider physics to be insanity.

You still haven't provided any physics supporting your WACKY religious faith. All you have is denial of math and science.
Too funny! The scientifically illiterate and mathematically incompetent moron sees fit to critique the science and math proficiency of others.

I appreciate your open denial of the earth having to adhere to the same physics as the rest of the universe.

You haven't shown that there exists anywhere outside your religious dogma any "greenhouse gas" that can magically create energy out of nothing. Remind me again, you claim that this amazing "greenhouse gas" causes an increase in temperature, yes? If so, don't bother trying to deny that you are claiming that this wondrously miraculous gas is creating energy out of nothing.

I get it. You consider physics to be insanity.

You still haven't provided any physics supporting your WACKY religious faith. All you have is denial of math and science.

"You haven't shown that there exists anywhere outside your religious dogma any "greenhouse gas" that can magically create energy out of nothing"

Right. Once again proving that you don't have any understanding of the topic beyond confirmation bias or are simply a massive troll.

I've wasted more than enough time. You can find somebody else to jerk off to.:laugh:

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I've wasted more than enough time. You can find somebody else to jerk off to
Right. Once again proving that you are scientifically illiterate, mathematically incompetent and that you don't have any understanding of the topic beyond confirmation bias. You are simply a massive troll.

You remain unable to show that there exists anywhere outside your religious dogma any "greenhouse gas" that can magically create energy out of nothing.

At least this time you are making an effort to tip your king with a little flare. We have some lovely parting gifts for you on your way out.
- all parlor tricks that rely on convincing people that a very narrow sliver of the electromagnetic spectrum within a gas somehow accurately represents the full electromagnetic spectrum of the sun in a vacuum, depend on the audience being absolutely brain-dead stupid fuqqers.

It also denies the 2nd law of thermodynamics, since the parlor trick is trying to infer that CO2 (a colder gas in the atmosphere) can somehow heat a warmer surface.
Yeah, sorry, you have already proven to be one of the far-right, science denying nutter butters here.
Science has no politics. As far as denying theories of science, you are describing yourself.
It's one thing to say yes we can see in a laboratory how light energy interacts with carbon dioxide or other gases,
You cannot heat a warmer surface using a colder gas. You are still ignoring the 2nd law of thermodynamics as well as the 1st law of thermodynamics. No gas or vapor has the magickal capability to warm the Earth.
but the Earth is a very complicated ecosystem,
Complexity fallacy.
so we can't know for sure that we understand everything about how greenhouse gases actually impacts the earth.
There is no such thing as a 'greenhouse gas' except as a religious artifact. No gas or vapor has the capability to warm the Earth. You are still ignoring the 1st law of thermodynamics. You cannot create energy out of nothing.
It's something else to go full crazy, like you and into the night, and just spew ridiculous, baseless nonsense all over the place.
Theories of science are not ridiculous or baseless nonsense. You are just choosing to ignore them.
Mathematics is not ridiculous or baseless nonsense. You are just choosing to ignore it.
Climate can't change.
We can't know the temperature.
Energy is being magically created.
By you.
You two are loony toons....or highly energetic trolls.
You are describing yourself again, Sock.
IBDaMann said:
You haven't shown that there exists anywhere outside your religious dogma any "greenhouse gas" that can magically create energy out of nothing
Right. Once again proving that you don't have any understanding of the topic beyond confirmation bias or are simply a massive troll.
You are describing yourself again, Sock. You cannot project YOUR problems on anybody else.
You are describing yourself again, Sock. You cannot project YOUR problems on anybody else.

You can't impact reality by repeating lies.

You can't make the climate unchangeable by saying it can't change.

You can't make an experiment not an experiment by calling it a parlor trick.




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You can't impact reality by repeating lies.
Buzzword fallacy. Inversion fallacy.
You can't make the climate unchangeable by saying it can't change.
Redefinition fallacy.
You can't make an experiment not an experiment by calling it a parlor trick.
Redefinition fallacy.

A parlor trick is not an experiment, Sock. Climate cannot change. There are no values associated with climate that can 'change'. There is no such thing as a global climate.

Just what do you think is changing with climate? Which climate or climates?
Buzzword fallacy. Inversion fallacy.

Redefinition fallacy.

Redefinition fallacy.

A parlor trick is not an experiment, Sock. Climate cannot change. There are no values associated with climate that can 'change'. There is no such thing as a global climate.

Just what do you think is changing with climate? Which climate or climates?

Your entire post is gibberish, avoidance or proves my point.

Care to try again?
Your inability to understand English is YOUR problem, not mine.

Your inability to understand English is not a proof or a point.

Why? You obviously can't read and understand English.

Oh, I can read AND understand English. That's why I wrote what I wrote. You continue to prove me right. You say "climate can't change". That's an opinion; a baseless opinion and it's like saying "health can't change".
Oh, I can read AND understand English. That's why I wrote what I wrote. You continue to prove me right. You say "climate can't change". That's an opinion; a baseless opinion and it's like saying "health can't change".

This thread has been around since 2020. "Somehow" your uneducated fucks cannot make your "point". STFU. Seriously
Oh, I can read AND understand English.
Obviously, you can't. You continue to show it.
That's why I wrote what I wrote.
Which shows you cannot understand or read English.
You continue to prove me right.
Void argument fallacy. Attempted proof in open functional system.
You say "climate can't change".
Because it can't.
That's an opinion;
It is not an opinion. It is part of the definition of 'climate'.
a baseless opinion
It is not baseless. It is part of the definition of 'climate'.
and it's like saying "health can't change".
It can't.
This thread has been around since 2020. "Somehow" your uneducated fucks cannot make your "point". STFU. Seriously

They have been unable to define 'climate change' or how the Earth is magickally warming without violating theories of science since the Church of Global Warming has been around and first started using the buzzword 'climate change' to try to rebrand themselves.

They have been unable to make their point since before the 80's.
This thread has been around since 2020. "Somehow" your uneducated fucks cannot make your "point". STFU. Seriously
I appreciate people like you helping to solidify my point by keeping your post, and thus this thread, completely devoid of any science supporting Global Warming or Climate Change.

One big smiley-face for you!
