Why Should Anyone Believe in Global Warming?

but the lethal level is so far away you people look fucking stupid even talking about it and worrying so much.

it's fear propaganda to promote totalitarianism and excessive controls.

We’re not talking about breathable lethal levels, you fucking moron. The topic is greenhouse gases and climate change.

What a fucking moron. Who changes your diapers, idiot?
Like I referenced earlier, you live in a different world. A world where you are able to ignore words and their meanings and write off reality by simply repeating things that aren't true. You can trap heat. That's why humans exist. Without the earths atmosphere trapping some amount of heat, the temperature swings would be catastrophic. The oceans would freeze and life as we know it would cease to exist. If you can't acknowledge basic truths, there is no reason to continue this conversation.

You are trying to dialogue with a QAnon level moron.
I find it very hard to believe that so many people can be so obtuse. It has to be trolling, right?

This person is marginally sane. And that’s being generous.

Three socks. Same mantra ad nauseam.

I found it best to just not give them oxygen.
The question was whether or not we should believe in global warming.
No. Your religion is fake. You can't even define 'global warming'. It is not possible to measure the temperature of the Earth.
If the earth continues to produce CO2 at high enough rates, it would change climate.
It is not possible to change climate. There is no such thing as a global climate.
There's evidence that it has already changed the climate.
Not possible. There is nothing to change.
This is a fact because there are scientific realities,
Buzzword fallacies. You deny and discard science. You have already denied and discarded the 1st and 2nd laws of thermodynamics, the Stefan-Boltzmann law, Newton's laws, Kepler's laws, quantum mechanics, and chemistry.
that I have mentioned, about atmospheres, molecules and heat.
You don't even know what heat is. Your model of molecules is bogus.
Are the catastrophic? No. Not even close, but it is absolutely possible to see a time where coastal homes can't be Coast homes without additional infrastructure to hold rising waters back.
Paradox. Irrational.

What 'rising waters'?
Know what a weed is, QAnon? It’s a plant that is growing where you don’t want it. Dandelions in your lawn are probably weeds. A large patch of dandelions used to make your dandelion wine is not.

Salt water in the ocean is not a pollutant. Salt water inundating your crops? Pollutant.

CO2 as a naturally occurring gas, at proper concentrations, is not a pollutant. CO2 at sufficiently high levels - pollutant.

Comprende, QAnon?

CO2 is not a pollutant.
There is no such thing as QAnon.

Plants LIKE CO2.
Don't worry, you won't have to understand any science.
It's best of he does. YOU don't understand any science. So far you have discarded and denied numerous theories of science. You also discard mathematics.
But you will be unhappy when the science dictates decisions that you won't like.
Science doesn't dictate anything.
You know there's NOTHING that is stopping you learning about the science.
No, there isn't. For example:

The 1st law of thermodynamics (which you ignore, deny, and discard): E(t+1) = E(t) - U where 'E' is energy, 't' is time, and 'U' is work (or force over time). CO2 is not a force. Therefore, E(t+1) = E(t). You cannot create energy out of nothing.

The 2nd law of thermodynamics (which you ignore, deny, and discard): e(t+1) >= e(t) where 'e' is 'entropy' (or energy not available for work), and 't' is time. You cannot heat any surface using a gas or vapor that is colder than that surface. You cannot reduce entropy ever. You cannot make heat flow 'backwards' or 'uphill'. You cannot trap heat or thermal energy.

The Stefan-Boltzmann law (which you ignore, deny, and discard): E = C*e*t^4 where 'E' is electromagnetic energy, 'C' is a natural constant, 'e' is emissivity, a measured constant, or how well a surface emits or absorbs light, and 't' is temperature in deg K. This applies to ALL frequencies of light combined. You cannot trap thermal energy. There is always heat. No insulator traps heat or thermal energy. There is always heat, even if it's reduced by an insulator.

You also deny mathematics.
It is not possible to measure the temperature of the Earth, or the global sea level, or the global atmospheric CO2, or the total snow and ice on Earth, or the pH of the oceans. You are just making up numbers and using them as 'data'. That is a fallacy, called an Argument from RandU fallacy. It results from the math errors you ignore in statistical mathematics.

You could work really hard. Or you could just live with all that tin foil for the hats.
Aluminum foil is cheaper these days. Hardly anyone uses tin anymore.
You are describing yourself. It is YOU ignoring and denying theories of science.

Your fundamentalist style religion keeps you illiterate.
there's nothing to learn. its made up hysteria to justify totalitarian policies, pollyanna.

This is basically correct. There is no science about 'global warming' (whatever THAT means), or 'climate change' (whatever THAT means). None of these idiots can even define either term. They just faithfully chant their scripture and all any unbelievers names.

The Church of Global Warming is a fundamentalist style religion. It is always trying to 'prove' it's religion is True.
Like I referenced earlier, you live in a different world. A world where you are able to ignore words and their meanings and write off reality by simply repeating things that aren't true.
You are describing yourself again.
You can trap heat.
You cannot trap heat.
That's why humans exist.
It is not why humans exist.
Without the earths atmosphere trapping some amount of heat, the temperature swings would be catastrophic.
The atmosphere does not trap any heat.
The oceans would freeze and life as we know it would cease to exist.
Attempted proof by contrivance.
If you can't acknowledge basic truths, there is no reason to continue this conversation.
It is YOU ignoring theories of science and mathematics, moron.
Higher CO2 levels than in the last 2 million years or so. Increasing faster than anticipated.

ΔT(c)=S⋅log (c/i) is accurate and the global temps reflect it.

Random equations are meaningless.
It is not possible to measure the temperature of the Earth.
It is not possible to measure the global atmospheric CO2.
You weren't around to measure anything 2 million years ago.
We’re not talking about breathable lethal levels, you fucking moron. The topic is greenhouse gases and climate change.

What a fucking moron. Who changes your diapers, idiot?

There is no such thing as a 'greenhouse gas'. Buzzword fallacy. Climate cannot change.
No gas or vapor has any capability to change any climate or warm the Earth.

You cannot create energy out of nothing.
You cannot trap heat.
You cannot trap light.
You cannot trap thermal energy. There is always heat.
You cannot heat a warmer surface using a colder gas.