Why Should Anyone Believe in Global Warming?

So you won't answer this question either.

You cannot average a void. Climate has no numbers.

(Copy/paste for climate denier #1)

Let's acknowledge why there is much willful ignorance and obvious attempts to avoid answering a very simple question about the impact of a loss of atmosphere. If you acknowledge a loss of atmosphere, besides completely ending life, would result in the average temp of the Earth going from 60 degrees Fahrenheit to 0 degrees Fahrenheit, then you also would acknowledge that the atmosphere, and therefore its composition, matter. People who make an attempt to educate themselves also know that Venus, despite being further from the the Sun than Earth, has an average temperature that is about 14x higher than earth - around 850 degrees Fahrenheit. Why, do you ask? Because Venus' atmosphere is much, much different than the Earth's. It's about 95% CO2. Why does CO2 concentration matter? Because, as I mentioned previously, CO2 molecules trap more heat than other atmospheric molecules. No, the first and second laws of thermodynamics don't matter. No, your word games and attempts to deflect don't matter. This is a fact. This is science.
Climate measures include things like temperature and precipitation to name a few.
Incorrect. Climates don't have any measures. They are entirely subjective human characterizations of local conditions, bounded by a time frame and a local area. Your assertion that there are somehow "measures" and other data is absurd. You apparently never went to school, or if you did, your stupid Climate religion brainwashed all your knowledge out of you. How can you think that there is any data associated with a climate?

Let's look at a hypothetical conversation involving us and a 3rd-grader:

IBDaMann (to 3rd-grader): What is the summer climate of Phoenix, Arizona?
3rd-grader: It's really hot ... and dry!
IBDaMann (to 3rd-grader): What data did you use to calculate that climate?
3rd-grader: I, I don't know what that is, but I've been to Phoenix in the summer and it's really hot.
IBDaMann (to 3rd-grader): No worries, that's the correct answer. It's just your characterization. Good job.
IBDaMann (to ZenMode): What climate are you claiming has associated data? Even our 3rd-grader knows that there is no data associated with any climate.
ZenMode (to IBDaMann): Well, climates have measures like temperature and precipitation to name a few.
IBDaMann (to ZenMode): That's weather. Are you telling me that all this time you simply never learned the difference between climate and weather? Weather has world-'o-data and climate has no data. Listen to the 3rd-grader, i,e. Phoenix is really hot and dry. There's no data.
ZenMode (to IBDaMann): but, but, climate is weather averages over a long time.
IBDaMann (to ZenMode): Nope. Listen to the 3rd-grader and learn something. Besides, there is no such thing as averaged weather, but regardless, climate has no data.

Now, let's acknowledge why there is much willful ignorance and obvious attempts to avoid answering a very simple question about the impact of a loss of atmosphere.
I completely answered your question. Now, let's acknowledge why there is much willful ignorance and obvious attempts to avoid answering a very simple question about which climate you are claiming has changed during your lifetime. Into the Night made the completely correct point that climate does not change. You, not having any idea what you are talking about, tried to be snarky in retort, and asked "Climate doesn't change?" The answer to your question is "No, climate doesn't change." I then asked you which climate you claim has changed. If you acknowledge that there haven't been any climates that have changed, then you have your answer, i.e. no, climate does not change. If you acknowledge that climate can only change under circumstances that will never happen, then you have your answer, i.e. no, climate will never change.

To the best of your knowledge, you are not aware of any climate that has changed. We are done on this topic. If you would like to reengage, answer my question.

If you acknowledge a loss of atmosphere, ... would result in the average temp of the Earth going from 60 degrees Fahrenheit to 0 degrees Fahrenheit,
Did it hurt when you pulled this out of your azz? It has nothing to do with reality.

then you also would acknowledge that the atmosphere, and therefore its composition, matter.
I do not. The atmospheric composition does not matter. Only the amount of thermal energy received by the surface, which is a function entirely of solar output, earth's proximity & earth's emissivity ... and nobody knows earth's emissivity. You have been lied to by scientifically illiterate warmizombies that you gullibly trust when they tell you that they are thienth geniutheth. Go learn some physics.

People who make an attempt to educate themselves also know that Venus, despite being further from the the Sun than Earth, has an average temperature that is about 14x higher than earth - around 850 degrees Fahrenheit.
You are babbling at this point. First, Venus is not further from the sun than earth; people who make an attempt to educate themselves know that Venus is about 40 million kilometers closer to the sun than the earth is. Second, nobody knows Venus' average temperature. What is reasonably estimated are surface temperatures, which like earth, vary from day to night (not much in this case) and per elevation. The basis for the estimates are Venus' relatively close proximity to the sun and its uber-thick, high-pressure atmosphere. Read up on the Ideal Gas law.

Why, do you ask? Because Venus' atmosphere is much, much different than the Earth's. It's about 95% CO2.
You were good up to the Venusian atmospheric content which blew it for you. Venus' CO2 is not a factor in temperature. It's the atmosphere's thickness that matters. The Venusian surface has an atmospheric pressure of 1,330 psi vs. earth's 14.7 psi at sea level. Your homework: read up on the Ideal Gas law. Also, read up on the 1st law of thermodynamics (law of conservation of energy) which explains why no substance can simply create energy out of nothing.

I would like to take the opportunity to reiterate that you are a scientifically illiterate boob who does not do himself any favors by simply regurgitating the stupid utterances of other scientifically illiterate warmizombies. Grow yourself a pair and call boooolsch't when you are being told what to believe. You know it's going to be wrong.

CO2 molecules trap more heat than other atmospheric molecules.
Listen to yourself. You are presumably a grown adult who not only doesn't know what science is, you don't even know what heat is. You should be embarrassed. Hint: heat is not something that can be sealed, contained, held, secured, locked, incarcerated, boxed, or trapped in any way. Your homework: learn what heat is.

No, the first and second laws of thermodynamics don't matter.
Thermodynamics matters and applies always and everywhere. You are clearly a science denier.

This is science.
Nope, you are preaching thettled thienth, which is your religious dogma. You don't have any science.
(Copy/paste for climate denier #1)
There's a minor administrative point that we need to address. I noticed that you referred to Into the Night as climate denier #1, but he really doesn't deserve the top spot. I have rightfully earned that position so you need to adjust your listing, and put me in the #1 slot, and maybe put Into the Night into the #2 slot, but I think #3 or #4 would be more appropriate for him. He hasn't even filled all the prerequisites (he's been slow on the paperwork).

I appreciate your attention to this matter.
Exactly. If the atmosphere were to vanish, my subjective opinion of each climate would change drastically, especially regarding the humidity, the atmospheric pressure (which was formerly a characteristic of high vs. low elevation areas), the rain forest that is no more, etc ...

Even though a rain forest might be no more on Earth, a rain forest climate doesn't change. It still describes a rain forest somewhere.
You don't understand the basics of acid-base chemistry.

You are describing yourself again. It is YOU that thinks you can:
* measure the pH of the oceans.
* change the pH of the oceans by pouring acid into it.
* don't even understand the different pH of different acids.
* think you can acidify an alkaline.
Climate measures include things like temperature and precipitation to name a few. These things are objectively, not subjectively, measured.
Climate has no temperature. Climate has no precipitation. There is nothing to measure in a climate.
Now, let's acknowledge why there is much willful ignorance and obvious attempts to avoid answering a very simple question about the impact of a loss of atmosphere.
He did answer it. So did I. RQAA.
If you acknowledge a loss of atmosphere, besides completely ending life, would result in the average temp of the Earth going from 60 degrees Fahrenheit to 0 degrees Fahrenheit, then you also would acknowledge that the atmosphere, and therefore its composition, matter.
The average temperature of Earth would stay the same. Attempted proof by contrivance.
People who make an attempt to educate themselves also know that Venus, despite being further from the the Sun than Earth, has an average temperature that is about 14x higher than earth - around 850 degrees Fahrenheit.
Venus is closer to the Sun than Earth, not further away.
Why, do you ask? Because Venus' atmosphere is much, much different than the Earth's. It's about 95% CO2. Why does CO2 concentration matter? Because, as I mentioned previously, CO2 molecules trap more heat than other atmospheric molecules.
You cannot trap heat.
No, the first and second laws of thermodynamics don't matter.
Not to you, obviously!
No, your word games and attempts to deflect don't matter.
They are YOUR word games. Now you say your word games don't matter??????!?
This is a fact.
Buzzword fallacy.
This is science.
No science here. Move along...move along...
(Copy/paste for climate denier #1)

Let's acknowledge why there is much willful ignorance and obvious attempts to avoid answering a very simple question about the impact of a loss of atmosphere.
If you acknowledge a loss of atmosphere, besides completely ending life, would result in the average temp of the Earth going from 60 degrees Fahrenheit to 0 degrees Fahrenheit, then you also would acknowledge that the atmosphere, and therefore its composition, matter. People who make an attempt to educate themselves also know that Venus, despite being further from the the Sun than Earth, has an average temperature that is about 14x higher than earth - around 850 degrees Fahrenheit. Why, do you ask? Because Venus' atmosphere is much, much different than the Earth's. It's about 95% CO2. Why does CO2 concentration matter? Because, as I mentioned previously, CO2 molecules trap more heat than other atmospheric molecules. No, the first and second laws of thermodynamics don't matter. No, your word games and attempts to deflect don't matter. This is a fact. This is science.
RAAA (spamming), RQAA.
Incorrect. Climates don't have any measures. They are entirely subjective human characterizations of local conditions, bounded by a time frame and a local area. Your assertion that there are somehow "measures" and other data is absurd. You apparently never went to school, or if you did, your stupid Climate religion brainwashed all your knowledge out of you. How can you think that there is any data associated with a climate?
Oddly enough, this religion is the kind of crap taught in schools these days as 'sCiEnCe'.
There's a minor administrative point that we need to address. I noticed that you referred to Into the Night as climate denier #1, but he really doesn't deserve the top spot. I have rightfully earned that position so you need to adjust your listing, and put me in the #1 slot, and maybe put Into the Night into the #2 slot, but I think #3 or #4 would be more appropriate for him. He hasn't even filled all the prerequisites (he's been slow on the paperwork).

I appreciate your attention to this matter.

Depends on which forum you are on! :D
You are describing yourself again. It is YOU that thinks you can:
* measure the pH of the oceans.
* change the pH of the oceans by pouring acid into it.
* don't even understand the different pH of different acids.
* think you can acidify an alkaline.

The fact that you typed all that out thinking it was clever is the saddest thing I've seen this morning.
RQAA. Your question was already answered multiple times. You are evading. Answer the questions put to you.

The questions put to me, unless I'm forgetting/missing something, are irrelevant to a discussion of whether or not you should believe in climate change. Your declarations are also nothing more than distractions. There is a reality regarding how molecules behave when heated. There is a reality, based on the clear evidence provided by average temperatures on other planets, regarding how carbon dioxide impacts surface temperature. Either you believe in science or you don't.

However, if you want to post questions that have no relevance, I will be glad to answer them.
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The questions put to me, unless I'm forgetting/missing something, are irrelevant to a discussion of whether or not you should believe in climate change.
You are just evading now. You obviously refuse to answer the questions. I am not going to believe your religion. Your religion is fucked up.

You cannot define 'climate change'.
You cannot define 'global warming'.
Your declarations are also nothing more than distractions.
My 'declarations' are the theories of science you are discarding.
There is a reality regarding how molecules behave when heated.
There you go again...trying to convert your denial of the 1st and 2nd laws of thermodynamics into a nothing statement.
There is a reality, based on the clear evidence provided by average temperatures on other planets, regarding how carbon dioxide impacts surface temperature.
A planet isn't a molecule. No gas or vapor has the capability to warm any planet.

You can't create energy out of nothing. You are ignoring the 1st law of thermodynamics again.
However, if you want to post questions that have no relevance, I will be glad to answer them.
Blatant lie. You refuse to answer the questions.
You are just evading now. You obviously refuse to answer the questions. I am not going to believe your religion. Your religion is fucked up.

You cannot define 'climate change'.
You cannot define 'global warming'.

My 'declarations' are the theories of science you are discarding.

There you go again...trying to convert your denial of the 1st and 2nd laws of thermodynamics into a nothing statement.

A planet isn't a molecule. No gas or vapor has the capability to warm any planet.

You can't create energy out of nothing. You are ignoring the 1st law of thermodynamics again.

Blatant lie. You refuse to answer the questions.

I'll ask another simple yes or no question. Do you think it's a coincidence that's Venus, which is further from the Sun than the earth with an atmosphere that is 95% carbon dioxide, has an average temperature that is 14 times higher than the Earth?

By the way, you never might answer my question about the impact on the earth if it's atmosphere were to vanish. You avoided the question for very, very obvious reasons.
I'll ask another simple yes or no question. Do you think it's a coincidence that's Venus, which is further from the Sun than the earth with an atmosphere that is 95% carbon dioxide, has an average temperature that is 14 times higher than the Earth?
Venus is not further from the Sun than the Earth.
The temperature of Earth is unknown.
The temperature of Venus is unknown.
By the way, you never might answer my question about the impact on the earth if it's atmosphere were to vanish. You avoided the question for very, very obvious reasons.
Blatant lie. I answered your question. RQAA.
The atmosphere on Earth can't vanish.
Venus is not further from the Sun than the Earth.
The temperature of Earth is unknown.
The temperature of Venus is unknown.

Blatant lie. I answered your question. RQAA.
The atmosphere on Earth can't vanish.

Lol. Enjoy your tin foil, buddy. The far-right continues to prove, on a daily basis, just how anti-science they truly are. Not surprising, of course. Most of the far right is very religious, which generally means You are groomed to ignore science.