Why Should Anyone Believe in Global Warming?

"Blankets work by reducing the flow of thermal energy."

Bingo. Now read my post above regarding the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics.
The atmosphere is not a magic one-way blanket.

The atmosphere (and any and all gases within it) cannot increase the temperature of Earth because it is (they are) already a part of Earth.

You are still stuck between a rock (Earth is spontaneously increasing in temperature, in violation of thermodynamics) and a hard place (Earth is not spontaneously increasing in temperature, thus my religion is false).

How does a vacuum (space) reduce the flow of thermal energy?
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"Incorrect. Many have tried to teach you,"

Yes, you've tried to teach me the completely flawed understanding of the 2nd Law. I'm not sure why I'd be open to being taught something that is wrong.
You are just denying the 2nd law of thermodynamics again. That law is simple and straightforward. You just want to deny it.

You cannot trap heat.
You cannot trap light.
You cannot trap thermal energy. There is always heat.

"It has been clearly explained to you multiple times. You either pretend to not read those posts or you really are too stupid to learn."

No, it hasn't. Any "clear" and accurate explanation would be included with the realization that specific posters here are wrong.
e(t+1) >= e(t) is not wrong. It is the correct equation for the 2nd law of thermodynamics. You just want to ignore it.
According to the (flawed) understanding of the 2nd Law, blankets wouldn't make people feel warm in a cold room.
Non-sequitur fallacy. Word stuffing.
We all know that is incorrect and, as such, the understanding of the 2nd Law is simply wrong.
Attempted proof by contextomy. Contextomy fallacy.
The atmosphere is not a blanket.
obviously, but it acts like a blanket for the earth. That's why the Earth is habitable.
The atmosphere (and any and all gases within it) cannot increase the temperature of Earth because it is (they are) already a part of Earth.
If the earth was a closed system, yes. But there is energy from the sun pouring in 24/7. I assure you the earth can get warmer if less of the infrared energy is allowed to escape. It's like the difference between a light jacked and a snow suit.
You are still stuck between a rock (Earth is spontaneously increasing in temperature, in violation of thermodynamics) and a hard place (Earth is not spontaneously increasing in temperature, thus my religion is false).
This is no violation.
How does a vacuum (space) reduce the flow of thermal energy?
The atmosphere reduces the flow of energy from Earth to the cooler cooler atmosphere. That flow is in accordance with the 2nd Law.
Absolute certainty isn't a random phrase any more than 'ambient cold' is a random phrase. Both have meaning and i'm using both intentionally.
Random phrases. Ignored.
Climate can change.
Climate cannot change.
If the Earth's atmosphere vanished tonight, the Earth's climate would change dramatically.
Climate is not Earth's atmosphere. Attempted proof by contrivance.
The reason jackets work is because they, to varying degrees depending on the construction of the jacket, slow the transfer of the body's energy to the cooler atmospheric air. The transfer of the body's energy/heat away from the body toward the atmosphere IS the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics at work.
I already said this.
This is exactly what the atmosphere does with energy from the earth's surface. It acts like a blanket or jacket. It not only slows how quickly infrared light from the earth is carried away by the cooler atmosphere but so-called greenhouse gases actually redirect some of the energy back toward the earth. As greenhouse gases in the atmosphere increase, that redirecting becomes more prevalent and less net energy escapes.
Nope. The atmosphere is not a blanket or a coat. You are ignoring the 2nd law of thermodynamics again. You cannot heat a warmer surface using a colder gas. There is no such thing as 'net energy'.
The 2nd Law of Thermodynamics is constantly at work. Energy flows from the Sun, to the Earth and back continually. There is no violation of either the first or second law of thermodynamics in the explanation of climate change.
You just tried to heat a warmer object with a colder one. That violates the 2nd law of thermodynamics.
The Earth cannot heat the Sun, and the Earth cannot heat itself. You are also ignoring the 1st law of thermodynamics.
You are attempting to trap light again, ignoring the Stefan-Boltzmann law.
obviously, but it acts like a blanket for the earth. That's why the Earth is habitable. If the earth was a closed system, yes. But there is energy from the sun pouring in 24/7. I assure you the earth can get warmer if less of the infrared energy is allowed to escape. It's like the difference between a light jacked and a snow suit. This is no violation. The atmosphere reduces the flow of energy from Earth to the cooler cooler atmosphere. That flow is in accordance with the 2nd Law.

The atmosphere is not a blanket.
The Earth is a closed system. The Sun-Earth-space system is also a closed system. You cannot compare two different systems as if they are the same system. False equivalence fallacy.
You cannot heat the surface and cool the atmosphere at the same time. That is ignoring the 2nd law of thermodynamics again. You cannot decrease entropy...ever.
Here, you are pulling a 'ChatGPT'. You agree with me, but then immediately proceed to continue preaching the same erroneous dogma that I literally juuuuuust corrected you on.

but it acts like a blanket for the earth.
The atmosphere IS the Earth (in part), thus it cannot be "a blanket FOR the Earth" (as if it were something outside of the Earth).

That's why the Earth is habitable.
You've already been told why Earth is habitable.

If the earth was a closed system, yes.
Earth IS a closed system.

But there is energy from the sun pouring in 24/7.
The Sun-Earth-Space system is a closed system as well.

I assure you the earth can get warmer if less of the infrared energy is allowed to escape.
I assure you that this is an egregious violation of the Stefan Boltzmann Law, as radiance is directly proportional to temperature. Less radiance means lower temperature, not higher temperature.

It's like the difference between a light jacked and a snow suit. This is no violation. The atmosphere reduces the flow of energy from Earth to the cooler cooler atmosphere. That flow is in accordance with the 2nd Law.
Remember, "the atmosphere" IS ALREADY EARTH (in part). There is no separate "the atmosphere" that is "reducing the flow of" anything.

How does a vacuum (space) reduce the flow of thermal energy?
Random phrases. Ignored.
Translation: I'm going to ignore the english language.
Climate cannot change.
The atmosphere is among the factors that determines the Earth's atmosphere. Any significant change in a determiner of the climate would change the climate. If the Sun vanished tomorrow, the Earth's climate would change. If the atmosphere disappeared tomorrow, the Earth's climate would change. You can't make things true by repeatedly saying them.
Climate is not Earth's atmosphere.
Correct. I never said it was.
Nope. The atmosphere is not a blanket or a coat. You are ignoring the 2nd law of thermodynamics again. You cannot heat a warmer surface using a colder gas. There is no such thing as 'net energy'.
The atmosphere is not a coat or jacket. It performs the same role as a jacket or coat...which you already know.

I'm not trying to heat the Earth with cold gas. I'm heating the Earth with the Sun. Again, you already know this.
You just tried to heat a warmer object with a colder one. That violates the 2nd law of thermodynamics.
The sun is not colder than the earth. There is no violation.
As we know, energy from the sun is constantly flowing back toward the colder atmosphere.
The Earth cannot heat the Sun,
i never said it could. I said their is a back and forth flow of energy. It would be impossible for some of the infrared energy from the earth to not flow toward the Sun.
and the Earth cannot heat itself. You are also ignoring the 1st law of thermodynamics.
Correct, the Earth can't heat itself. Luckily, I've never said it could.
You are attempting to trap light again, ignoring the Stefan-Boltzmann law.
I'm not trying to trap light any more than putting on a jacket or blanket "traps" light.
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Here, you are pulling a 'ChatGPT'. You agree with me, but then immediately proceed to continue preaching the same erroneous dogma that I literally juuuuuust corrected you on.

The atmosphere IS the Earth (in part), thus it cannot be "a blanket FOR the Earth" (as if it were something outside of the Earth).
No, it can be a "blanket". It is the reason the Earth is habitable.
You've already been told why Earth is habitable.
I've been told a lot of incorrect things.
Earth IS a closed system.
No, it's not. The sun and cosmos are part of the entire system. Without the sun, the earth is cold and lifeless.
The Sun-Earth-Space system is a closed system as well.
I don't think you know what "closed" system means.
I assure you that this is an egregious violation of the Stefan Boltzmann Law, as radiance is directly proportional to temperature. Less radiance means lower temperature, not higher temperature.
You've shown no understanding of Thermodynamics laws. I've no reason to believe you have any understanding of another law.
Remember, "the atmosphere" IS ALREADY EARTH (in part). There is no separate "the atmosphere" that is "reducing the flow of" anything.

How does a vacuum (space) reduce the flow of thermal energy?
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The atmosphere is not a blanket.
Correct. I never said it was.
The Earth is a closed system. The Sun-Earth-space system is also a closed system. You cannot compare two different systems as if they are the same system. False equivalence fallacy.
You also don't know what closed system means.
You cannot heat the surface and cool the atmosphere at the same time. That is ignoring the 2nd law of thermodynamics again. You cannot decrease entropy...ever.
The second law says that energy flows toward the cooler atmosphere. I've never denied that happens. Energy flows from your body to the cooler atmosphere. We slow that process with jackets and blankets. The Earth's atmosphere slows that flow just....like.....a.....jacket.

Not sure how many more times I need to say this.

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Absolute certainty isn't a random phrase any more than 'ambient cold' is a random phrase.
It should be pretty obvious once you see the similarities between your posts and saltydancin's posts.

Both have meaning [as distractions] and i'm using both intentionally.
I think we can all back you up on that.

Climate can change.
You have been taught otherwise. Were you planning on providing an unambiguous definition of the global climate?

[if something that will never happen were to happen then] ... the Earth's climate would change dramatically.
How do you know? How are you unambiguously defining the global climate?

The reason jackets work
"Work" is a physics term. What work are you claiming that jackets accomplish?

... slow the transfer of the body's energy to the cooler atmospheric air [i.e. reducing heat].
All you need to do now is insist that this was never explained to you!

They keep you warm by reducing heat?
Oh look, it was explained to you, as was everything else.

The transfer of the body's energy/heat away from the body toward the atmosphere IS the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics at work.
Here you are describing heat, and somewhat correctly defining it as a transfer, not as energy. By the way, heat cannot be the transfer of heat. Also, heat is not a "transfer" unless you can point to the body of matter to which the thermal energy is being transferred. When thermal radiation is emitted off into space, it is therefore not a transfer.

This is exactly what the atmosphere does with energy from the earth's surface.
Incorrect. The atmosphere is part of the earth. The atmosphere becomes the earth's "surface" in the scenario you described. Try again.

It not only slows how quickly infrared light from the earth is carried away by the cooler atmosphere
Too funny! You actually returned to the "slows light" argument. How much below the speed of light is the light slowed? Tell me you're not embarrassed that you said something that stupid.

but so-called greenhouse gases actually redirect some of the energy back toward the earth.
Tell me when you believe that the earth is somehow not in equilibrium. The atmosphere is part of the earth and becomes the "surface" for black body science. Whatever happens under the surface is of no consequence and is not considered.

As greenhouse gases in the atmosphere increase, that redirecting becomes more prevalent and less net energy escapes.
So you have gone through the entire cycle, returned to argument 2a with Global Warming and just now pivoted to a combined argument 2b+2c, presumably to save time.

- 2b. greenhouse gases act as insulation, like a big, warm, cumfy wool blanket that cradles the earth in Global Warming. This cumfy blanket is totally transparent/non-existent to inbound solar energy, but then "traps" some of earth's "heat" by preventing earth's radiance (thermal radiation) from escaping into space. This causes a direct increase in the earth's average global temperature in conjunction with the sun's constant output.
- 2c. The earth, in equilibrium, radiates thermally into space exactly what it absorbs, without creating any additional energy out of nothing, which is exactly what has been taught all along. The earth's thermal radiation, however, is simply absorbed by the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, and half of that energy is re-radiated back down to earth, increasing the temperature of the surface, which therefore provides additional thermal radiation to the atmosphere which balances out the quantity of thermal radiation needed to escape into space and maintain equilibrium.

This is an egregious violation of Stefan-Boltzmann, because radiance and temperature always move in the same direction, i.e. you can't have an increase in temperature with a decrease in radiance.

There. It has been said. You may now pivot when ready, Gridley.

Energy flows from the Sun, to the Earth and back continually.
In what way does energy flow to the sun from the earth? Does the earth, because it is small compared to the sun, heat the sun only a little per the 2nd law of thermodynamics?

There is no violation of either the first or second law of thermodynamics in the explanation of climate change.
You misworded that. Allow me to correct:

Corrected Statement:
There is no unambiguous definition of Climate Change in the violation of either the first or second law of thermodynamics.
No, it can be a "blanket".
Now you're contradicting yourself.

[1] Obviously Earth's atmosphere is not a blanket.
[2] Earth's atmosphere is a blanket.

It is the reason the Earth is habitable.
Continued chanting that's already been addressed.

I've been told a lot of incorrect things.
That you have.

Your mind masters have fed you a whole bunch of lies and are now bending you over furniture, reaming those lies into you as hard as possible. You simply regurgitate those lies while taking it up the ass from your mind masters.

No, it's not.
Yes, it is.

The sun and cosmos are part of the entire system.
The Sun-Earth-Space system is also a closed system.

Without the sun, the earth is cold and lifeless.

I don't think you know what "closed" system means.

You've shown no understanding of Thermodynamics laws. I've no reason to believe you have any understanding of another law.
Pretending that your issues are "my issues" doesn't solve your issues.

Do you insist that the earth's average global temperature is increasing?
Do you insist that greenhouse gas causes this increase in temperature?