Why Should Anyone Believe in Global Warming?

Now you're contradicting yourself.

[1] Obviously Earth's atmosphere is not a blanket.
[2] Earth's atmosphere is a blanket.
Nope and you know this because, despite being very confused on many of the law of thermodynamics, you know that I was never implying there was an actual, physical blanket around the earth. You also know why I put "blanket" in quotes.

Continued chanting that's already been addressed.
Multiple times. Each time incorrectly.
Does anything related to the sun need to change for the inside of a car to get EXTREMELY hot when the windows are closed?
I'M asking the questions right now. Your question has already been answered.

Is the Sun's radiation increasing?
Is Earth moving closer to the Sun?

Do you insist that the earth's average global temperature is increasing?
Do you insist that greenhouse gas causes this increase in temperature?
It varies due to orbit.
That is correct.

How about on average though? Is Earth "slowly moving closer to the Sun over time"? (or farther away? or staying about the same?)

I know you are trying to make a point but it won't work. The Sun's radiance not increasing is irrelevant.
Yes, I'm leading up to a point, and yes it will work because you will have to deny science in order to maintain your false religion.
That is correct.

How about on average though? Is Earth "slowly moving closer to the Sun over time"? (or farther away? or staying about the same?)

Yes, I'm leading up to a point, and yes it will work because you will have to deny science in order to maintain your false religion.

I know your point. What I am not understanding is why it takes you so long to arrive at your point. Zen and I understood your point long time ago. The constant radiation and distance are irrelevant.
No, it can be a "blanket". It is the reason the Earth is habitable.
For those who lean towards Darwin's theory of evolution, terrestrial life evolved with an atmosphere. Ergo, life depends on this atmosphere, but not because it somehow acts as a blanket.

Without the sun, the earth is cold and lifeless.
Yes, the Incas worshiped the sun as well.

I don't think you know what "closed" system means.
I see you are still desperately trying to use your Climate Justice League superpowers to declare other people into not knowing things that they know. How is that working out for you?

I don't think you understand what constitutes an open system vs. a closed system. Most of the people commenting on such seem to be using the mistaken notions from Wikipedia. Your problem is that only the 2nd law of thermodynamics depends on a closed system. The 1st law of thermodynamics always applies, everywhere ... and that is the one violated by Global Warming and greenhouse effect.

@gfm7175 and all others, it is my humble recommendation that you cease and desist from engaging in this distraction of "open system" vs. "closed system." To date, I have seen only one other person on JPP even come close to having a usable understanding ... and it doesn't matter in the slightest. Global Warming and greenhouse effect violate the 1st law of thermodynamics, and there is no issue of "open system" vs. "closed system" involved. The 1st law of thermodynamics, i.e. the law of conservation of energy, is always in effect everywhere. Any attempt to create energy out of nothing, in any type of system, is a "full stop" violation.

Global Warming and greenhouse effect claim an increase in thermal energy, in the form of a temperature increase. Warmizombies try in desperation to explain this increase in thermal energy as some sort of redistribution of existing thermal energy. Obviously you can't magically create more pizza by making just the right number of slices, and you can't magically create more money simply by redistributing your existing money across your various accounts. The earth's quantity of thermal energy is what determines earth's average global temperature. Earth's average global temperature cannot increase without additional thermal energy. Simply redistributing earth's existing thermal energy won't increase earth's temperature. Anyone claiming that earth's temperature has increased is also claiming that new thermal energy was added. If the claim is that greenhouse gas caused that increase in thermal energy, then the claim violates the 1st law of thermodynamics.

If anyone retort's "... but the earth isn't a closed system!" ... it's either a desperate distraction to derail the conversation from reaching the logical conclusion I just described or he doesn't really understand "open system" vs. "closed system," and how it all applies to thermodynamics ... or both.

You've shown no understanding of Thermodynamics laws. I've no reason to believe you have any understanding of another law.
I see you are still desperately trying to use your Climate Justice League superpowers to declare other people into not knowing things that they know. How is that working out for you? Wait, am I repeating myself?
It thinks we don't understand it's point about it being impossible for the Earth to warm up.

Makes me think this constant reframing of said point is an attempt to convince itself that it is not wrong.
Does anyone have any idea why Oscillator and ZenMode haven't used the ultimate power of Climate Science to deliver the almighty smackdown to the ordinary, vanilla science/math/logic that I have presented? Why have they instead EVADED all of my questions, even the ones asking about their positions and what they claim?

Come to think of it, why do leftists rush to put me on ignore? Am I to blame for that, or is there something inherently fucked-up and cowardly and dishonest about leftists in general?

For those leftists who have not put me on ignore, would you like to? Are you feeling inclined to?

Your Global Warming religion is false and you should ditch it.

How about now?
I'm fairly new here, but my impression is that Into the Night is sort of the leader of the confused pack and the others are just knock-offs.
Unbelievable! @Into the Night, how did you manage to get top billing? Tell me your secret. Did you bitch-slap them a few times when I wasn't looking?