Why Should Anyone Believe in Global Warming?

Does the temperature of a pizza increase in an oven when turned on?
Wrong question, again.

Correct question: When a pizza is heated in an oven (preheated to 475 degrees Fahrenheit) and reaches equilibrium temperature, assuming that the oven's settings remain the same, when does the pizza increase in temperature?

You're welcome. Don't be afraid to come to me with the hard stuff.
If you weren't such a dumbass, Sybil, you'd understand that's not what is being said.

Do you understand that the room would warm up and, conversely, the rock would cool down until both the room and the rock were the same temperature?

He claims to be an expert in thermodynamics. If he is, he'd know that the room would arrive in a state of equilibrium and figure out the final temperature of the rock.
Great. So, the Sun's radiation is NOT increasing.

Is Earth moving closer to the Sun?

Currently, it is.

The Earth's orbit is not quite circular. We have already passed aphelion (which was on July 6th at a distance of 94,506,364 mi) this year and are moving toward perihelion. Perihelion will take place on January 2, 2024 4:38 pm, where the Earth will be a mere 91,404,095 mi from the Sun. This is also the fastest point in Earth's orbit. Aphelion is the slowest point on Earth's orbit.
Wrong question, again.

Correct question: When a pizza is heated in an oven (preheated to 475 degrees Fahrenheit) and reaches equilibrium temperature, assuming that the oven's settings remain the same, when does the pizza increase in temperature?

You're welcome. Don't be afraid to come to me with the hard stuff.

Thank you for answering finally!!! So the temperature of the pizza will increase.

I'm so happy we're making progress!
Could it be because he makes the most posts?
Page 27 of the rule book clearly states that quality can be substituted for quantity in certain situations, and I was sure that I was hitting the mark. I might have to adjust my strategy going into the second half.
Nope and you know this because, despite being very confused on many of the law of thermodynamics, you know that I was never implying there was an actual, physical blanket around the earth. You also know why I put "blanket" in quotes.

Multiple times. Each time incorrectly.

You are still locked in paradox. Which is it, dude?
I'M asking the questions right now. Your question has already been answered.

Is the Sun's radiation increasing?
Is Earth moving closer to the Sun?

Do you insist that the earth's average global temperature is increasing?
Do you insist that greenhouse gas causes this increase in temperature?

ZenMode has already answered these questions. He has already answered yes, and yes.
At this point he is trying to rationalize his answers by endlessly cycling through the three arguments that IBDaMann listed.
Currently, it is.

The Earth's orbit is not quite circular. We have already passed aphelion (which was on July 6th at a distance of 94,506,364 mi) this year and are moving toward perihelion. Perihelion will take place on January 2, 2024 4:38 pm, where the Earth will be a mere 91,404,095 mi from the Sun. This is also the fastest point in Earth's orbit. Aphelion is the slowest point on Earth's orbit.
Correct. AProudLefty also correctly noted this fact.

I should've worded the question better because I was trying to get at whether the average distance away from the Sun was changing in any significant way. (e.g. "Earth is now as close to the Sun as Venus is").
I know your point. What I am not understanding is why it takes you so long to arrive at your point. Zen and I understood your point long time ago. The constant radiation and distance are irrelevant.

So you are trying to create energy out of nothing again. You are currently back to argument 2a and ignoring the 1st law of thermodynamics again.