Why Should Anyone Believe in Global Warming?

So you are trying to create energy out of nothing again. You are currently back to argument 2a and ignoring the 1st law of thermodynamics again.

Nobody is trying to create energy out of nothing.

Atmosphere and the magnetic field are what keep Earth from overheating.

Imagine what happens if you bake pizza in a 1000 degree oven.
You haven't asked a single correct question. More importantly, you haven't made a single point. You are gibbering, mostly as a result of your inability to read.

Good lord you still don't get that I understand your point? Your question about the pizza has an obvious answer... the pizza's temperature will stop increasing when it reaches eqilibrium.
Wrong question, again.

Correct question: When you turn on an oven, i.e. adding new thermal energy, where inside the oven does the temperature decrease?

This is assuming, of course, that fuel is being consumed to heat the oven, either at the power plant, or natural gas or propane being fed to the oven.

If you have an electric oven and the power is out, turning on the oven will do you no good. Nothing happens.

The oven will not get hotter and hotter either. It will reach a set temperature and then stop getting warmer. Ovens have thermostats in them. That way the pizza you cook at 425 won't turn to ashes because the oven reached 1000 degrees.
You claim to be an expert in thermodynamics
I'm going to ask for a link to where I made this claim.

... it should be easy for you to answer.
It would be trivial for me to answer that particular question correctly. You, however, are meeting with extreme difficulty over the easiest and simplest of questions. One has to wonder why you aren't taking notes on everything I teach you.
I'm going to ask for a link to where I made this claim.

It would be trivial for me to answer that particular question correctly. You, however, are meeting with extreme difficulty over the easiest and simplest of questions. One has to wonder why you aren't taking notes on everything I teach you.

You have taught that you know nothing about thermodynamics.
Perhaps this illustration will be good at explaining.

If you had an oven outside in the freezing weather and you try to cook a pizza in it with the door open, it wouldn't be hot but warm, depending on the temperatures. Now if you closed the door, it would get hotter and hotter.
Thank you for answering finally!!! So the temperature of the pizza will increase.

I'm so happy we're making progress!
No progress is being made. You're simply adopting the same Church of Global Warming "lie of omission" strategy detailed in post #544. It'll fail you just as it failed ZenMode.
Define climate.
You should already be aware of how stupid it is for you to ask me to define Climate. Anyway, let's go:

Climate (proper noun)

Climate is the Democratic People's goddess and one of the main deities of the Climate Change pantheon. Born out of the Scientific Consensus, She oversees the central planning and administration of all weather, ecosystems, and local climates across the globe, as well as all interactions thereof. Climate is believed to be responsible for the care and well-being of all life on earth. In other faiths She is called Gaia, Durga, Mother Nature, et. al.


Note: Climate, by her nature, never changes but she is believed to be constantly changing, thus forming the grand mystery of the Global Warming doctrine. This is a core tenet of Settled Science catechism.

Don't be afraid to come to me with the hard stuff.
No progress is being made. You're simply adopting the same Church of Global Warming "lie of omission" strategy detailed in post #544. It'll fail you just as it failed ZenMode.

No. We understand your point. The Sun doesn't increase the overall temperature of the Earth. It remains in a state of equilibrium.

Now go ahead and deny that I understood the point.
You should already be aware of how stupid it is for you to ask me to define Climate. Anyway, let's go:

Climate (proper noun)

Climate is the Democratic People's goddess and one of the main deities of the Climate Change pantheon. Born out of the Scientific Consensus, She oversees the central planning and administration of all weather, ecosystems, and local climates across the globe, as well as all interactions thereof. Climate is believed to be responsible for the care and well-being of all life on earth. In other faiths She is called Gaia, Durga, Mother Nature, et. al.


Note: Climate, by her nature, never changes but she is believed to be constantly changing, thus forming the grand mystery of the Global Warming doctrine. This is a core tenet of Settled Science catechism.

Don't be afraid to come to me with the hard stuff.

Not your made up definition, dumbass.

Define climate please, not the mumbo-jumbo you just spew.
You already do. You don't have to declare you do. Illiteracy: proper nouns are capitalized.

That's rich. Congratulations. You made to my sig line with that one!
There is no 'determiner of climate'. You cannot change climate.
There's no determiner of climate. So, climate just exists and is impacted by nothing? With a straight face you type this nonsense?
There is no such thing as a global climate.
There isn't a singular global climate,but every square inch of the planet has a measurable climate. If the atmosphere were to vanish, every square inch of the planet would have a dramatically different climate. How do you not thing these things through?
There is no such thing as a global climate. Climate cannot change.
Yes. Wrong. If the atmosphere were to vanish, the climate would change. If the sun were to explode, the climate of Earth would change dramatically. If the concentration of CO2 were to hit 30%, the climate of the entire planet would change dramatically. Again, do you think these things through?
You are describing yourself again. Inversion fallacy.

Blatant lie.

Paradox. Irrational.

Blatant lie.

Blatant lie. The Sun is not CO2 in the atmosphere.

Trying to dodge your doctrine, eh?

Paradoxes. Irrational. You cannot argue both sides of a paradox.
The Earth cannot heat the Sun.
Blatant lies.

You are being intentionally obtuse. If a blanket over your body is effective in slowing the flow of energy from the body to the colder atmosphere, then your understanding of the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics is clearly misguided because if you were right, a blanket would do nothing.
He claims to be an expert in thermodynamics. If he is, he'd know that the room would arrive in a state of equilibrium and figure out the final temperature of the rock.

Sybil has mental issues as would anyone who thinks their imaginary "friends" are real people.
Good lord you still don't get that I understand your point? Your question about the pizza has an obvious answer... the pizza's temperature will stop increasing when it reaches eqilibrium.
Your English comprehension sucks. When will the pizza's temperature increase after it reaches equilibrium temperature, assuming the oven settings remain the same?
Your English comprehension sucks. When will the pizza's temperature increase after it reaches equilibrium temperature, assuming the oven settings remain the same?

Go ahead and answer. Should be fun.

Hint: once equilibrium has reached, the temperature will stop rising.