Why Should Anyone Believe in Global Warming?

What does a coat, blanket etc do that masks the impact of cold air around you? Surely you aren't so ignorant or dishonest that you are going to claim that standing in a snow drift in snow boots and your underwear is the same as standing in a snow drift in snow boots, a snow suit, ski cap, etc, are you?
Your question here has been answered multiple times already. You would have noticed that if you had actually intellectually followed along with the conversation instead of relentlessly preaching your wacky physics-denying faith because you believe that it will one day earn you a better seat at the table of your mind masters.

You've already been told that those things work as they do because they reduce heat, but you don't know what that means because you don't know what heat means. You've already been told that heat is the flow of thermal energy, but you refuse to learn what heat is because if you did, it would blow up your wacky physics-denying faith, exposing it for the stupidity that it is, so you choose to continue relentlessly preaching the same three Church of Global Warming sermons over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again to please your mind masters. This is also why you vehemently refuse to answer any and all questions regarding your faith.
As I said previously, I am very patient And will ask the question as many different ways as is needed to get an answer.
No, you are very illiterate... whether that be science or whether that be English... and you're likely illiterate in a whole host of other things as well.

FYI: butt-reamed is not spelled 'patient'.

What does a coat, blanket etc do that masks the impact of cold air around you? Surely you aren't so ignorant or dishonest that you are going to claim that standing on your front porch, on a -2 degree Minnesota morning, in sneakers, a T-shirt and shorts is the same as standing standing on your front porch, on a -2 degree Minnesota morning, in snow boots, a snow suit, ski cap, etc, are you?

Do you insist that the earth's average global temperature is increasing?
Do you insist that greenhouse gas causes this increase in temperature?
No, you are very illiterate... whether that be science or whether that be English... and you're likely illiterate in a whole host of other things as well.

FYI: butt-reamed is not spelled 'patient'.

A response to a question isn't the same as actually answering a question.
Do you insist that the earth's average global temperature is increasing?
Do you insist that greenhouse gas causes this increase in temperature?

I don't insist on anything. The question being asked is why anyone should believe global warming. Two of the reasons given for why we shouldn't believe in global warming are the 1st and 2nd laws of thermodynamics. It should be pretty clear that global warming doesn't, in any way, violate the 1st Law. I'm just trying to ask some questions to determine if it violates the 2nd Law but, so far, getting straight answers to basic questions has been....... difficult.
ZenMode is now getting desperate and is going to try to string you along, one stupid question at a time, in a long, drawn out attempt at a GOTCHA! He won't answer any of your questions, but he fully expects you to answer each one of his poorly worded, totally ambiguous, error-ridden questions. He won't understand what is wrong with any of his questions, but he will only accept the answers he is looking for.

If you think hard, you might be able to remember having seen this before ... perhaps a few dozen times.

More than a few dozen! :D

This is yet another attempt using coats and other thermal insulation to try to ignore the 2nd law of thermodynamics by 'trapping heat'. Just 2b on your list again.
As I said previously, I am very patient And will ask the question as many different ways as is needed to get an answer.
You've already been answered.
What does a coat, blanket etc do that masks the impact of cold air around you? Surely you aren't so ignorant or dishonest that you are going to claim that standing on your front porch, on a -2 degree Minnesota morning, in sneakers, a T-shirt and shorts is the same as standing standing on your front porch, on a -2 degree Minnesota morning, in snow boots, a snow suit, ski cap, etc, are you?
RQAA. You are still being mindless.

relating to the immediate surroundings of something.


the quality or condition of being of or at a low or relatively low temperature, especially when compared with the human body.

There's no such thing as a condition of being at a low or relatively low temperature immediately surrounding something?.... anything? Like, nothing ANYWHERE can????


Still trying to make up shit. There is no such thing as ambient coldness in science.
A response to a question
This is what you are doing.

isn't the same as actually answering a question.
This is what I want you to do.

I don't insist on anything.
Great. Then we agree that the Church of Global Warming is just a bunch of physics-denying hooey?

The question being asked is why anyone should believe global warming.
That is the question asked in the title of this thread. (Why should anyone believe in global warming?)

Two of the reasons given for why we shouldn't believe in global warming are the 1st and 2nd laws of thermodynamics.
Ahhhh, no no no... You're not going to be shifting the burden of proof. The Global Warming religion has the burden of proof here, not anyone who lacks belief.

It should be pretty clear that global warming doesn't, in any way, violate the 1st Law.
It's already been explained to you how global warming theology violates the 1st Law. That's in response to the theology's attempt (aka '2a') to create energy out of nothing. The theology's next move is to then deny having ever said that (but... but I didn't outright say those exact words...) and pivot over to '2b'.

I'm just trying to ask some questions to determine if it violates the 2nd Law
This has already been explained to you.

but, so far, getting straight answers to basic questions has been....... difficult.
This is your issue. You can't make it anyone else's.
No, you are very illiterate... whether that be science or whether that be English... and you're likely illiterate in a whole host of other things as well.

FYI: butt-reamed is not spelled 'patient'.


Do you insist that the earth's average global temperature is increasing?
Do you insist that greenhouse gas causes this increase in temperature?

He has already discarded statistical mathematics, the 0th, 1st and 2nd laws of thermodynamics, the Stefan-Boltzmann law, acid-base chemistry (and chemistry in general), the ideal gas law, Ohm's law, Kirchoff's law, Plank's law, quantum mechanics, Newton's laws, and Kepler's laws.

He doesn't know the meaning of the words 'heat', 'proof', 'answer', 'light', 'acid', 'pH', 'black body', 'entropy', 'system', 'open', 'closed', 'mathematics', 'science', 'philosophy', 'negative', 'cold', 'hot', 'climate', 'patient', 'dictionary', or 'religion'. You know...some of the usual words on your Lispy Leftist List of Linquistic Lunacy.

Now he's just a stuck record, asking the same question over and over mindlessly. He won't answer any questions put to him, and continues to insist that his question has not been answered (even though it has).

He has nowhere to go but to repeat his three sermons.
A response to a question isn't the same as actually answering a question.

I don't insist on anything. The question being asked is why anyone should believe global warming. Two of the reasons given for why we shouldn't believe in global warming are the 1st and 2nd laws of thermodynamics. It should be pretty clear that global warming doesn't, in any way, violate the 1st Law. I'm just trying to ask some questions to determine if it violates the 2nd Law but, so far, getting straight answers to basic questions has been....... difficult.

Blatant lies. RQAA.