Why Should Anyone Believe in Global Warming?

So you have difficulty with this, do you?

This is how you entertain yourself? I would tend to agree. You just go back and forth over the same old ground for pages and pages of posts.

Oh, no.... that's you playing with yourself, which I assume is what you're trying to accomplish with your ridiculous posts and posting style.
Have you ever considered that you yourself might be operating under some common misconceptions as well? I notice that you refer to earth's "climate," as in singular. While the earth has millions of climates, why should any rational adult believe that there is a single global climate which, on its face, is a contradiction in terms, i.e. global local conditions? Is the earth's "the climate" freezing hot? Windy calm? Foggy and clear? Rainy and arid? What is the earth's global climate?

You might want to re-read my quote and understand what was written before you comment. I am quoting the rhetoric from climate liars which is why it was bolded.

Carry on!
I mean, how can I ever hope to match the level of insight and genius in "An image from shutterstock is not light"?

You can't. Therefore, your best opportunity is to just STFU and stop removing any doubt what an ignorant, uneducated dullard you really are. We get it! :palm:

ZenMode is a GENIUS! Yes, I said it, a GENIUS! He has, by way of his major discovery within this thread, figured out how to fix our nation's debt crisis. There's no need to "cut spending"... There's also no need to "print more money"... ZenMode, a true "independent moderate centrist" of the finest order, has figured it all out. All "we" need to do is to REDISTRIBUTE the money and that will increase the total number of dollars. Redistribute the money often enough, and there won't be any "poor people" left in the world. Take THAT, Christians! Jesus must not be the Son of God if he couldn't've even foreseen the absolute GENIUS of ZenMode and his stupid simple solution for our nation's debt crisis and for ending poverty (and even world hunger!!!!). Just redistribute the food enough times and there will be a worldwide overabundance!!

Three cheers for ZenMode!!!

Redistribute the money often enough, and there won't be any "poor people" left in the world.
Yes, I too have often thought about how greenhouse Fed could be applied to the money supply to cause an increase in wealth. Look, no one is saying that wealth is being created out of nothing. It's just that greenhouse Fed absorbs expenditures from one account, and re-radiates that wealth into a different account, with some of that wealth generating tax revenue and voila! ... an overall increase in the average global money supply.

Who said that satellite reserve banks can't measure money? Give me a source. You can get one of these babies that will measure all your money remotely using IR for only $15/month, and it comes with batteries included:

Yes, I too have often thought about how greenhouse Fed could be applied to the money supply to cause an increase in wealth. Look, no one is saying that wealth is being created out of nothing. It's just that greenhouse Fed absorbs expenditures from one account, and re-radiates that wealth into a different account, with some of that wealth generating tax revenue and voila! ... an overall increase in the average global money supply.

Who said that satellite reserve banks can't measure money? Give me a source. You can get one of these babies that will measure all your money remotely using IR for only $15/month, and it comes with batteries included:

Interesting comparison. The idea behind climate change is not that energy is simply being redistributed, it's that less is escaping into space. Where in your comparison is the equivalent of money "escaping into space"

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Yes [a climate] has values such as temperatures.
Too funny! They just took your money in Deaf Studies, didn't they? They didn't teach you anything.

Let's see ... the winter climate of Minot, North Dakota is bitch-cold with lots of snow and ice. Hmmmm, let me read that a few times. Nope! There just aren't any temperature values in a climate. Wait a minute! There aren't any numerical values whatsoever! Hey AProudLefty, are you insane? Where did you get your education? A box of Cracker-Jack?
Interesting comparison. The idea behind climate change is not that energy is simply being redistributed, it's that less is escaping into space.
Right. The classic violation of Stefan-Boltzmann. No matter how many times it is explained to you, you continue to claim this violation. Radiance and Temperature must move in the same direction. You are trying to make them move in opposite directions. Foul! Dismissed.

Where in your comparison is the equivalent of money "escaping into space"
You are asking me a serious question about a lampoon, but OK ...

Yes, I too have often thought about how greenhouse Fed could be applied to the money supply to cause an increase in wealth. Look, I never said that wealth is being created out of nothing. The idea behind Monetary Change is not that wealth is simply being redistributed by a Marxist, Democrat-controlled Congress, it's that fewer dollars are escaping into the economy by printing dollars. The more dollars that are printed, the more that are trapped by T-bill debt payments, reducing the country's economic radiance and increasing the economy's temperature. No longer is the Federal Reserve radiating according to Stefan-Rudman, but is sequestering CO(FI) from the econosphere.
Right. The classic violation of Stefan-Boltzmann. No matter how many times it is explained to you, you continue to claim this violation. Radiance and Temperature must move in the same direction. You are trying to make them move in opposite directions. Foul! Dismissed.
Nope. There is no change in anything except the amount of energy escaping into space. The fact that some amount of the sun's incoming energy is reflected by the atmosphere, and some other amount is prevented, or at least slowed, from leaving the Earth's atmosphere is what makes the planet habitable from a temperature perspective.
You are asking me a serious question about a lampoon, but OK ...

Yes, I too have often thought about how greenhouse Fed could be applied to the money supply to cause an increase in wealth. Look, I never said that wealth is being created out of nothing. The idea behind Monetary Change is not that wealth is simply being redistributed by a Marxist, Democrat-controlled Congress, it's that fewer dollars are escaping into the economy by printing dollars. The more dollars that are printed, the more that are trapped by T-bill debt payments, reducing the country's economic radiance and increasing the economy's temperature. No longer is the Federal Reserve radiating according to Stefan-Rudman, but is sequestering CO(FI) from the econosphere.

So, anyway, let's try something a little less "political".

Remittance is the second largest financial industry in Mexico. So, the Bureau of Engraving and Printing is the Sun, feeding money into the economy and remittances are the money "escaping" into space". If we completely stopped all remittances, which would increase the total amount of money in the US economy, would that mean there's more money being produced or just less money escaping?
IBDaMann's post #466 in this thread still rings just as true as it did when it was made a whole month ago already. ZenMode continues to follow the pattern outlined within it, and to a T.

@IBD --- The QED of that post of yours continues in magnificent form. You should consider adding it to "your manifesto" (Politiplex) as reference material. It would make for a good early posting for any related thread to get the inevitable endless cycle between various physics denials out of the way from the very get go... and then smile as the sermon preachers openly and willingly demonstrate the cycle for all to see.

Interesting comparison.
Yup... sounds pretty silly/stupid when reworded like that, eh? That's your global warming religion for you.

The idea behind climate change is not that energy is simply being redistributed,
From IBD's posting of 'The Endless Cycle':

- 2a. The force awakens within greenhouse gases, which begin creating additional energy out of nothing, in miraculous violation of the 1st law of thermodynamics. This miraculously-created thermal energy increases the earth's average global temperature in conjunction with the sun's constant output. The massive increase in human activity at the hands of GREEDY, fascist, socialist conservatives is the cause of the heavily accelerated increase in global temperatures that we must delude ourselves into seeing.

... when it is pointed out that point 2a is an egregious violation of thermodynamics, the preacher backpedals from 2a with the words "no one is claiming that energy is created out of nothing ..." and then seamlessly pivots to 2b, as such:

- 2b. greenhouse gases act as insulation, like a big, warm, cumfy wool blanket that cradles the earth in Global Warming. This cumfy blanket is totally transparent/non-existent to inbound solar energy, but then "traps" some of earth's "heat" by preventing earth's radiance (thermal radiation) from escaping into space. This causes a direct increase in the earth's average global temperature in conjunction with the sun's constant output.

Here, you are in the process of fleeing '2a' and embracing '2b'.

it's that less is escaping into space. Where in your comparison is the equivalent of money "escaping into space"
Here, you have seamlessly pivoted to '2b', per 'The Endless Cycle'.

This is where I point out that you are denying the Stefan Boltzmann law by attempting to simultaneously decrease Earth's radiance ("less is escaping into space") while increasing Earth's temperature.

Now you have the opportunity to inform me that "nobody is claiming that radiance is being decreased", and then seamlessly pivot to '2c'.

- 2c. The earth, in equilibrium, radiates thermally into space exactly what it absorbs, without creating any additional energy out of nothing, which is exactly what has been taught all along. The earth's thermal radiation, however, is simply absorbed by the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, and half of that energy is re-radiated back down to earth, increasing the temperature of the surface, which therefore provides additional thermal radiation to the atmosphere which balances out the quantity of thermal radiation needed to escape into space and maintain equilibrium.

@IBD --- THANK YOU for this time saver! :)
Too funny! They just took your money in Deaf Studies, didn't they? They didn't teach you anything.

Let's see ... the winter climate of Minot, North Dakota is bitch-cold with lots of snow and ice. Hmmmm, let me read that a few times. Nope! There just aren't any temperature values in a climate. Wait a minute! There aren't any numerical values whatsoever! Hey AProudLefty, are you insane? Where did you get your education? A box of Cracker-Jack?
Nahhhhh, Minot, North Dakota is actually "a bit chilly with a fair amount of snow and ice".

Oh wait, it's almost as if climate is "a subjective characterization of local conditions", eh? And like you say, no numerical values whatsoever.......

Too bad :hearnoevil:Deaf Boy:hearnoevil: failed Deaf Studies...
Nope. There is no change in anything except the amount of energy escaping into space.
What do you think that means? A decrease in "the amount of energy escaping into space" is a decrease in RADIANCE. According to Stefan-Boltzmann and blackbody science, any such decrease marks a decrease in TEMPERATURE, because RADIANCE and TEMPERATURE move in the same direction, i.e. either they both increase or they both decrease or they both remain the same.

However you are claiming that the amount of energy escaping into space, i.e. RADIANCE, is decreasing but that the TEMPERATURE is increasing, i.e. moving in the opposite direction. This is a violation. It is dismissed.

The fact that some amount of the sun's incoming energy is reflected by the atmosphere, and some other amount is prevented, or at least slowed,
Here you return to chanting about reflected solar energy, which therefore does not factor into our equation ... and you return to light somehow being slowed to something less than the speed of light. Dismissed.

... from leaving the Earth's atmosphere is what makes the planet habitable from a temperature perspective.

So, anyway, let's try something a little less "political". Remittance is the second largest financial industry in Mexico. So, the Bureau of Engraving and Printing is the Sun, feeding money into the economy and remittances are the money "escaping" into space". If we completely stopped all remittances, which would increase the total amount of money in the US economy, would that mean there's more money being produced or just less money escaping?
I hate to sound squirrely, but doesn't Stefan-Rudman say that remittances and illegal immigration always move in the same direction? If remittances were disallowed, those who immigrate in order to remit money home would go somewhere else where they can continue to do so. The point is that there would be a sharp drop in GDP and would reduce the amount of money in the US economy.