Why Should Anyone Believe in Global Warming?

Nahhhhh, Minot, North Dakota is actually "a bit chilly with a fair amount of snow and ice".

Oh wait, it's almost as if climate is "a subjective characterization of local conditions", eh? And like you say, no numerical values whatsoever.......

Too bad :hearnoevil:Deaf Boy:hearnoevil: failed Deaf Studies...
You know, when you're right, you're right. Deaf-Boy missed out on a lesson or two while he was daydreaming in class about dispensing Climate justice as a Climate superhero.

What do you think that means? A decrease in "the amount of energy escaping into space" is a decrease in RADIANCE. According to Stefan-Boltzmann and blackbody science, any such decrease marks a decrease in TEMPERATURE, because RADIANCE and TEMPERATURE move in the same direction, i.e. either they both increase or they both decrease or they both remain the same.

However you are claiming that the amount of energy escaping into space, i.e. RADIANCE, is decreasing but that the TEMPERATURE is increasing, i.e. moving in the opposite direction. This is a violation. It is dismissed.

Here you return to chanting about reflected solar energy, which therefore does not factor into our equation ... and you return to light somehow being slowed to something less than the speed of light. Dismissed.


I hate to sound squirrely, but doesn't Stefan-Rudman say that remittances and illegal immigration always move in the same direction? If remittances were disallowed, those who immigrate in order to remit money home would go somewhere else where they can continue to do so. The point is that there would be a sharp drop in GDP and would reduce the amount of money in the US economy.

Ok, so we're now going to get into the third law you claim is violated by the climate change.

How does Stefan-Boltzmann's Law account for greenhouse gases in the atmosphere or atmospheric gases in general?
How does Stefan-Boltzmann's Law account for greenhouse gases in the atmosphere or atmospheric gases in general?
That's easy. It doesn't. Atmospheric composition is not a factor in a planet/body's temperature therefore it is not a factor in science; only atmospheric quantity and the Ideal Gas law determine temperature.

By the way, there is no such thing as a greenhouse gas because there is no such thing as greenhouse effect. These are nothing more than religious doctrine. Stefan-Boltzmann is science; it can't have any religion parameters, just like it can't have any leprechaun parameters or anything else that is not science.
That's easy. It doesn't. Atmospheric composition is not a factor in a planet/body's temperature therefore it is not a factor in science; only atmospheric quantity and the Ideal Gas law determine temperature.

By the way, there is no such thing as a greenhouse gas because there is no such thing as greenhouse effect. These are nothing more than religious doctrine. Stefan-Boltzmann is science; it can't have any religion parameters, just like it can't have any leprechaun parameters or anything else that is not science.

So, as I mentioned previously, this is the approach that you and Into the Night take to defend your beliefs. You state, as fact, things that are your opinion and apparently think that the ENTIRETY of the science world is just sitting idly by and letting all of these claims go unchecked.
The best part? This isn't even all of "your" claims:

- climate can't change
- CO2 can't trap light
- Temperature can't be measured from a distance (except when it can)
- the Earth's temperature can't be measured
- CO2 levels in the atmosphere can't be measured
- the temperature of Venus is unknown
- there aren't enough temperature stations
- temperature stations aren't spaced correctly
- temperature stations aren't read at the right intervals
- temperature stations aren't read by the right people
- all of the experiments showing how CO2 interacts with infrared energy are parlor tricks
- all of the experiments showing how areas with a high concentration of CO2 warm more are parlor tricks
- there is no temperature data, only random numbers
- climate change violates this law
- climate change violates that law
- climate change violates the other law
That's easy. It doesn't. Atmospheric composition is not a factor in a planet/body's temperature therefore it is not a factor in science; only atmospheric quantity and the Ideal Gas law determine temperature.

By the way, there is no such thing as a greenhouse gas because there is no such thing as greenhouse effect. These are nothing more than religious doctrine. Stefan-Boltzmann is science; it can't have any religion parameters, just like it can't have any leprechaun parameters or anything else that is not science.

So, as I mentioned previously, this is the approach that you and Into the Night take to defend your beliefs. You state, as fact, things that are your opinion and apparently think that the ENTIRETY of the science world is just sitting idly by and letting all of these claims go unchecked.

The best part? This isn't even all of "your" claims:

- climate can't change
- CO2 can't trap light
- Temperature can't be measured from a distance (except when it can)
- the Earth's temperature can't be measured
- CO2 levels in the atmosphere can't be measured
- the temperature of Venus is unknown
- there aren't enough temperature stations
- temperature stations aren't spaced correctly
- temperature stations aren't read at the right intervals
- temperature stations aren't read by the right people
- all of the experiments showing how CO2 interacts with infrared energy are parlor tricks
- all of the experiments showing how areas with a high concentration of CO2 warm more are parlor tricks
- there is no temperature data, only random numbers
- climate change violates this law
- climate change violates that law
- climate change violates the other law
The best part? This isn't even all of "your" claims:

- climate can't change
- CO2 can't trap light
- Temperature can't be measured from a distance (except when it can)
- the Earth's temperature can't be measured
- CO2 levels in the atmosphere can't be measured
- the temperature of Venus is unknown
- there aren't enough temperature stations
- temperature stations aren't spaced correctly
- temperature stations aren't read at the right intervals
- temperature stations aren't read by the right people
- all of the experiments showing how CO2 interacts with infrared energy are parlor tricks
- all of the experiments showing how areas with a high concentration of CO2 warm more are parlor tricks
- there is no temperature data, only random numbers
- climate change violates this law
- climate change violates that law
- climate change violates the other law
At least you're starting to jot some notes down. :)
So, as I mentioned previously, this is the approach that you and Into the Night take to defend your beliefs.
Incorrect. I haven't stated any beliefs. If you are referring to the science that I am teaching you as being merely my subjective opinion then we can conclude that your religion has undoubtedly fucked up your mind. This would explain why you consider your religion to be science and why you consider science to be "erroneous 'beliefs'."

You're in a world of hurt.

In any event, the topic is your affirmative argument of Global Warming, of which you bear the full burden to support, and I have made no assertions beyond science, particularly the science that runs counter to your faith. If you had simply declared your religion to be your religion, you would have been fine. Instead, you begged me to apply the scientific method to your "thettled thienth" and science falsifies it immediately, namely the 1st LoT, and secondarily the 2nd LoT, Stefan-Boltzmann, Planck's, Kerchhoff's, Wein's and the Ideal Gas law as you shift to violate them.

You have never accounted for the additional energy that somehow magically appears, as if it is being created out of nothing, and increases the temperature.

You state, as fact, things that are your opinion
Nope. I am stating the laws of science that you are violating, as you violate them. Anyone, including you, is free to independently verify everything I post. Fear, however, prevents you from facing the truth.

... and apparently think that the ENTIRETY of the science world is just sitting idly by and letting all of these claims go unchecked.
To funny. You are trying to debate existing science. If you wish to challenge any of it, you must show it to be false. We are beyond debate. All of the science I have mentioned has passed the scrutiny of the scientific method. Your burden in this regard is to show that the science is false. However, there's more bad news for you. Because of what I just mentioned, the ENTIRETY of the science world is doing absolutely nothing to challenge any of the science that I have mentioned. The scientific method has been applied to the complete satisfaction of the ENTIRETY of the science world. This means that nobody is debating any of it any longer, which means nobody is challenging any of it which, at this point, requires full falsification, and nobody believes he can do it.

Except for one. Over on Climate-Debate there is a guy James__ who is certain he can build a Bessler Wheel (a perpetual motion machine). If he succeeds, your Global Warming religion is back on. We'll all keep our eyes peeled.

The best part? This isn't even all of "your" claims:
I made no claims. I appreciate you documenting the science that kills your religion. Let's get to it.

- climate can't change
Correct. You have been asked repeatedly to cite an example of a climate that has changed within the last century. Of course, you cannot. You have no rational basis for believing that climate can change, yet you make this claim without offering any support, just as if you were a deeply religious individual speaking about his religious beliefs.

You were shown many examples of climates, none of which had any numerical values. You have never been able to articulate what about a climate could possibly change and how, given that a climate is simply a subjective human characterization. You are simply being irrational and absurd by nonetheless insisting that a climate can somehow change.

- CO2 can't trap light
Photons are quanta of electromagnetic energy. You are being irrational and absurd by insisting that photons are somehow not destroyed upon being converted to an entirely different form of energy. Your suggestion that photons are trapped and put "at rest" is only supported by your religious dogma, and by nothing in science.

- Temperature can't be measured from a distance (except when it can)
You have to admit, you won't be honest on this topic, not even for a second. Sure, temperatures can be guessed at a distance. I can just look at an object live, on television, half-way around the world, and nothing can stop me from guessing what the average temperature of that object might be. Ergo, Global Warming is true, right?

I stated that absolute temperature cannot be measured to within any usable margin of error from a long distance. Do you see the semantic difference between my statement of statistical mathematics and the bogus position you claimed is mine?

- the Earth's temperature can't be measured
You cannot be honest. You can only assign bogus positions to others so you'll have something to attack.

The earth's average global equilibrium temperature cannot be measured to within any usable margin of error. You know this is true, which is why you always EVADE requests for you to describe how you would go about measuring the earth's average global equilibrium temperature to within, say, one half of one degree Celsius, given a budget of $1 Billion and a staff of 10,000 people, each one of which holds a PhD in chemistry, physics, three different engineering disciplines and four fields of mathematics (with one of those fields being statistical math). To the best of your understanding, you are not aware of any way the earth's average global equilibrium temperature can be measured accurately, and yet you cry like a baby if I happen to point this out.

- CO2 levels in the atmosphere can't be measured
You exhibit the same dishonesty here as well. CO2 levels can certainly be guessed. Sure. They can't be measured to any usable accuracy. You know the drill. I ask you how you would go about measuring an invisible gas that is not uniformly distributed around the globe, and you EVADE as you run to the hills. You also EVADE when I ask why the Global Warming congregation never demand any more than one single, solitary measurement ... at the base of a CO2-spewing volcano. Your dishonesty represents the desperate final nails in the coffin.

- the temperature of Venus is unknown
What is your rational basis for believing that the average planetary equilibrium temperature of Venus is somehow known, beyond claiming omniscience of course.

- there aren't enough temperature stations
Correct. This is a statistical mathematics statement. Once you provide a target margin of error, you cannot establish the ungodly number of temperature stations needed to execute any collection plan that would meet that target.

- temperature stations aren't spaced correctly
This is not a stand-alone statement. It accompanies the preceding statement. The existing weather stations are not evenly spaced. That means that not only are there too few, but their poor placement actually yields poor results (much greater error).

- temperature stations aren't read at the right intervals
This is not a stand-alone statement either. The temperature stations of the world are not synchronized, thus not only are there too few of them and not only do they have increased spatial bias, but there is substantial error introduced via temporal bias when the readings are not synchronized.

- temperature stations aren't read by the right people
When the people taking the readings fudge the numbers and provide predetermined values, they are not the right people to be reading anything.

- all of the experiments showing how CO2 interacts with infrared energy are parlor tricks
Always with the dishonesty. The trick is in getting the audience to draw the wrong conclusion. You drew the wrong conclusion. You object to the use of the term "parlor trick" instead of the word "demonstration" because correctly referring to it as a "trick" reveals just how stupid and gullible you were for falling for it, whereas the word "demonstration" makes you seem wise and educated for having allowed the parlor tricksters to manipulate you so easily.

You have no excuse. I pointed out the mechanics of the trick. You are totally aware that they never allow the sun to "represent" the sun. Nonetheless, you conclude Global Warming just because the lamp or candle used in the trick was specifically selected to match the absorption signature of CO2 ... but you never figured it out. You were totally mesmerized by the trickster telling you that the candle/lamp "represents" the sun and so you therefore believed that the candle/lamp really was the sun, each and every time. You then went on to believe that oxygen and nitrogen never absorb any IR because their absorption signatures don't align with the IR of the candle/lamp.

- all of the experiments showing how areas with a high concentration of CO2 warm more are parlor tricks
Speak in English or provide a reference link. Who are you claiming said what?

- there is no temperature data, only random numbers
There is no "The Data", i.e. a dataset of measurements of the earth's average global equilibrium temperature, because that can't be measured (see above). Therefore, when people make claims involving such measurements, they are making it all up. All numbers are fabricated. The complete absence of any margin of error gives them all away.

- climate change violates this law
It's Global Warming that violates the 1st LoT and greenhouse effect that violates the full litany, i.e. serving as a vehicle for warmizombies to rapidly bounce between physics violations.

- climate change violates that law
- climate change violates the other law
Would you mind clarifying here?
Nope. There is no change in anything except the amount of energy escaping into space.
You are still trying to ignore the 2nd law of thermodynamics and the Stefan-Boltzmann law. You cannot trap light.
The fact that some amount of the sun's incoming energy is reflected by the atmosphere, and some other amount is prevented, or at least slowed, from leaving the Earth's atmosphere is what makes the planet habitable from a temperature perspective.
You cannot trap light. You are still ignoring the 2nd law of thermodynamics and the Stefan-Boltzmann law.
So, anyway, let's try something a little less "political".

Remittance is the second largest financial industry in Mexico. So, the Bureau of Engraving and Printing is the Sun, feeding money into the economy and remittances are the money "escaping" into space". If we completely stopped all remittances, which would increase the total amount of money in the US economy, would that mean there's more money being produced or just less money escaping?

Mexico is a political entity. You just lied.

No matter what word games you play, you cannot trap light. You cannot trap heat. You cannot trap thermal energy. You cannot create energy out of nothing. You cannot measure the temperature of the Earth. You cannot measure the global atmospheric CO2 content.
Ok, so we're now going to get into the third law you claim is violated by the climate change.
Climate cannot change. Your name isn't 'climate change'.
How does Stefan-Boltzmann's Law account for greenhouse gases in the atmosphere or atmospheric gases in general?
There is no such thing as a 'greenhouse gas' except as religious artifact. The Stefan-Boltzmann law does not discuss the presence of gases or any other material. You are still ignoring the Stefan-Boltzmann law.
So, as I mentioned previously, this is the approach that you and Into the Night take to defend your beliefs. You state, as fact, things that are your opinion and apparently think that the ENTIRETY of the science world is just sitting idly by and letting all of these claims go unchecked.

The best part? This isn't even all of "your" claims:
Science is not an opinion. Mathematics is not an opinion. You don't get to speak for everyone. Omniscience fallacy. Science is not a 'world', community, society, academy, government or government agency, or any other political body. Science has no politics. It does not use consensus. There is no voting bloc in science.
- climate can't change
- CO2 can't trap light
- Temperature can't be measured from a distance (except when it can)
- the Earth's temperature can't be measured
- CO2 levels in the atmosphere can't be measured
- the temperature of Venus is unknown
- there aren't enough temperature stations
- temperature stations aren't spaced correctly
- temperature stations aren't read at the right intervals
- temperature stations aren't read by the right people
- all of the experiments showing how CO2 interacts with infrared energy are parlor tricks
- all of the experiments showing how areas with a high concentration of CO2 warm more are parlor tricks
- there is no temperature data, only random numbers
- climate change violates this law
- climate change violates that law
- climate change violates the other law
I didn't create the laws of thermodynamics or the Stefan-Boltzmann law. You just choose to ignore them.
You state, as fact, things that are your opinion

Nope. I am stating the laws of science that you are violating, as you violate them. Anyone, including you, is free to independently verify everything I post. Fear, however, prevents you from facing the truth.

Your entire response is only doing what you and Into the Night have been doing. Claiming without supporting.

You/ITN: "There aren't enough temperature stations."

Me: "Based on what?"

You/ITN: "Based on math."

Me: "Link?"

You/ITN: " It's just because we said it's math."
Your entire response is only doing what you and Into the Night have been doing. Claiming without supporting.

You/ITN: "There aren't enough temperature stations."

Me: "Based on what?"

You/ITN: "Based on math."

Me: "Link?"

You/ITN: " It's just because we said it's math."

Mathematics does not require a link, dumbass. You just want to ignore it (because you are illiterate).
Nope. All the laws you mentioned are absolutely science. What's fiction, until proven otherwise, is your application of the scientific laws.

Science is not 'application', dumbass. I have already shown you the laws you ignore multiple times. I have already shown you how you are ignoring them multiple times.
You just want to deny those laws.
Your entire response is only doing what you and Into the Night have been doing. Claiming without supporting.
This is where your scientific illiteracy kills you. Once science has passed the scrutiny of the scientific method, the debate is over and it no longer needs to be supported. If you have a problem with the science that kills your religion, your only two options are 1. falsify the science or 2. declare your physics violation an official miracle of your religion. You have no other options.

In case you missed it, I have no requirement to support science. You, however, bear the full burden to support your religion.

You/ITN: "There aren't enough temperature stations." Me: "Based on what?" You/ITN: "Based on [statistical] math." Me: "Link?"
I gave you a link and you apparently didn't avail yourself of it. This is where your mathematical incompetence dooms you to confusion and frustration. One needs to understand statistical math in order to understand a topic rooted in statistical math, i.e. calculating the earth's average global equilibrium temperature. How many warmizombies understand statistical math? Answer: none of them. How many warmizombies mistakenly believe the earth's average global equilibrium temperature can be calculated, and has already been so calculated by Wikipedia to an accuracy of fractions of a degree Celsius? Answer: all of them. How many warmizombies, when presented with a temperature value that is claimed to be earth's average global equilibrium temperature, immediately demand to see the data collection plan used for that value along with the target margin of error? Answer: none, ever. How many warmizombies, when presented with a temperature value that is claimed to be earth's average global equilibrium temperature, demand the valid, unaltered, raw dataset used to compute that value so as to establish the true margin of error? Answer: none, ever. How many warmizombies, given a valid dataset, know how to compute a true margin of error? Answer: none. How many warmizombies become completely flummoxed when informed that a margin of error is absolutely necessary? Answer: all of them.

How many warmizombies are recruited from humanity's stupidest and most gullible? Answer: all of them. What is the second most precious quality in a warmizombie after scientific illiteracy? Answer: mathematical incompetence.

ZenMode, if you are incapable of learning/understanding statistical math, what good would any explanation from me afford? If, on the other hand, you are capable of learning/understanding statistical math, why haven't you already learned it?
Science is not 'application', dumbass.

God job!

I have already shown you the laws you ignore multiple times.

Right. I'm waiting for something supporting/proving that your application of them is correct....as I've been saying over and over and over......

I have already shown you how you are ignoring them multiple times.

nope. You've SAID I'm ignoring them multiple times.

You just want to deny those laws.

Nope. The laws exist.....as I've said over and over...
