Widow Of U.S. Soldier Killed In Niger: Trump’s Call ‘Made Me Cry Even Worse’

I would not be surprised, and I bet the Congresswoman is getting plenty of shit thrown her way as well. Good old 1st Amendment rights lovers can't take it when others exercise theirs.

Like this, fuck face?

A DEMOCRAT Missouri state senator from University City posted, then quickly deleted, a comment on Facebook saying she hoped President Donald Trump would be assassinated.

As a result of Sen. Maria Chappelle-Nadal’s comment, the U.S. Secret Service’s St. Louis field office is investigating and both Sen. Claire McCaskill and the chairman of the Missouri DEMOCRAT Party have called on her to resign.

I would like to hear that call, there must be a recording.

Sure seems to be a lot of people claiming they heard that call. Odd, since it was supposedly received in a car. Also odd is the absence of a recording. Surely someone in that immensely crowded car had a smartphone capable of recording a call from the President of the United States of America. Odd that none seems to exist.
Widow Of U.S. Soldier Killed In Niger: Trump’s Call ‘Made Me Cry Even Worse’

Myeshia Johnson confirmed the president told her that her husband “knew what he signed up for.”

The widow of a U.S. soldier killed in Niger confirmed a congresswoman’s account about her phone call with*President Donald Trump, which ignited a political firestorm.

“He couldn’t remember my husband’s name,” Myeshia Johnson told ABC News on Monday. “I heard him stumbling on trying to remember my husband’s name.”

She said Trump told her that her husband, Sgt. La David Johnson, “knew what he signed up for but it hurts anyways. And it made me cry because I was very angry at the tone in his voice and how he said it.”

The president’s call made her “very upset and hurt,” she said. “It made me cry even worse.”


The exploitation of war widows won't be forgotten or forgiven.
I watched the video of Kelly trying to explain all this away. It's easy to see how the socially-inept moron that is Trump changing Kelly's comforting "He signed up for service and was doing what he loved when he died, surrounded by men who were close to him" (paraphrased), to "He knew what he signed up for" in a dismissive tone.

you realize the dismissive tone ringing in your ears is entirely in your head, right?.....
I think it's possible this widow will be getting some death threats from deranged Trump-ettes, white supremacists, klansmen, "very fine" Nazis, and other supporters of Donald.

I think it's possible that the Congresswoman in question, because of her hate for Trump, heard what she wanted to hear and convinced a grieving widow of the same.
Who the hell are you to tell me what to do?
I've never taken "orders" from an illiterate
and incompetent libtard in my life. What
makes you think I'll take them from a simpleton
like you?

Don't worry about him. He likes to make demands but refuses to try and back them up. Typical leftwinger.

He's made plenty of demands of me and even posted pictures claiming it was where I lived yet refused to do a damn thing about backing up his demands.
This widow can't see the irony of being used by the moonbat in the hat to make a political statement that disrespects her husband under the guise of exposing a political statement to disrespect her husband.
God rest his soul
Rhinestone Cowgirl did the same thing she accuses Trump of doing.

those agents were killed in 1986

that recording arround 2015

20 years after their deaths have been annouced to their families

she is speaking to congress

she is not speaking to a widow of two weeks driving in a car to the airport to recieve the body of her husband who they refused her to view because it was so mangled.

if you can not see how those are two separate types of incidents you are as stupid and callous as trump
and top groans

why the man hates people of color

he was sued twice for not allowing blacks to live in his buildings asshole racist
those agents were killed in 1986

that recording arround 2015

20 years after their deaths have been annouced to their families

she is speaking to congress

she is not speaking to a widow of two weeks driving in a car to the airport to recieve the body of her husband who they refused her to view because it was so mangled.

if you can not see how those are two separate types of incidents you are as stupid and callous as trump

So Stretch posted something intended to deceive, something out of context, and something in no way analogous to Trump's condolence phone call?

My parents told me not to lie, not to deceive, and to try to act with honesty and integrity. Is this not taught in rightwing homes?