Widow Of U.S. Soldier Killed In Niger: Trump’s Call ‘Made Me Cry Even Worse’

So Stretch posted something intended to deceive, something out of context, and something in no way analogous to Trump's condolence phone call?

My parents told me not to lie, not to deceive, and to try to act with honesty and integrity. Is this not taught in rightwing homes?

ROFLMAO... Cypress is pretending he acts with integrity? Holy shit... such a delusional little leg humper.
those agents were killed in 1986

that recording arround 2015

20 years after their deaths have been annouced to their families

she is speaking to congress

she is not speaking to a widow of two weeks driving in a car to the airport to recieve the body of her husband who they refused her to view because it was so mangled.

if you can not see how those are two separate types of incidents you are as stupid and callous as trump

Her verbalized thoughts and sentiments were the same as Trump & Kelly. Get over it.
I think Cypress has a lot of integrity, he has been my friend for 16 years.

I am probably like most people, I only need the respect of my friends and family.

Does anyone actually crave the respect of resentful losers??
So Stretch posted something intended to deceive, something out of context, and something in no way analogous to Trump's condolence phone call?

My parents told me not to lie, not to deceive, and to try to act with honesty and integrity. Is this not taught in rightwing homes?
Fu@k YOU,
how's that?

What would you know of what was taught in RW homes? answer is you wouldn't.
But I do,
Self respect, respecting authority, respecting God and his word. Right is right and wrong is wrong is a pretty easy lesson to stick to, you don't have to waffle with every different issue.

Right is right, and wrong is wrong, and your God given instincts tell you the difference.

You shouldn't kill unborn babies, but it is your right to your own body should you choose to.
Men don't marry men and women don't marry women, that's silly.
If you want to be same sex attached then have at it, but it's not marriage, it's some sort of man made union, make it suit you.
When an authority figure tells you to do something you do it. There will time later to question it and there are ways to right it if it's a wrong.
You don't back talk your elders, you don't lie when the truth will do.
You don't break promises if you make them with good intention and one fails it's ok,
You respect your freedoms and help out those who can't help themselves.

Anybody following along? pretty simple stuff huh
Widow Of U.S. Soldier Killed In Niger: Trump’s Call ‘Made Me Cry Even Worse’

Myeshia Johnson confirmed the president told her that her husband “knew what he signed up for.”

The widow of a U.S. soldier killed in Niger confirmed a congresswoman’s account about her phone call with*President Donald Trump, which ignited a political firestorm.

“He couldn’t remember my husband’s name,” Myeshia Johnson told ABC News on Monday. “I heard him stumbling on trying to remember my husband’s name.”

She said Trump told her that her husband, Sgt. La David Johnson, “knew what he signed up for but it hurts anyways. And it made me cry because I was very angry at the tone in his voice and how he said it.”

The president’s call made her “very upset and hurt,” she said. “It made me cry even worse.”


Time heals all wounds. Money does not, but it helps alleviate anxieties when going through of an extremely horrific situation she now finds herself in as a young widow with children. She has a goal of a million dollars on gofundme. She says it's to fund her children's college expenses years from now. Actually it won't require any of her own money for her children to attend college.

After being created by Myeshia Johnson on Oct. 16, the GoFundMe page has raised nearly $700,000. The fund is advertised as providing college scholarships for the Johnson children.

GoFundMe, which allows anyone to solicit donations for a chosen cause, also lists fundraising pages for Black and Wright. The Black page says funds will support Black’s two sons, ages 9 and 11 and has raised about $8,000.

The Wright page says it benefits Fisher House, a charity that provides housing for military families during a loved one’s hospitalization, and the Green Beret Foundation. It has raised nearly $39,000.

Read more here: http://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/community/miami-dade/article180440881.html#storylink=cpy

https://www.gofundme.com/sgt-la-david-johnson-scholarship goal=$1,000,000
https://www.gofundme.com/rally-for-ssg-bryan-black goal=$200,000
https://www.gofundme.com/ssg-dustin-wright-memorial-fund goal=$100,000
Staff Sgt. Jeremiah Johnson has no gofundme page at this time







It does appear that all Veterans' children are already secure in obtaining a college education.
After being created by Myeshia Johnson on Oct. 16, the GoFundMe page has raised nearly $700,000. The fund is advertised as providing college scholarships for the Johnson children.

GoFundMe, which allows anyone to solicit donations for a chosen cause, also lists fundraising pages for Black and Wright. The Black page says funds will support Black’s two sons, ages 9 and 11 and has raised about $8,000.

The Wright page says it benefits Fisher House, a charity that provides housing for military families during a loved one’s hospitalization, and the Green Beret Foundation. It has raised nearly $39,000.
And what's this crap you liberals are saying about "white privilege"? Looks to me like the white widows aren't getting nearly as much, now does it?
Fu@k YOU,
how's that?

What would you know of what was taught in RW homes? answer is you wouldn't.
But I do,
Self respect, respecting authority, respecting God and his word. Right is right and wrong is wrong is a pretty easy lesson to stick to, you don't have to waffle with every different issue.

Right is right, and wrong is wrong, and your God given instincts tell you the difference.

You shouldn't kill unborn babies, but it is your right to your own body should you choose to.
Men don't marry men and women don't marry women, that's silly.
If you want to be same sex attached then have at it, but it's not marriage, it's some sort of man made union, make it suit you.
When an authority figure tells you to do something you do it. There will time later to question it and there are ways to right it if it's a wrong.
You don't back talk your elders, you don't lie when the truth will do.
You don't break promises if you make them with good intention and one fails it's ok,
You respect your freedoms and help out those who can't help themselves.

Anybody following along? pretty simple stuff huh

Trump has made SEVERAL promises he's failed to keep.

When do you plan on holding him accountable?
After being created by Myeshia Johnson on Oct. 16, the GoFundMe page has raised nearly $700,000. The fund is advertised as providing college scholarships for the Johnson children.

GoFundMe, which allows anyone to solicit donations for a chosen cause, also lists fundraising pages for Black and Wright. The Black page says funds will support Black’s two sons, ages 9 and 11 and has raised about $8,000.

The Wright page says it benefits Fisher House, a charity that provides housing for military families during a loved one’s hospitalization, and the Green Beret Foundation. It has raised nearly $39,000.
And what's this crap you liberals are saying about "white privilege"? Looks to me like the white widows aren't getting nearly as much, now does it?

You provided no hyperlink, no source, nothing to validate the veracity of your claims.
From post #51

After being created by Myeshia Johnson on Oct. 16, the GoFundMe page has raised nearly $700,000. The fund is advertised as providing college scholarships for the Johnson children.

GoFundMe, which allows anyone to solicit donations for a chosen cause, also lists fundraising pages for Black and Wright. The Black page says funds will support Black’s two sons, ages 9 and 11 and has raised about $8,000.

The Wright page says it benefits Fisher House, a charity that provides housing for military families during a loved one’s hospitalization, and the Green Beret Foundation. It has raised nearly $39,000.

Read more here: http://www.miamiherald.com/news/loca...#storylink=cpy
After being created by Myeshia Johnson on Oct. 16, the GoFundMe page has raised nearly $700,000. The fund is advertised as providing college scholarships for the Johnson children.

GoFundMe, which allows anyone to solicit donations for a chosen cause, also lists fundraising pages for Black and Wright. The Black page says funds will support Black’s two sons, ages 9 and 11 and has raised about $8,000.

The Wright page says it benefits Fisher House, a charity that provides housing for military families during a loved one’s hospitalization, and the Green Beret Foundation. It has raised nearly $39,000.
And what's this crap you liberals are saying about "white privilege"? Looks to me like the white widows aren't getting nearly as much, now does it?

That’s what you think “white privilege” means?

What a fucking idiot!
Disclaimer. Not endorsed by me.

After being created by Myeshia Johnson on Oct. 16, the GoFundMe page has raised nearly $700,000. The fund is advertised as providing college scholarships for the Johnson children.

GoFundMe, which allows anyone to solicit donations for a chosen cause, also lists fundraising pages for Black and Wright. The Black page says funds will support Black’s two sons, ages 9 and 11 and has raised about $8,000.

The Wright page says it benefits Fisher House, a charity that provides housing for military families during a loved one’s hospitalization, and the Green Beret Foundation. It has raised nearly $39,000.
And what's this crap you liberals are saying about "white privilege"? Looks to me like the white widows aren't getting nearly as much, now does it?

Looks to me like a bunch of cheap ass crackers there...:)
and top groans
why the man hates people of color
he was sued twice for not allowing blacks to live in his buildings asshole racist

She's afraid of you guys so "groan" is the cowardly way she has of disagreeing. She loves Trump because -- what a surprise this will be to you -- she's also a misogynist racist asshole. On Amazon you could find her only on threads bashing other women, bashing people of color, or bashing gays -- except for the gossip threads that she prefers. She doesn't discuss politics.