Will Harris chicken out?

The 2nd debate was set months ago. It is Trump who chickened out.
Trump didn't chicken out. The conditions changed and he simply backed out. Good for him.

I have it! Let me be the moderator. I'll make sure both Trump and Harris receive the exact same dispassionate questions about what each will do (actions) if elected President. I'll make it completely fair, which would make it completely unfair to the dancing Kamala-wala-wala-wala. Hence, the DNC will never allow any completely fair debates to occur, hence there is nothing to be gained by holding any debates.

Fox was deliberately built to express a far-right view with very little care about balance.
Incorrect. First, there is no "far right", which is just a leftist slur denigrating the views of the American people who are not extreme leftists/Marxists. Second, Fox News always expressed the leftist views (which were varied and usually not in agreement) which could always be confirmed by any Fox News viewer by watching CNN or MSNBC and learning the exact same things without any balancing honesty or truthful information.

With Fox News (before becoming a CNN clone) there was no need to watch anything else unless brainwashing and indoctrination is what was sought, in which case Fox News was to be avoided and maligned.

I notice that you avoid and malign Fox News.
Huh? Trump is the one that chickened out here like the little pussy boy bitch he is. He pulled out of the ABC debate because he's scared. Harris is going to go to the ABC debate regardless, and now has free reign to get her message heard and show Trump is a pussy. She's also going to the similarly already planned FOX debate.
Huh? Trump is the one that chickened out here like the little pussy boy bitch he is. He pulled out of the ABC debate because he's scared. Harris is going to go to the ABC debate regardless, and now has free reign to get her message heard and show Trump is a pussy. She's also going to the similarly already planned FOX debate.
Dude, the more she talks, the deeper the hole she will dig for herself. IDGAF how scripted it is. :rofl2: