Will JPP survive?

Leftists are demanding that any forum that allows people to say things they deem "dangerous" or hold opinions they claim are "disinformation" must be deplatformed.

JPP's owner has already faced one blockage of the JPP Twitter account (he deleted the Tweet).

I pointed out that the delicate snowflakes @Twitter seem selective in their poutrage.

What's to prevent the hosting company from deplatforming justplainpolitics.com?


What was the title that got blocked? The account's not blocked now.
I don't know. You'd have to ask their minions that are on the site. Do they think they'd try to defend JPP or should we just make sure that nobody with a different opinion is ever able to communicate publicly?

You two are funny. I think sites like Stormfront or N*ggermania would have more to worry about than JPP.
However, those minions will have their own minions... Will this site be reported? Maybe, but will the Ds on this site act to defend this site or just clap as the government works to shut it down because some folks say things they disagree with... ?

You and leggiecrite are assuming the Ds on this site would report it., but not the Rs.
As I said, I don't think any of JPP's minions of mendacity would defend JPP as it is currently configured regarding freedom of expression.

They clearly believe (based on recent posts) that nobody with a different opinion should ever able to communicate publicly, and many want to go further - they want to criminalize speech they don't agree with.

GoDaddy (or Domains By Proxy, or whoever your hosting contract is with) is unlikely to "resist", either, IMO.

I wouldn't be surprised to learn that Rana is willing to doxx you and expose you to your employers as a "danger to democracy".

Unfrazzle yourself, leggiecrite. If JPP wasn't blocked on twitter after the dozens and dozens of Biden pedo threads, we have nothing to worry about.
Nothing really, they can. However it does not break their rules, it isn't porn, etc.

Agreed. Legina is just shit-posting. JPP and other social media will be fine. Just don't discuss plans to overthrow the American government or plot to blow up buildings.

I do believe, however, JPP may end up being short a few RWNJs later this year due to no action by forum administration. They'll just go silent as the arrests mount.
it was the right's dimwits who invaded and vandalized the Capital, first that has happened since 1812, and in the process the prevented the Congress from executing its Constitutional duties


Code Pink activists ushered out by Capitol Police after they demand the arrest of Henry Kissinger for ‘war crimes’; no arrests were made

US Senate armed services committee chairman John McCain kicked protesters out of a committee hearing Thursday, calling them “lowlife scum” as they hollered for the arrest of one of the witnesses, former secretary of state Henry Kissinger.

Shortly after Kissinger, 91, took a seat at the witness table, several protesters from the anti-war group Code Pink approached from behind, waving signs and a pair of handcuffs and chanting, “Arrest Henry Kissinger for war crimes.”

“You know, you’re going to have to shut up or I’m going to have you arrested,” McCain said from the podium, calling for US capitol police to remove them. As officers escorted the protesters out of the hearing room, the unsuccessful 2008 Republican presidential candidate, a decorated Vietnam veteran and former prisoner of war, growled, “Get out of here, you lowlife scum.”

US capitol police sergeant Kimberly Schneider said three people were removed from the room, but no arrests were made.

In a statement later, McCain noted a gap between the beginning of the protest and the arrival of officers.

“With no US capitol police intervening, the episode went on for several minutes,” McCain said. He added that he had spoken with police officials and expects that “those responsible will be held fully accountable for their actions”.

The upheaval came Thursday during a committee hearing that also featured testimony from former secretaries of state Madeleine Albright and George P Shultz, who were sitting at the witness table with Kissinger.

Code Pink protesters routinely interrupt congressional hearings and are ushered out by police. But Thursday’s incident was different, McCain said, because the protesters came within inches of Kissinger and waved what appeared to be metal handcuffs near his head.

If JPP wasn't blocked on twitter after the dozens and dozens of Biden pedo threads, we have nothing to worry about.

At that time the House DEMOCRATS hadn't set up a Congressional Task Force on Digital Citizenship yet, had they?

You and leggiecrite are assuming the Ds on this site would report it., but not the Rs.

No, I'm not "assuming the Ds on this site would report it".

From the DEMOCRAT Ministry of Information (AKA Congressional Task Force on Digital Citizenship):

"many Americans are ill-equipped to recognize and sift through false, misleading, or emotionally manipulative posts."

" there exists a lack of effective information gatekeepers to protect against disinformation threats online."

"Creating a new multiagency Digital Democracy Task Force to develop a strategy focused on building greater national resilience to online threats and equipping federal agencies with the tools to communicate during disinformation events;
Addressing the rise of “news deserts” across the country by supporting media literacy programs and investing in quality public broadcasting;
Dedicating resources and attention to programs that counter the growing threat of online extremism, including through engaging civil society organizations;
Collaborating with global allies, sharing information, perspectives, and solutions to combat disinformation threats.

Before you ask, Contessa of Context...https://raskin.house.gov/media/press-releases/house-democrats-propose-roadmap-biden-administration-fighting-disinformation
"many Americans are ill-equipped to recognize and sift through false, misleading, or emotionally manipulative posts."

What's false about that?
If "Leftists" report this site then cheer when it disappears, where will they go to?

"Out" from one of my favorite movies: High Plains Drifter.

Lewis Belding: I got 18 people in my hotel! Where are they gonna go?

The Stranger: Out.

JPP isn't going anywhere. Damo will throw my ass out before anything happens to this forum....and I plan on being here for as long as possible. :D
No, I'm not "assuming the Ds on this site would report it".

From the DEMOCRAT Ministry of Information (AKA Congressional Task Force on Digital Citizenship):

"many Americans are ill-equipped to recognize and sift through false, misleading, or emotionally manipulative posts."

" there exists a lack of effective information gatekeepers to protect against disinformation threats online."

"Creating a new multiagency Digital Democracy Task Force to develop a strategy focused on building greater national resilience to online threats and equipping federal agencies with the tools to communicate during disinformation events;
Addressing the rise of “news deserts” across the country by supporting media literacy programs and investing in quality public broadcasting;
Dedicating resources and attention to programs that counter the growing threat of online extremism, including through engaging civil society organizations;
Collaborating with global allies, sharing information, perspectives, and solutions to combat disinformation threats.

Before you ask, Contessa of Context...https://raskin.house.gov/media/press-releases/house-democrats-propose-roadmap-biden-administration-fighting-disinformation

They wrote a letter to Biden a month ago. I haven't seen a response but admit this isn't on my list of priorities. My spidey senses tell me this won't be at the top of Biden's list either. :|
Does that mean there's now hope?

If by "hope" you mean a federally-funded initiative tasked with deciding what constitutes "disinformation" and "dangerous "propaganda" and taking steps to "counter" and "proactively monitor for disinformation" with "collaboration between government and civic organizations" and "programs within the Department of Homeland Security and the Department of Justice that work to deradicalize individuals in online communities"...

They wrote a letter to Biden a month ago. I haven't seen a response but admit this isn't on my list of priorities. My spidey senses tell me this won't be at the top of Biden's list either. :|

He's just worried that he will no longer be able to spread his favorite lies and disinformation.