Will JPP survive?

They wrote a letter to Biden a month ago. I haven't seen a response but admit this isn't on my list of priorities. My spidey senses tell me this won't be at the top of Biden's list either.

I suspect a glass of warm milk before bedtime is the usurper's main priority. You seem to think he is the only member of his Administration that works on things.
If by "hope" you mean a federally-funded initiative tasked with deciding what constitutes "disinformation" and "dangerous "propaganda" and taking steps to "counter" and "proactively monitor for disinformation" with "collaboration between government and civic organizations" and "programs within the Department of Homeland Security and the Department of Justice that work to deradicalize individuals in online communities"...


Honestly, I believe this will get as much traction as Melania's "be best" initiative. :awesome:
Honestly, I believe this will get as much traction as Melania's "be best" initiative.

What you choose to believe is non-binding on the federal government.

You do realize that AI has been used for years in the public and private sector to detect "undesirable" content online, don't you?

These people want to go farther, they want to fund "collaborations" to "counter" what they deem "dangerous" in way that avoids any Constitutional issues.

I'm not comfortable with a Congressional initiative to "proactively monitor" and "counter" LEGAL online speech by US citizens without probable cause (i.e. a warrant).
Honestly, I believe this will get as much traction as Melania's "be best" initiative. :awesome:

LOL. Agreed. The First Amendment still rules even if people can be arrested for threatening to kill politicians, overthrow the government or falsely scream "FIRE!" in a crowded movie theater to start a panic.
LOL. Agreed. The First Amendment still rules even if people can be arrested for threatening to kill politicians, overthrow the government or falsely scream "FIRE!" in a crowded movie theater to start a panic.

Yep. Apparently he doesn't understand the concept of First Amendment.
LOL. Agreed. The First Amendment still rules even if people can be arrested for threatening to kill politicians, overthrow the government or falsely scream "FIRE!" in a crowded movie theater to start a panic.

What's ironic? Even if JPP disappears, Lesion would probably be to blame. :rofl2:
LOL. Agreed. The First Amendment still rules even if people can be arrested for threatening to kill politicians, overthrow the government or falsely scream "FIRE!" in a crowded movie theater to start a panic.

The First Amendment doesn't limit anyone but Congress.
it was the right's dimwits who invaded and vandalized the Capital, first that has happened since 1812, and in the process the prevented the Congress from executing its Constitutional duties


Thirty-seven people were arrested from the Committee room in the Hart Senate Office Building, and charged with disorderly conduct under the D.C. Code. An additional thirty-one people were arrested from outside the hearing room, and charged with crowding, obstructing, or incommoding. One man, a Code Pink demonstrator, was arrested inside the hearing room and charged with resisting arrest, simple assault, and disruption of congress under the D.C. Code.

The First Amendment doesn't limit anyone but Congress.

That's incorrect. It limits the powers of the Federal government which, in turn, limits the powers of the States by mutual agreement.

Where the Liberals veer off the road is when they seek to violate the 10th Amendment and, more recently, the 12th.

Trump has a right to free speech. He doesn't have a right to take your megaphone and abuse it. Neither does anyone else.
LOL. Agreed. The First Amendment still rules even if people can be arrested for threatening to kill politicians, overthrow the government or falsely scream "FIRE!" in a crowded movie theater to start a panic.

You don't support the 1st amendment.
You support hate speech laws.
You think teasing women about big hands warrants an FBI investigation.
You're off your rocker gramps.
That's incorrect.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
Thanks for quoting the First Amendment. Now explain why you are shitposting about JPP.
Quotes, please.


...and you keep bragging about your balls, hands and dick. Tell it to the FBI when you see them.

Then quit whining like a dummy.


Agreed. It's a common problem with ancient texts. IMHO, it's best to look at the concept they are attempting to convey rather than the "power of the written word" being presented. I do not take any ancient texts literally. Some can be verified to a small extent, but the point seems to be conveying a way of thinking, not just saying who did what to whom.

Example. If you wanted to end racism in the civilized world, is it better to stamp it out with laws and, when necessary, force or is it better to try to teach others a way of thinking where racism is unimportant because it doesn't exist?
I've been warning poor, poor Witold about his association with RW terrorists all day long. I think he's panicking.

I've ONLY condemned the Capitol attack about 50 times.

You desperate, deluded, delusional, dumb, dipsh!t.

If anybody here is most like a terrorist it's your buddy evince.