Will JPP survive?

In terms of American principles, and the liberal vision of society that our Founders held? Yes–Everyone except progressives, and other illiberals, still thinks that way.

We're talking about Americans being able to separate falsehoods and misinformation from truth.

From what we are observing today, it doesn't seem that many Americans are capable of that.
We're talking about Americans being able to separate falsehoods and misinformation from truth.

From what we are observing today, it doesn't seem that many Americans are capable of that.

Because the Regressive Left decided that schools had to be repurposed for the Revolution, indoctrination replaced education, because people who can think for themselves and who have the courage to act for themselves are a constant threat to the Revolution...they must be neutralized ......People must be kept as ignorant as possible.
Because the Regressive Left decided that schools had to be repurposed for the Revolution, indoctrination replaced education, because people who can think for themselves and who have the courage to act for themselves are a constant threat to the Revolution...they must be neutralized ......People must be kept as ignorant as possible.

What about the Regressive Right? They decided that their brand of religion should be forced on public school students. Any other thoughts are prohibited.
What about the Regressive Right? They decided that their brand of religion should be forced on public school students. Any other thoughts are prohibited.

Victims are both the Gods and the product of the Victim Culture Cult....there must be a constant stream of victims....the requirement will of course be met one way or another.
What about the Regressive Right? They decided that their brand of religion should be forced on public school students. Any other thoughts are prohibited.

Fake News....the Left has owned the education system for almost 40 years....they are responsible for the trash that has been produced.
