Woman driving corvette 155 mph kills father of two. Liberals are silent

Guns and dangerous cars are right-wing things.
Good. You are only showing your hoplophobia and amaxaphobia.
Deciding what women can do with their bodies is too.
The human they are killing is not their own bodies, Sock.
The anti-environmentalism is right wing.
You can't blame YOUR problems on the right, Sock.
The right absolutely wants to decide people's choices.
You are describing Democrats again, Sock. You cannot project YOUR problems on anybody else.

The Church of Green wants to ban industry and force you to buy toilets that don't flush, ban incandescent light bulbs, ban oil products, ban modern farming practices, ban packaging; taking away choices.
The Church of Global Warming wants to ban industry and force you to blight the landscape with extremely expensive and ineffective solar and wind generators; taking away choices.
The Church of the Ozone Hole wants to ban refrigerants and aerosols; taking away choices.
The Church of the EV wants to ban gasoline cars and trucks; taking away choices.
The Church of Covid wants to ban travel, open commerce, and require everyone wear a mask and get injected with experimental treatments; taking away choices.
The Church of Hate wants to ban political opponents; taking away choices.

These are religions of DEMOCRATS, Sock.
Biden's 'vet won't do "200 mph," that old car would top out at about 120 to 130. While it is insanely stupid to be driving 155mph on US 60 in Tempe, the average speed on that road at 10:30 pm is usually about 75 to 85 mph. That puts her doing about double what traffic is doing which is stupid at any speed. Doing 50 when the traffic is doing 25 is no smarter than 155 vs. traffic speed of 85.

Also, when you're in the HOV lane here (in the Phoenix metro area) you better be keeping up with the fast traffic or get the hell out of that lane unless it is one of the restricted rush hour times (7am - 9 am and 3 pm to 7 pm weekdays). Any other time, it's like being in the restricted lane on the autobahn--that's where the fast movers are driving.

That stretch of highway is posted 65 mph, but NOBODY drives that slow in light traffic on it except in the very right-hand lanes. The HOV and left-hand lanes have near 100% traffic exceeding 75 mph and regularly 85 to 90 mph traffic moving in them.

Whether you like that or not, that's how it is for a big portion of the traffic on interstate-type highways in AZ of which US 60 is one. Stay well right if you're moving slow or you become a 'rock in the stream' and a hazard to traffic in general.

It would be nice of AZ did something about SR93, between Hoover Dam and Kingman. That road is in terrible shape, particularly the right lane.
I never said it was exclusive.
Yes you did, Sock.
I said more people should put aside political dogmatism in favor of freedom.
You just did it again, Sock.
If you're on the Left, that means things like guns ownership and ability to carry in public.
It is legal to own and shoot guns. It is legal to carry them in public.
If you're on the right, that means things like supporting rights to abortion and pregnancy preventing/abortion medications.
There is no right to murder your own offspring.
Multiple states have outlawed abortion medications.

How "person" is defined is the issue and generally the basis for the multiple states that seem to be working toward completely banning abortion.

It is not the issue. That fetus is a human being. It will never be a chicken, ox, monkey, insect, cat, dog, or anything else but a human being.
Murdering your own offspring is not a right.
HAHAHAHA. You are insane. Speeders kill thousands of americans every year !!!!!

Argument from randU fallacy. You cannot make up numbers and use them as 'data'.

* People who are stopped kill others.
* People that are going too slow kill others.
* People that are going too fast kill others.
* People that turn in front of oncoming traffic kill others.
* People that run red lights kill others.
* People that don't properly maintain their vehicle kill others.
* People that pass on the shoulder kill others.
* People that drive intoxicated kill others.

They often hurt or kill themselves as well.
It would be nice of AZ did something about SR93, between Hoover Dam and Kingman. That road is in terrible shape, particularly the right lane.

Hey, just be glad it's paved!

Arizona "highway" with a "rest stop!"


See, at least the state put a sign with miles to the next gas station on it...


They're taking all the fun out of it...


In Arizona, this is more a suggestion than enforced...

So? Condoms haven't been outlawed and neither has abstinence if you don't want a baby.

How is the definition of "person" relevant to the argument, "My body my choice"? A fetus isnt the woman's body.

So, as I said originally, people should prioritize freedom over political dogmatism. Banning abortion pills isn't prioritizing freedom. Is forcing "your" dogmatic views on others.
It is not the issue. That fetus is a human being. It will never be a chicken, ox, monkey, insect, cat, dog, or anything else but a human being.
Murdering your own offspring is not a right.

Right. Personhood is assigned at conception or earlier in some cases. That is the basis for disallowing abortion and/or abortion pills.
Hey, just be glad it's paved!

Arizona "highway" with a "rest stop!"


See, at least the state put a sign with miles to the next gas station on it...


They're taking all the fun out of it...


In Arizona, this is more a suggestion than enforced...


Heh. The number of bullet holes I see in signs in the desert (including AZ). Even in ones that say, "No Shooting".
Wonder how long that electronic sign lasted before a bullet went through it? :D

Yeah, at least SR93 is "paved" (it's almost gravel now). You can still go a bit faster on it than a gravel road.
Yes you did, Sock.

You just did it again, Sock.

It is legal to own and shoot guns. It is legal to carry them in public.

There is no right to murder your own offspring.

You again prove that you lack an understanding of the English language....and so prove that you don't have an understanding of the restrictive gun laws in many states.

Yes, there are people who see all abortion as murder. Those are the dogmatic views I'm referring to.
You again prove that you lack an understanding of the English language.
You are describing yourself again, Sock. You cannot project YOUR problems on anybody else. You have already demonstrated your inability to read and understand English.
...and so prove that you don't have an understanding of the restrictive gun laws in many states.
It is unconstitutional to ban or limit any gun.
Yes, there are people who see all abortion as murder.
Abortion IS murder, whether you see it or not. It is the intentional killing of a human being for convenience.
Those are the dogmatic views I'm referring to.
Not a dogmatic view. You simply do not understand or read English.
You are describing yourself again, Sock. You cannot project YOUR problems on anybody else. You have already demonstrated your inability to read and understand English.

It is unconstitutional to ban or limit any gun.

Abortion IS murder, whether you see it or not. It is the intentional killing of a human being for convenience.

Not a dogmatic view. You simply do not understand or read English.

I'm not going to be dragged into more of your nonsensical word games, tap dancing, deflecting etc. you'll have to bark ignorance and games up another tree.
He's that delusional. A 1967 Corvette featured a 367 block V8 (300hp) engine. It's top speed was 143 mph sustained (flat open straight road).

We agree on something.

Going 200 mph is quite difficult, especially in a road legal car. It was not until 1987 that we saw anything road legal production model that could go above 200 mph. It was a difficult barrier to break, and took literally half a century of work to do it.

You don't get to speak for hospitals. You only get to speak for you. Omniscience fallacy.

Not particularly. The only thing dangerous about them is the rider.

There are some peculiarities about them though, which is why most States require endorsements on your license to drive one.

* They are small, and hard for other drivers to see. A good rider must always realize that he is effectively invisible to other traffic and keep appropriate spacing.
* They are more susceptible to disturbances from road damage or debris. A good rider must always be aware of what's in front of him.
* While they have no protective cabin or enclosure, they DO have much greater maneuverability. A good rider always leaves himself an out.
* Since they have no cabin, cold or inclement weather can be a problem. Some suits are heated, complete with heated gloves, to help with this. This is why most riders are seen on the roads during warmer weather.

Any vehicle is dangerous if you are being an idiot while driving one.

Motorcycles have no seatbelts, and no safety cages to hold the passenger in anyway. That means they have an extraordinary high injury and death rate.

I have no reason to believe this motorcycle driver did anything wrong, and every reason to think the corvette driver did everything wrong. That being said, I definitely believe the motorcycle driver would have been better off had he been in a car.