Working class white men very angery...

When Trump says, "Make America Great Again", what do you think he is referring to?

What time in our history was America better?

We were an independent, financially strong country with savings backing up our currency and we ran a trade surplus.

We weren't 18 trillion dollars in debt
You will support him once he is officially the Republican nominee, regardless of if you will admit it or not.

You and your fellow Marxists .. including the red muffin over in England who can't vote here, are scared to death of Trump.

This is how I know that the populist Trump, who is winning in metropolitan areas and rural areas alike .. doesn't matter where, has an excellent chance to beat Hillary in the general and you all know it.
back in the good ole beat your wife to death days and hang your next door neighbors son from a tree because hes black days

We men weren't beating our wives .. you stupid, race card playing moron.

You're as queer as a three dollar bill. You dream of being a man.
That's why he wants to deport all the illegals because none of them want entitlements and nobody in the democratic voting blocs want them either.

You're as dumb as Desh. Social security, medicare and the military make up well over half our budget. You want to lower the national debt reform entitlements. Trump said they are off limits.