Working class white men very angery...


This is the type of shit we must be strong against and overcome. This is the card they always play.

The left, including lawyers, are knee jerk groups comprised of group think Neo Marxists. I'm not sorry but that is what they are.
Please explain yourself. Who's using racial identity politics, you or me?

You can't keep playing the race card on working americans.

When Trump says, "Make America Great Again", what do you think he is referring to?

What time in our history was America better?
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This is the type of shit we must be strong against and overcome. This is the card they always play.

The left, including lawyers, are knee jerk groups comprised of group think Neo Marxists. I'm not sorry but that is what they are.

Since you don't know what a Marxist is, and since racists desperately want to ban any reference to racism, what do you see as the value of your contribution to anyone not already brainwashed?
Since you don't know what a Marxist is, and since racists desperately want to ban any reference to racism, what do you see as the value of your contribution to anyone not already brainwashed?

As Desh would say a Marxist is one who hates their fellow humans and is evil
A time when people didn't expect the government to do everything for them.

Oh, so you mean now? Then we don't need him... we already are Great!

Seriously, name the time that America was greater than it is?
Oh, so you mean now? Then we don't need him... we already are Great!

Seriously, name the time that America was greater than it is?

When more than 1/3 of Americans are on welfare, that isn't great. Hate to break it to you but someone relying on taxpayers to do for them what they should, at the very least, be doing for themselves, things aren't great.

I named it. That you disagree is your problem. That you think more than 100 million people on welfare is a good thing proves you're an idiot.
because we are a great country when evil fucks like you are kept from lying to and cheating the people

We will return to being as great as we once were when freeloaders like you start providing for yourself instead of expecting taxpayers to do it for you.