Working class white men very angery...

When more than 1/3 of Americans are on welfare, that isn't great. Hate to break it to you but someone relying on taxpayers to do for them what they should, at the very least, be doing for themselves, things aren't great.

I named it. That you disagree is your problem. That you think more than 100 million people on welfare is a good thing proves you're an idiot.

We are not perfect, but we are Great.... and 1/3rd of Americans are not on welfare.
back in the good ole beat your wife to death days and hang your next door neighbors son from a tree because hes black days
back in the good ole beat your wife to death days and hang your next door neighbors son from a tree because hes black days

Back to the days when if you needed help, you'd ask not if you wanted something I earned you get the government to force others to provide it to you.

Back to the days when people used proper grammar and spelling while not making excuses because they are too stupid to do it properly.
Back to the days when if you needed help, you'd ask not if you wanted something I earned you get the government to force others to provide it to you.

Back to the days when people used proper grammar and spelling while not making excuses because they are too stupid to do it properly.



Are you saying today's time where people expect the government to do for them what they should be doing for themselves is good? Are you claiming 110 million freeloaders on social welfare is a good thing? A simple yes or no to those questions will suffice. Do you have the guts to accept that challenge?
Back to the days when if you needed help, you'd ask not if you wanted something I earned you get the government to force others to provide it to you.

Is the statement above an example of using proper grammar and spelling while not making excuses because they are too stupid to do it properly?

Back to the days when people used proper grammar and spelling while not making excuses because they are too stupid to do it properly.