Working class white men very angery...

If his white neighbour isn't racist, then they are an utter moron. His neighbour also strikes me as an obnoxious busybody.

Because she called the cops when it looked like someone might be trying to break in to a neighbors house? That's interesting.

I think a racist would be less inclined to call the cops if they thought their black neighbor was getting burglarized. Since when do actual racists care about their black neighbors?
Black Lives Matter started out as a group giving voice to a perception of racially motivated acts of aggression by police. It has grown into a group who uses it as a means to intimidate, and themselves be violent. They are in reality an angry mob of haters. Morre racist than any of those they point fingers at. Bigoted ignoramuses equal to Trump and his ilk in their rhetoric.
Black Lives Matter started out as a group giving voice to a perception of racially motivated acts of aggression by police. It has grown into a group who uses it as a means to intimidate, and themselves be violent. They are in reality an angry mob of haters. Morre racist than any of those they point fingers at. Bigoted ignoramuses equal to Trump and his ilk in their rhetoric.

Are you saying that BLM = Trump?
The white privilege myth of the left.

The white male remains right in the cross hairs of leftists like Jarod. It's their mythical yarn in order to justify their wealth redistribution agenda.
Black Lives Matter started out as a group giving voice to a perception of racially motivated acts of aggression by police. It has grown into a group who uses it as a means to intimidate, and themselves be violent. They are in reality an angry mob of haters. Morre racist than any of those they point fingers at. Bigoted ignoramuses equal to Trump and his ilk in their rhetoric.

With 'perception' being the key concept.

Trump supporters vary from people concerned about jobs and trade; the 'middle finger to the establishment' types; fans of political incorrectness; supporters of actual borders; supporters of upholding immigration laws; the 'I'm not voting for the democrats no matter who they put up' group.

Have we gotten to race yet? No. There's no comparison between the BLM and Trump or his supporters. The left and the media can't keep themselves from trying to compare Trump with past fascists even as BLM and other hardcore leftist groups are putting actual fascism into practice.

Hitler and his minions were bad about using violence---and the threat of violence, to shut down debate. He boasted about it in his book.
The white privilege myth of the left.

The white male remains right in the cross hairs of leftists like Jarod. It's their mythical yarn in order to justify their wealth redistribution agenda.

I understand to you it feels like that because you are so used to your advantage over minorities, not having that advantage feels like others are attacking you, but the fact is that this is what it feels like to be on a level, or more level than it used to be, playing field.
It was dumb but it was also instructional about Obama. He's a racialist---he reads race into issues where it only exists in his imagination. Maybe it was all those years listening to Rev. Wright.

It is because he is a bloody black and should be back in the cotton fields, hey, not noticing the whip?
I understand to you it feels like that because you are so used to your advantage over minorities, not having that advantage feels like others are attacking you, but the fact is that this is what it feels like to be on a level, or more level than it used to be, playing field.

They even teach that crap in the military now.

And people wonder why it's like we're reliving the 60's again in race relations.
After a black man was dragged out of one of his rallies —getting sucker-punched by a white man on his way out—Trump looked out at the jeering, seething, booing crowd in front of him.

“Nasty, nasty!” he said.

A plaintive look came over Trump’s face.

“Why are they allowed to do things that we’re not allowed to do, can you explain that to me?” he said fretfully, pointing his right index finger upward and jouncing his hand up and down. “Really a disgrace.”

It was a potent summary of the identity politics that seem to form a significant part of Trump’s appeal: the idea that they, the others, enjoy privileges, resources, and status to which we are denied access.

It is a sentiment I have repeatedly heard from the dozens of Trump supporters I have met over the past eight months I have spent covering his campaign.

More complicated than the overt bigotry of, say, the Ku Klux Klan, it is a form of racial resentment based on historic white entitlement.

I was with Trump in Alabama and Georgia last month, in the days after he caused an uproar by briefly declining to disavow the support offered to him by David Duke. When I asked his fans about it, they repeatedly brought up the Black Lives Matter movement, asserting that politicians should be pressed to denounce all race-based agitators, not just those representing white people. Why are they allowed to do things that we’re not allowed to do?

“Democrats won’t renounce hate groups like Black Lives Matter, which are just as extreme on the other side as the Klan,” Randy Lawson, a 48-year-old business owner in Moulton, Alabama, told me.

“The Black Panthers stood outside voting booths and turned people away and the administration didn't prosecute them,” said Clayton Burns, who owns a timber company in Tifton, Georgia. “For Barack Obama to side with the Black Panthers would be like my president siding with the KKK. The outspoken racial groups, the media doesn't ask Hillary or Bernie to disavow them.”

“It used to be majority rules, but now just one or two people get to decide for everyone,” said Jan Brice, a 62-year-old who works at a retirement community in rural Georgia. “Look at what's happening with the Oscars, with the government contractors—it's reverse discrimination. People shouldn't be hired because of that.”

Trump’s supporters have told me that minorities commit crimes with impunity, that illegal immigrants get benefits at higher rates than Americans, that gays and Muslims are afforded "special status" by the government.

They lament that Confederate symbols, and the people whose heritage they represent, are sidelined.

They hear, incessantly, on talk radio and the Internet, that they are under attack by the emboldened legions of minorities who, in the age of Obama, seek reparations and race war.

Trump’s supporters see their social status slipping at others’ expense in what they perceive to be a zero-sum game.
I understand to you it feels like that because you are so used to your advantage over minorities, not having that advantage feels like others are attacking you, but the fact is that this is what it feels like to be on a level, or more level than it used to be, playing field.

Oh I was born with a white spoon in my mouth winning life's lottery at birth. This is the essence of you on the left, egalitarianism. Equal outcome instead of equal opportunity. You are of the collective racial mindset immediately identifying the white working middle class as privileged and not earning themselves better lives through hard work.

You speak of no level playing field. You instead speak of a score card with a tie and no winner except a ruling class overseeing a working class.

Enter Donald Trump the messenger.
Enter Donald Trump the messenger.
